How strong will the opponent's strength be to 05?

Even Bai Feng, who had full confidence in Wei Zhuang, felt subconsciously.

If the two play against each other, Wei Zhuang is very likely to lose!

This is by no means alarmist.

But Bai Feng came to a conclusion after calm analysis.


This conclusion is based on the premise that Ying Changge and others did not lie.

"That's a monster!"

"You actually tried to take the initiative to provoke a monster?"

"I really don't know who gave you the courage and courage?"

"Is it because you have been sheltered by Lord Wei Zhuang over the years, do you think you can no longer fear the world? Chi Lian, you are courting death!"

Bai Feng was furious and panicked.

Since he couldn't persuade him, he didn't have any more good words to persuade him.

He only hoped.

After a while, don't let things go too far.

after all.

He doesn't think so.

Their quicksand organization can really stop the elite cavalry of this empire!


Among the elites of the empire's iron cavalry, there is also a terrifying monster!

A powerful existence that may even be the strongest of their Quicksand organization, Wei Zhuang, who cannot be shaken!

"It's over, it's over!"

"It's killing you!"

"Self-inflicted sin, can't live..."

"Bless yourself."

"Don't expect us to save you. The point is, we can't save you either."

Bai Feng sighed in his heart.

He and the Blue Wolf King no longer advised each other.

Because of the deep worry in her heart, Bai Feng looked at Ying Changge and couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "She is not malicious, please don't take it to heart, Seventh Young Master."

Hearing this, Ying Changge nodded: "I know."


Bai Feng exhaled softly, and his tense mood eased a little.

If that's the case, then he can rest assured.


One after another poisonous snakes approached frantically, surrounding Ying Changge's few people.

rip rip~

The poisonous snake spun frantically, and a pair of slender and cold eyes stared at Ying Changge.

Success or failure of thousands of poisonous snakes, colorful, showing countless colors in the sun.

The hordes of snakes are creepy and chilling.

There are too many!

Snakes are densely packed, madly emerging from all directions like ants.

This scene made Meng Ying, who had been following Ying Changge, deeply terrified. Her hands and feet were cold, her scalp was numb, and goose bumps rose all over her body.

Seeing that Ying Changge was still indifferent, Chi Lian felt a little suspicious.

"This guy……"

"Is it really as terrifying as Bai Feng said?"

"Why doesn't it look like it?"


"How can a mere blind man be compared with Lord Wei Zhuang?"

"This is a big joke!"

Chi Lian thought.

Control the group of snakes and keep approaching where Ying Changge is.


Aware of the shrinking range of the snake group, Li Si looked at Ying Changge.

Li Si has always trusted Ying Changge.

He believed.

Such a small scene.

For his own son, it is definitely just a trivial matter that can be easily solved.


"Who wants to test my depth and depth?"

"It's really annoying!"

"In that case..."

"Then this time, I will leave a deep impression on you!"

"Let you make an indelible impression in your life!"

Ying Changge's perfect-level sight-seeing look is domineering and can clearly see the movement of the snakes approaching.

Within a radius of more than 100 meters, any disturbance could not escape his detection.

These snakes are naturally no exception!

Just in plain sight.

Ying Changge's mind moved.


An extremely surging and terrifying congenital true qi surged from the dantian in the abdomen to the body and limbs, and then turned into an invisible air wave and exploded out in an all-round way.

The invisible air wave, with an extremely terrifying gravitational influence, swept the area within a radius of 30 meters in an instant.

Just for a moment.

Ying Changge motivated the Gravity Fruit!

"Gravity Hell Brigade!"

Gravity exploded at this moment!

Within a radius of 30 meters, all the snake groups were wrapped in this terrifying gravity.


The entire earth was sunken several centimeters deep, and it was subjected to the impact of unparalleled terrifying force, causing the ground to collapse collectively.

at the same time.

As Ying Changge exploded with gravity, surrounding his body in all directions, within a radius of 30 meters, the gravity here was freely controlled by him.

Just a thought.

Where the snake group was, the gravity was manipulated to the extreme by Ying Changge.

A thought fell.


Gravity burst!

Hundreds of thousands of colorful poisonous snakes were completely enveloped by this terrifying gravity.

Gravity soared hundreds of times!


Visible to the naked eye...

All of these silk-spinning poisonous snakes were suppressed by extremely terrifying forces in an instant, causing their bodies to suddenly fall to the ground without moving.

The poisonous snake that had protruded the front of its body suddenly fell to the ground, like a dead snake, paralyzed on the ground and lost control of its body.

The unprecedented terrifying gravity suppressed their bodies, causing their originally cold and emotionless pupils to flash with a thick color of fear.

They started to panic.


Heart-piercing fear!

Even the fearless group of snakes was suppressed by this terrifying gravitational force, creating a sense of fear.

The instinctual crisis response from the body makes them want to quickly evacuate the scene.

But they can't do it!

Their bodies were suppressed by gravity, as if they were being suppressed by a towering mountain.

Their bodies couldn't move an inch.

All of them seemed to have been killed in seconds, motionless.

this moment.

The atmosphere has become even more eerie!


The whole place was silent!

In just an instant, the fate of thousands of snakes was tragically killed!

This scene is extremely shocking.

Just a few breaths...

All these snakes seemed to be ready to die.

"This this……"

Chi Lian's pink lips moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes were wide and round.

She was simply stunned.

A strong sense of shock poured into her heart in an instant, making it impossible for her to describe the mood at the moment in words.

what happened? !

what happened?

Why was the snake group killed in an instant?

Chi Lian couldn't figure it out.

She dared not even dream of imagining the shocking scene that happened in front of her.


Simply subverting perception!

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