Sharktooth has been out of Wei Zhuang's control, and he can't control the trajectory and direction of Sharktooth himself, so naturally he can't forcibly stop the Baibu Feijian.

He couldn't even dream of it.

Someone actually wanted to block the Baibu Feijian from the front empty-handed!

Must be a lunatic!

Only a lunatic would dare to do that!

Simply insane!


Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed and he stared at Ying Changge, his mood was full of shock and heaviness.

He had a hunch.

The Seventh Young Master in front of him may be reduced to a cold corpse on the spot!

His throat was sealed by a hundred-step flying sword!

at the same time.

Not only did Wei Zhuang have such thoughts, but even Bai Feng, Chi Lian and others also had similar views.

"Is the seventh son crazy?"

"Master Wei Zhuang's hundred-step flying sword, he actually wanted to try to block the interception with his bare hands?"

"It's unbelievable!"

"This is courting death!"

Bai Feng and Canglang Wang were dumbfounded.

"Two Forty Zero"

They were taken aback by Ying Changge's daring actions.

"This is a hundred-step flying sword..."

"One of the two great secrets of the ghost valley lineage!"

"How dare he block it with his bare hands?"

Chi Lian was also stunned.

In their eyes, it has also been predicted.

Seventh son, I am afraid that he will be killed on the spot.

"No matter how strong he is, it is still impossible to block Lord Wei Zhuang's hundred-step flying sword with his bare hands, right?"

"What the **** was he thinking?"

The three of Quicksand were deeply puzzled.

the other side.

Li Si was also shocked.

"Empty, empty-handed?!"

"Empty-handed trying to block Weizhuang's hundred-step flying sword head-on? This ghost valley trick?"

"No way?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

Li Si was dumbfounded.


Shao Siming's beautiful eyes flickered.

There is an example of Ying Changge's empty-handed squeezing the star soul and gathering qi into a blade.


She did not show much gaffe about Ying Changge's astonishing feat of trying to block the Baibu Feijian head-on.

Even Star Soul's qi-gathering blade has been crushed by empty hands.

in this way.

Is it really impossible to intercept the hundred-step flying sword head-on with bare hands?

Do not!

Very likely!

"Master Xiangguo, please rest assured."

"Young Master, he never does anything he is not sure about."

"You have to keep your eyes open for the next thing."

"My son..."

"It's invincible!"

"Hundred-step Flying Sword? Not to mention the Hundred-step Flying Sword that Wei Zhuang used. Even the one-hundred-step Flying Sword that was used by the world's No. 1 Swordsman, Gai Nie, was once intercepted by the young master with his bare hands!"

"And it was unscathed all the way! It's almost effortless to stop!"


"Master Xiangguo doesn't need to worry about your son."

Seeing the worry and consternation on Li Si's face, Meng Ying couldn't help but lower her voice to explain.

"What, what?!"

"Even the Hundred-step Flying Sword cast by Sword Saint Gai Nie was intercepted by the young master with his bare hands?!"

"Oh my God!"

"This this!"

"It's terrible!"

Li Si was shocked.

this moment.

He looked at the battlefield ahead, and his eyes had changed dramatically.

in the battlefield.

The shark teeth are getting closer!

The sharp sword energy pierced the sky and penetrated the sky.

The shocking edge swept through every corner in all directions.

The crimson sword qi lingered around the sharp blade of the shark tooth, and a black dragon wrapped around the sword body. From time to time, bursts of dragon roars erupted, deafening, and exuding terrifying coercion.

The hundred-step flying sword that Gai Nie released was a white dragon.

And Wei Zhuang's hundred-step flying sword is a black dragon!

Compared to Gai Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword, Wei Zhuang's is obviously much inferior.

The pure destructive power is far from Genie's hundred-step flying sword.



The shark teeth wrapped the world-shattering power of the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, and the burst of sword energy produced waves of air, squeezing the space where it passed, twisting and trembling.

A sharp sword energy rushed towards Ying Changge's face with a terrifying airflow, rolling his hair and clothes fluttering in the wind.


Close at hand!

Only half a meter away, the shark teeth would hit Ying Changge's body.

But at this moment.

Between Ying Changge's right palm, an extremely terrifying gravitational aura erupted.

The innate innate energy gathered in the palm of the whole body, transformed into terrifying gravity, and then swept the shark teeth attacking in front, bursting out terrifying gravity repulsion.

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Taking Ying Changge's body as the center point, the terrifying gravity turned into an endless shock wave, and the back row exploded in all directions.


The shock wave brought by the unparalleled gravity forcefully smashed the soil under Ying Changge's feet and collapsed it.



The ground beneath his feet shattered.

The cracks from the cracks spread in all directions, densely packed like spider webs, and completely collapsed by the shock wave.

Ying Changge's figure also fell.

The explosive force of gravity, carrying a very terrifying shock wave, crushed everything around it into powder.

The sound of the ground cracking, there were bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds.

Immediately after.

All the flowers, plants and trees in the four directions were forcibly crushed into pieces by the shock wave erupted by Ying Changge, which were scattered and danced in the sky.

As the air flow of the shock wave erupted, countless wreckage flew in the sky, and were directly impacted and scattered farther into the sky, which looked extraordinarily messy.

Where Ying Changge was located, the entire earth was bombarded with a depression that fell, forming a terrifying circular deep pit that was about half a meter deep.

The diameter is nearly ten meters. With the place where Ying Changge stood as the center point, the entire earth is deeply sunken, and it looks particularly terrifying.

at the same time.

When Ying Changge broke out this gravitational repulsion, the shark teeth that were about to reach the body were forcibly intercepted by this force half a meter in front of him.

The shark teeth, which contained the terrifying power of the Hundred-step Flying Sword and the sword energy, were subjected to an extremely strong repulsive force and were abruptly blocked and hovered in mid-air.


Shark teeth burst out with a terrifying force shock, trying to resist the gravitational repulsion that erupted from Ying Changge's body and cut it off.

The two forces collided and rubbed each other, and the shock wave generated became more and more terrifying.


The shark teeth rubbed against the terrifying gravity in the air, as if a burst of fire flickered.

The weird thing is...

The shark tooth obviously didn't hit anything at all.

It was blocked out of thin air!

This scene is especially weird and creepy.

No one dared to imagine.

Before Shark Teeth didn't hit Ying Changge's body, he had endured the influence and resistance of this strange force, and could no longer make an inch.

hold head high!

Accompanied by a dragon chirping.

The black dragon wrapped around the blade of the shark tooth erupted with extremely sharp sword energy and force, trying to help the shark tooth attack Ying Changge.


The power of the Hundred Steps Flying Sword exploded in full force, and he was still trying to move forward in midair, trying to penetrate the terrifying gravity repulsion that erupted from Ying Changge's body.


"It's not Ga Nie's Hundred-Step Flying Sword!"

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