Together with Bai Feng, including the white bird that was stepping on his feet, the body was completely wrapped by the terrifying gravity in an instant, and it was subjected to unparalleled suppression and shock.

It's just like……

A towering mountain suddenly fell from the sky and bombarded their bodies.


Like an unshakable huge mountain, it hit Bai Feng's body swiftly.

Within the scope of this terrifying gravity suppression.

The bigger the body, the more terrifying the gravity it bears.


The white bird under Baifeng's feet can bear dozens of times the gravity of Baifeng's body!



Gravity pressed down.

The white giant bird, overwhelmed by this terrifying gravitational rippling, began to fall rapidly from the sky, unable to even flap its wings.

Like a meteor falling from the sky!


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The huge bird slammed down from the sky, and in less than a breath, it smashed onto the surface of the ground, causing a burst of wanton flying dust.


The whole earth seemed to tremble under this violent vibration.

The soil crumbled and cracked.

Some gravel on the ground also trembled.


A sharp and piercing bird screeching scream resounded through the sky.

This is a painful cry!

From a height of tens of meters, it was crushed to the ground under the pressure of unparalleled gravity. This huge bird was considered to be damaged by smashing its internal organs.

In just one face-to-face, the whole bird was hit **** the spot!

After a heavy fall from a height of tens of meters, and the repressive influence of the external force, after the bird fell, the body claimed to have received an unprecedented painful trauma.  …

A burst of tingling sensation spread to its internal organs, causing it to groan in uncontrollable pain, and bursts of screams came out.

When the bird was betting quickly, a large array of white feathers were stripped from its body due to the terrifying tear of gravity.

I see.

Pieces of white feathers, like snow-white snowflakes, turned into sharp knives from a high altitude, falling rapidly under the influence of terrible gravity.



One after another feathers, like sharp blades pierced into the cracks in the ground.

And at the same time as the bird suddenly fell.

Bai Feng, who was on the back of a bird, was naturally also deeply affected.

The target of this terrifying gravity is not only birds, but also Baifeng!

When the gravity suppressed Bai Feng's body, his complexion underwent an unprecedented change, and the originally gloomy face became even more frightened and horrified.

Everything seems to be caught off guard!


Bai Feng obviously could not have dreamed of it.

The body will suddenly be under the suppression of such terrifying gravity!

Bai Feng had never heard of such bizarre tricks in his life.


He also has absolutely no psychological defenses.

When the huge bird smashed to the ground, Bai Feng, relying on his strong innate energy, slightly offset part of the gravity suppression.


He reluctantly stepped down from a high altitude and landed smoothly, but when he landed, his figure was particularly embarrassed, his knees were slightly bent, and he almost fell to the ground with one knee.

After staggering violently, Bai Feng gritted his teeth and forcibly stabilized his body.

beside him.

The huge bird had already slammed into the ground, smashing the ground into a huge, hideous pit.

Around the deep pit, cracks and cracks spread in all directions, and the dense traces are like spider webs, which are dense and creepy.

The original white feathers of the bird were affected by a lot of injuries, and the spilled blood quickly infected and soaked the snow-white feathers.

It is astounding!

Scalp tingling!

In the blink of an eye.

The huge bird was covered in blood and lay dying on the ground.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Bai Feng's mood at the moment was shocked, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

His eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, and he didn't pay too much attention to the dying giant bird next to him, but focused all his attention on Ying Changge.

He admits.

This is definitely the most bizarre battle he has ever experienced in his life.

He didn't see the opponent make a move the whole time.

But all of a sudden, the power that the other party burst out crushed his body in an instant.

as far as...

Even the birds under his feet fell from the sky, and the severely injured were dying.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Feng couldn't figure it out.

What kind of ability is this? !

Why can it have such a strange and terrifying power?

Simply overwhelming!

Invisibly, it endows the human body with such a terrifying suppression!

Who can stop this?

"This kid..."

"Not ordinary strong!"

"Besides, he also possesses a very terrifying martial art!"

Bai Feng thought with lingering fears.

The pressure of 4.9 gravity blowing from all directions makes Bai Feng's current body still very heavy.

Even the Qing Gong, which he has always been proud of, cannot fully display it under such circumstances.

No matter how weak the skill is, when faced with such a situation, one will fall into a predicament.

And now Bai Feng is like this.

"My Qinggong has been severely restricted!"


Bai Feng's heart sank slightly.

What he is most proud of is naturally his lightness and speed.

Known as the king of speed!

Light power crowns the world!

But when light work and speed are severely limited.


His strength will be greatly weakened in an all-round way!

At that time, it may be far inferior to the ordinary innate mid-term.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng's mood became heavier and heavier.

He looked at Ying Changge with more and more fear and fear.

this moment.

He no longer dared to treat Ying Changge as a blind man.

"So young, with such terrifying and strange abilities?"

"What a terrifying existence!"

"It seems that the Quicksand Organization is really not good at giving the empire a disservice this time."

"Originally, I was going to give the empire's power..."

"But now it seems."

"It's still uncertain who gave whom to dispose of it."

"Instead, it's more like the disarming power that the empire brought to our Quicksand Organization!"

After the terrifying incident just now, the pressure in Bai Feng's heart became more and more intense.

I thought.

As the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, he can easily shock the elite of the empire's iron cavalry, thus giving the empire a dismount.


In the empire, there is still a hidden existence with such terrifying strength!

As such.

The Quicksand Organization still wants to give the Empire a disservice?

This is not a simple thing!

By comparison.

Bai Feng was more inclined in his heart.

At this moment.

Their quicksand organization may become the target of the empire's strong prestige! .

Chapter 128 The mentality collapsed! Completely doubt life! 【4/7 ask for custom】

"This this……"

"what's the situation?!"

not far. The Blue Wolf King stared at the changes on the battlefield in astonishment.

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