Simply powerful!

Bai Feng always felt it.

The fight against Ying Changge is even more stressful than the fight against the two Wei Zhuang!

This discovery made Bai Feng bewildered.


He exhaled heavily, and Bai Feng eased his stressful mood.


He attacked without hesitation.

The six avatars of Feng Wu's six illusions launched a dead-end attack on Ying Changge at the same time.

In all aspects, from all angles, launched a rapid attack on Ying Changge!

And Bai Feng's every move, under Ying Changge's perfect insight and domineering insight, has no way to hide.

"' 〃 Choose to fight to the death?"

"Courage is commendable and commendable."


"It's still pointless!"

Ying Changge shook his head.

The six white phoenixes of the phoenix dance and the six illusions launched a siege against Ying Changge from the front, back, left and right, above the head and other places, with almost no loopholes.

Actually, it's just an illusion.

And the real white phoenix...

It has always been under the domineering insight of Ying Changge's perfect class.


When the clones launched an attack, Ying Changge ignored these clones, but directly aimed at Bai Feng's real body, and a terrifying gravity burst out.

"Gravity · Vientiane Tianyin!"

An extremely surging gravity turned into a gravitational force, bursting out from between Ying Changge's right palm, forming a huge adsorption on Bai Feng's true body.


The unparalleled adsorption force completely wrapped Bai Feng's body, making his original attempt to make a surprise stop abruptly and forcibly aborted.

When he felt the terrifying gravitational force sweeping his body, his face changed dramatically, and he stared at Ying Changge with horror: "What kind of trick is this?!"

What is the means?

Can it actually affect your body?

Suck on your body?

This kind of trick is simply unheard of!

Before Bai Feng could react, his body suddenly rose into the air.

This shocked Bai Feng.

what's the situation? !

Uncontrollably take off and fly upside down?

real or fake?

Isn't this an illusion?

What tricks did this monster use?

He was able to absorb his body to where he was!

Bai Feng's mind became particularly chaotic at this moment.

He was bewildered.

He couldn't help but doubt his life.

What exactly is going on?

Can anyone explain.

Why did my body suddenly fly upside down uncontrollably?

"you you!"

Bai Feng widened his eyes and looked at Ying Changge with fear.

He believed.

All of this must be caused by the Ying Changge in front of him.

It's getting closer!

In just an instant, the phoenix dance and the six illusions were completely cracked by the song!

The six clones were reunited, leaving only Bai Feng's real body floating in mid-air, pulled and attracted by the terrifying gravity that erupted from Ying Changge.

"Just for a moment..."

"Just saw through my phoenix dance six illusions? Forcibly crack my phoenix dance six illusions?!"

"Well, how is this possible?"

Bai Feng was shocked.

The things that shocked him happened one after another at this moment.

He couldn't even think of it himself.

His strongest trick, Fengwu Liuhuan, was cracked so easily.

All of this overturned Bai Feng's cognition.

His confidence completely collapsed.

The phoenix dance and the six illusions, which he was most proud of, suffered a fate that was cracked in an instant.

This naturally made Bai Feng unbelievable.

His phoenix dance and six illusions should have been incomprehensible!


But it was still broken!

It was the blind young man in front of him.

Just one face-to-face, directly disintegrating the phoenix dance six illusions he was proud of!

this moment.

Bai Feng couldn't help but completely doubt life.

"and also……"

"What kind of power is this pulling my body upside down?"

"This monster is too terrifying and outrageous!"

"How on earth did he do it?!"

"What kind of martial arts is this?!"

Bai Feng was terrified.

He stared at the infinitely enlarged Ying Changge in his eyes.

He tried to struggle.

Try to use the innate qi to dissolve the force that pulls your body.

But it makes no sense!

This power is not under his control!

Not to be resisted by him!

Bai Feng briefly lost control over his body.

Just an instant.

Bai Feng's body was attracted by the Vientiane Sky that erupted from Ying Changge, and was attracted to the area less than half a meter in front of him.


While Bai Feng was still in a state of shock and confusion, before he could react. Ying Changge immediately used his right hand without hesitation, directly strangling Bai Feng's neck.

With just one hand, the opponent was firmly imprisoned between the palms.

to this number.

The white phoenix, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dignified Quicksand Organization...

He was captured by Ying Changge with one hand on the spot! .

Chapter 130 Shocked! The world view collapsed! Psychological shadow was hit! 【6/7 ask for custom】


Bai Feng tried to struggle.

Being strangled by his neck, he no longer had the graceful posture he had before. Instead, he looked very embarrassed, his face flushed red, and his qi and blood rushed to his forehead.

this moment.

His head was buzzing, and his thoughts became a mess.

The struggling body, hands and feet swayed constantly, showing Bai Feng's embarrassed posture, but he was unable to break free from it.

The top powerhouse of the dignified Xiantian mid-term cultivation base was tragically captured by one hand and killed in seconds.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to imagine it?

The powerhouse in the mid-Xiantian period seemed to be a chick in Ying Changge's hands.

The current Bai Feng is just a little chick, who was strangled by Ying Changge's neck with one hand and could not break free.

"My dignified quicksand organization, the white phoenix, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings..."

"How could it fall like this?!"

Bai Feng was deeply shocked and angry.

Of course he couldn't even dream of it.

One day, he will encounter such embarrassing things.

Killed by someone strangling the neck with one hand!

What a shame!

Of course Bai Feng couldn't accept all this.

He is a white phoenix!

The top killer who makes countless martial arts practitioners in the world feel terrified!

"Damn it!"

"What kind of monster is this kid?"

Bai Feng's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Ying Changge hideously.

He found.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Ying Changge's palm.

The neck is being pinched more and more tightly!

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