Wei Zhuang spoke earnestly.

"Millions of people who practice martial arts, will there be one person who can master it?!"

"What, what kind of ability is this?"

Bai Feng widened his eyes.

He was clearly frightened.

Only one person can appear out of a million people who practice martial arts!

How rare is this?

Does such a rare probability appear on the monster Seventh Young Master?

Thinking of this, Bai Feng's fear of Ying Changge became stronger and stronger.

at the same time.

Even Chi Lian and Canglang Wang looked at Wei Zhuang with deep curiosity.

under their eyes.

The corners of Wei Zhuang's mouth moved slightly, and he slowly gave the answer: "The mind of martial arts!"

"Martial, martial arts mind?!"

The three exclaimed in unison.

Including Bai Feng, as well as Chi Lian and Canglang Wang, all without exception, their eyes widened and their faces were full of shock.

Of course, they are not unfamiliar with martial arts.

Even Chi Lian has a deep understanding of this terrifying ability.

A kind of ability that can make people's auditory senses reach the state of transformation, abandon the naked eye vision, and also have the ability to have more terrifying insight than the naked eye vision.

This ability is very rare.

Even the Quicksand Organization has fought against countless powerhouses over the years, but they have never seen anyone mastering the mind of martial arts.

They didn't expect it.

Today, it happened!

Moreover, he is still a young man in his weak crown, and he has mastered such magical and rare abilities as the mind of martial arts!

"But, but..."

"Master Wei Zhuang."

"It is said that the mind of martial arts can only be mastered by those who practice martial arts in their later years? What is the situation of this seventh son?"

"He is clearly still young and still in the weak years."

"How can he master the mind of martial arts at such a young age?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

"If you want to master the conditions of martial arts, talent, aptitude, comprehension, opportunity, life perception, etc., are almost all indispensable."

"This Seventh Young Master, how could he break common sense?"

Bai Feng rushed out the confusion one by one.

in his cognition.

Those who have mastered the mind of martial arts are all old people who are entering their old age.

And what about the seventh son, Ying Changge?

Clearly have a great youth!

How could the opponent possibly grasp the mind of martial arts?

"What you said is exactly what confused me."

"all in all."

"It's an indisputable fact that he has mastered the mind of martial arts."

"Although I don't know how he did it."

"But maybe..."

"This is the legendary genius monster."

"That's the only way to explain it."

Wei Zhuang thought for a while and could only give this explanation.

The conversation turned.

He asked back: "After all. Have you ever seen an example of defeating a martial arts master by virtue of the cultivation realm in the middle stage of the innate?"

"Only in the late stage of the innate, can you suppress the evil spirits of the martial arts masters?"

The sound fell.

Bai Feng was speechless for a moment.


Such shocking examples and phenomena have never been heard before.

"At the end of the day."

"The mind of martial arts will appear on a young man's body, which can only show that the young man's own uniqueness and transcendence."

"The talent and aptitude of this Seventh Young Master is far beyond our imagination."

"This is a true peerless genius!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes were lost for a while.

This amazing talent and aptitude made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

I have never seen such a monster in my life!



Bai Feng and Canglang Wang subconsciously nodded their approval.

In less than a moment.

Wei Zhuang and others suppressed the exclamation and shock in their hearts, and instead, they looked at the imperial cavalry team that was about to leave in the distance.

"ready to go."

Wei Zhuang regained his ruthless expression and gave orders with a blank expression.

Since they have already cooperated, naturally there is no need to consider too many things.


To cooperate with the empire, we have to guard against it!


This time, they cooperated with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin elements. Otherwise, Wei Zhuang could not imagine how they would have to deal with the monsters like Ying Changge if they were allowed to face the quicksand organization.

After thinking about it calmly, Wei Zhuang couldn't think of any way to deal with the existence of Ying Changge.

"What a terrible monster!"

Holding the emotion in his heart, Wei Zhuang led the quicksand organization to follow behind the imperial cavalry.

This time the destination is...

Public loser!

However, before rushing to the loser, Wei Zhuang still needs to order Bai Feng to notify the rest of the Quicksand Organization and let them gather all rounds.

To deal with the anti-Qin elements this time, the Quicksand Organization is ready to come out!

In the quicksand organization, in addition to the Four Heavenly Kings, there is also a reverse quicksand.

There are also many assassins who are proficient in the way of assassination.

Hidden bat, black unicorn.

This time, in order to deal with the anti-Qin elements, Wei Zhuang was very prepared.

after all.

It is not a matter of a day or two that he is eager to win or lose with Sword Saint Genie.

This time happens to have such an opportunity, of course, we must seize it!


Bai Feng rode a huge bird and quickly left the Quicksand Organization team.

In the quicksand organization that was still left, apart from the leader Wei Zhuang, only Chi Lian, Canglang Wang, and the last Wushuang Ghost were left, who were also led to the Gongluojia.

The elite iron cavalry of the empire ahead, the iron cavalry long Ge marched forward with a mighty force.


The Quicksand Organization, led by Wei Zhuang himself, slowly followed behind the imperial cavalry. No matter how fast the imperial cavalry was, the Quicksand Organization did not fall behind.

"I really look forward to fighting with you..."


Wei Zhuang's eyes flickered, and a strong sense of expectation appeared on his face.

This time, he made up his mind.

Be sure to beat Gane!

In any case, do whatever it takes!


Time flickers.

Alternating day and night.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.


Under the leadership of Wei Zhuang, the quicksand organization has been following the rear of the imperial cavalry, constantly approaching the specific station where the loser is located.

The trip to the public loser's resident was very smooth.

As always, no rogue dared to provoke.

There are 2,000 elite iron cavalry in the empire, what a terrible momentum and lineup is this?

The average rogue is no more than a few hundred people, and it is already a large group.

In the face of the two thousand elite iron cavalry of the empire, he naturally did not dare to act rashly.

that's it.

The speed of progress is very impressive.

Without the interference and influence of any factors, it is now less than half a day's journey from the public loser's residence, and it can be arrived smoothly.

In the process, Bai Feng returned to the Quicksand organization.

at the same time.

Not only did Bai Feng return, but even Hidden Bat, a member of Adverse Quicksand, joined the team.

As can be seen.

In order to deal with the anti-Qin elements, Wei Zhuang is already quite serious and cautious.

Even Reverse Quicksand has been fully deployed!


In addition to the unexpected appearance of the hidden bat in the upstream sand, the black unicorn did not appear at all.

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