"Do not make jokes!"

"Juggernaut Gai Nie is a real master of martial arts. How many levels are there from the master of martial arts in the mid-Xiantian cultivation realm?"

"Just relying on the cultivation level of the middle stage of the innate, can you hit the swordsman Gai Nie? This is a joke!"

"Not to mention the middle stage of the innate, even in the late stage of the innate and the consummation of the innate, it is by no means the enemy of the Sword Saint Gai Nie!"

Bai Feng sneered, disapproving.

"Isn't the information and intelligence of your Quicksand Organization always well-informed?"

"Why don't you even know this news?"

Ying Changge looked weird.

The Quicksand Organization, as a first-class killer organization in the rivers and lakes, is naturally very powerful in intelligence capabilities.

Although the intelligence network of the Quicksand Organization is far inferior to that of the Empire's snare organization, it is by no means an ordinary person.

some time ago.

The news that Sword Saint Gai Nie was seriously injured in Xianyang City was raging, and it was impossible for the intelligence network organized by Quicksand to be ignorant of this.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Feng frowned and fell into contemplation.

He thought of it.

A message occasionally learned by the front-end time.

Sword Saint Gai Nie escapes from Xianyang City with suspected serious injuries...

Recalling the various remarks Ying Changge made just now.

this moment.

Bai Feng seemed to have thought of an extremely terrifying guess.

His pupils shrank, and he looked at Ying Changge with a shocked face: "Don't you want to tell me. Some time ago, the culprit that caused the swordsman Genie to escape from Xianyang City..."

"It's you?!"

The words just fell.

Before waiting for Ying Changge to respond, Bai Feng quickly shook his head to reject it.

Do not!


This must be fake!

How strong is the Sword Saint Genie?

This is a powerful existence that Lord Wei Zhuang has never defeated in his life!

As you can imagine.

How strong is Genie!


How could such a powerful sword sage Genie be beaten by a blind young man in his weak crown?

This is absolutely impossible!

In any case, Bai Feng couldn't accept this shocking incident.

not to mention.

Or rely on the cultivation realm in the middle of the innate to defeat Gai Nie!

This is even more impossible.

Facing Bai Feng who was full of shock and disbelief, Ying Changge didn't explain too much, but changed the subject to Bai Feng.

"Come on, please take us to meet Mr. Weichuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization."

Finished talking.

Ying Changge took a step and returned to the place where Li Si and the others were.

at the same time.

With just one thought, he completely retracted this terrifying field of gravity into his body.


The terrifying gravitational force spread over a radius of hundreds of meters in a circle disappeared without a trace.

Losing the suppression of gravity, Bai Feng's body returned to its original state, and his speed would naturally not be restricted in any way.


"This monster..."

"It's too scary!"

"And all the things he just said."

"Could it be true?"

Bai Feng looked at Ying Changge's back deeply, his eyes couldn't contain the strong emotions such as palpitations, panic, and fear.

Ying Changge's terrifyingness was etched into his bones, making Bai Feng feel terrified.


Bai Feng was cast into a psychological shadow by Ying Changge!

"no, I can not!"

"In this world, it is impossible for someone to cross so many realms and defeat a martial arts master from the front!"

"Not to mention..."

"Juggernaut Gai Nie is still the top powerhouse among martial arts masters!"

"Even if this monster is strong, it is absolutely impossible to do such a shocking act."

Bai Feng forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.


He took a step and followed Ying Changge.

With extreme shock and fear, Bai Feng followed Ying Changge all the way to the empire's camp.

Bai Feng couldn't let go of what Ying Changge said just now.


He found the opportunity again and asked Ying Changge, "Is everything you said just now true?"

Hearing this, Ying Changge smiled and asked: "What do you mean? You mean, I never break through to the late stage of the innate martial artist for half a month? Or, I rely on the middle stage of the innate to defeat the sword saint Gai. Nie thing?"

Bai Feng's throat was dry: "Could it be that all of these are true?"

this moment.

No need for Ying Changge to respond.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others who were beside him all looked at Bai Feng.

Their eyes were weird, and their tone was full of seriousness and seriousness: "Don't you think that my son would lie about this kind of thing?"

"Is this necessary?"

"With my son's strength and prominence, there is no need to lie!"

Meng Ying expressed disdain for Bai Feng's questioning.

What is my son's identity?

Need to lie?


The Blue Wolf King, who was beside him, was also dumbfounded.


what's going on?

This monster not only defeated the Sword Saint Genie!

Or even rely on the cultivation realm of the mid-innate? !

be nice...

real or fake?

Even more terrifying.

It only took half a month for this monster to turn from an ordinary mortal to a powerhouse of this level?

How is this possible?

The wolf king was stunned.

He couldn't help but recall.

Over the years, he has spent sleepless nights forgetting food and constantly working hard to cultivate, so that he has the cultivation realm of today's first-class warrior.

Compare again.

The terrifying monster in front of him, in just half a month, has easily reached the extremely high level that he could not have achieved in his life!

Such a sharp contrast made the Blue Wolf King almost doubt his life.

this world...

How could there be such a monster?

And let no one live?

How can people like us live?

Contrasted with this monster, aren't we just trash?

"Strange, monster!"

The Blue Wolf King stared blankly at Ying Changge, his mentality completely collapsed.

at this time.

After listening to the remarks of Li Si, Meng Ying and others, Bai Feng was stunned.

He widened his eyes.

No way?

Is all this true?

Bai Feng's throat was dry, and she stared at Li Si, then turned to Meng Ying.

Li Si, the dignified prime minister, don't need to deliberately exaggerate, right?


Is all this true?

how can that be? !

There is such a monster in this world?

Half a month into the late congenital stage?

Bai Feng thought about his situation.

How many years did it take him to accumulate the cultivation realm in the middle stage of the innate?

Ten years of accumulation!

It took more than ten years for him to barely reach the middle stage of the innate.


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