If you are not careful, the two of them will be injured at the public loser's residence...

At this moment, Gong Zuoqiu felt a lot of difficulties.

Hopefully things don't go that way.

Otherwise, it will be a big trouble!

Gong Shuoqiu took a deep breath and calmed down his depressed mood.


He fixed his eyes on the disciple of the loser, and asked in a cold voice: "Before this, didn't I warn you seriously, let you remember the arrangement and distribution of those organs on the mountain?"

"Could it be that you really took everything I said as a deaf ear?"

"You better give me a perfect explanation!"

"Otherwise, you know what the consequences will be."

"I have warned you over and over again to keep these organs on the mountain in your mind. Tell me, why did something go wrong? Why did you trigger the organs rashly?"

"Do you know that if the Seventh Young Master or the Lord Xiangguo, these two people have a little mistake. Whether it is you, or me, or the entire loser."

"In the end, it is very likely that they will suffer an irreversible fate!"

Gong Zuqiu became more and more angry, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

He doesn't think so.

A small public loser with the strength to shake the empire!

Those two identities are extremely prominent, if something happens to the public loser...

Gongshuqiu really can't imagine whether he, including the entire Gongshuo family he led, will completely disappear from the world and be destroyed in one fell swoop.

At this time.

After hearing the angry voice of Gongshuqiu, the disciples of Gongshuo's family looked terrified and hurriedly explained: "No, no, Sect Master, you misunderstood."

"When the disciple led Seventh Young Master, Lord Xiangguo and the others up the mountain, there was no accident during the whole process, and no mechanism on the mountain was triggered."

"Seventh Young Master and Lord Xiangguo, they arrived in the living room unscathed."

After hearing this.

The flames of Gong Zuoqiu's anger instantly extinguished.

His eyes became suspicious: "Then what are you trying to tell me?"

Not rashly trigger the agency?

So what happened?

"Master, it is precisely because the whole process has not been triggered that the disciples feel unbelievable."

The Gong Loser disciple continued to speak.

"You're confusing me."

"What do you mean?"

"Could it be that you always expected that the organs on the mountain would be triggered by accidental touches? Then, it led to the accident of Seventh Young Master and Lord Xiangguo? What's your motive?"

Gong Zuoqiu widened his eyes.

This kid has a bad heart!

Still have this kind of malice?

"No, no."


"Actually, in this whole process, it wasn't that the disciple led the Seventh Young Master and the others from the foot of the mountain, all the way across the mechanism on the mountain to reach the main hall."

"Instead, Seventh Young Master, he led us through the organization on the mountain."

"And, I didn't touch any of the organs in the whole process!"

"The disciples were stunned."

"Seventh Young Master has clearly never been to our Gongshujia, but he seems to know the organs on our Gongshujia mountain like the back of the hand."

"Even where each organ is set up, how the organ will be touched, and so on. Seventh Young Master has a complete insight into all of this!"

"The disciple can't believe it at all."

"This way, the disciples are all forced to follow the seventh son and return to the main hall of the station from the foot of the mountain."

The public loser disciple had a dry throat.

When he mentioned this, he couldn't contain the shock in his heart.

"What, what did you say?!"

Gong Zuoqiu widened his eyes.


what's going on?

The seventh son took the lead, leading the crowd through the formation on the mountain?

Haven't touched the organ in the whole process?

real or fake?

No way?

Seventh Young Master actually still has such a terrifying achievement in mechanical techniques?

Do not!

Not right!

Isn't Seventh Young Master a young man in his weak crown?

This is not normal!


The organs on Gongshujia Mountain are by no means comparable to ordinary organs.

This is a large-scale mountain body that has been improved by hundreds of years of painstaking efforts by the heads of the public losers of the past dynasties.

Was it so easily passed by an outsider?

How could it be so easy for an outsider to break through the organization of the loser?

That's just lifeless!

Don't say seven sons 0.....

Even a martial arts master, it is impossible to break through the organization of the public loser.

As the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuoqiu of course knows clearly how dangerous these organs are in their Gongshu family!

Will it be detected by outsiders?

"how can that be?!"

"You're not kidding me, are you?"

Gong Shuoqiu stared blankly at the disciple in front of him, his face full of awe and shock.

He can't believe it!

The organs scattered all over the Gongshujia Mountain are definitely not inferior to the organs in the Mojia Organ City!

How could a mere outsider detect the organs here?

what is happening?

Could it be that the mechanism is out of order?

How could this extremely dangerous mechanism be cracked by outsiders?

If the public loser's organization is really so easy to be cracked by outsiders. So. For so many years, the residence of the public loser has long been visited by outsiders as a sightseeing spot.

"Master, even the disciples can't imagine it."

"But the facts are right in front of you."

"Seventh Young Master, he really has an extremely terrifying talent for mechanical techniques."

"Even, he knows more about the layout of the organs on this mountain than the disciples!"

"The disciples can't believe it."

"Seventh Young Master, how did he find out about this information?"

"Could it be..."

"Seventh Young Master, was he once, a disciple of the loser?"

The Gong Loser disciple couldn't help but ask.

He really couldn't help but doubt.

Could it be...

The seventh son was the long-lost disciple of the Gongluo family back then?



"You must never say such things to outsiders."

"Otherwise, the disaster will come out of the mouth, and the catastrophe is imminent!"

Gong lost Qiu severely reprimanded.


He recalled what the disciple in front of him said just now, and a strong sense of shock appeared on his face.

Rao Shigong lost his hatred and was deeply embarrassed.

He couldn't imagine.

How did the seventh son do it?

Even more familiar with the arrangement of the organs on the mountain than the disciples of the public loser?

"According to the rumors."

"Seventh Young Master, once cracked the mechanism of the tooth-devouring prison."

The public loser disciple reminded weakly again.

"What, what?!"

"Tooth Eater?!"

When it comes to the tooth-devouring prison, Rao Shigong feels horrified when he loses his hatred.

He is one of the few examples who know how terrifying the organs in Teeth Devouring Prison are.

But even the mechanism in the tooth-devouring prison has also been cracked?

It's unbelievable!

Gongzuoqiu was stunned.

quite a while.

He couldn't help but ask: "Who is the seventh son you are talking about?"

Gongshu's disciple replied: "Seventh Young Master is very young! He is probably under twenty years old, and he is still at the age of the weakest. Besides, according to rumors, Seventh Young Master is indeed blind in both eyes."

After listening to the disciple's answer, Gong Zuoqiu became more and more astonished.


Blind person...

Can you actually crack the organization of your own loser? !

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