This force is constantly condensing, becoming more and more terrifying, and the imposing pressure it emits is getting stronger and stronger!

Perfect level of armament color domineering + perfect level of gravity fruit!

Two forces converge in the blade.

As you can imagine.

At the moment when this power erupts, what a gorgeous and dazzling terrifying destructive power can bloom!


When all the power condensed and brewed...

Ying Changge immediately aimed the famous sword Longyuan in his hand at the Great Elder in front of him.

The sword refers to the invincible powerhouse of the world with the perfect martial arts master!


will be able to see.

Without hesitation, he slashed the blade with dark purple electric current wrapped around the armour-colored armor in his hand, very decisively and swiftly.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!" Fan.

Chapter 207 A Sword Sweeps Everything! The strongest monster in a thousand years! 【Please customize】

The sharp blade cut through the sky in an instant.

The blades of the armour-colored armor were pitch-black as ink, with dark purple currents entwined on the outside.

The aura emanating from the blade is very depressing, terrifying, and majestic.

Sharp and compelling!

Stand out!

The world-shattering monstrous sword qi surged straight into the sky, like a majestic sea surging.

This sword...

With unparalleled terrifying power, it burst out in an instant!

The Long Yuan sword in the Ying Chang Singer aimed at the place where the Great Elder was, and cut it down from the air!

The moment when the blade slashed.

The power of the Gravity Fruit was fully exploded!

Previously, gravity was concentrated in the blade of the famous sword Ryuyuan. Now, this concentrated and continuous gravity has been exploded by Ying Changge all at once.

As you can imagine.

What terrifying tearing and destructive power will be produced by the eruption of this terrifying gravity.

The explosive power of the Gravity Fruit is unparalleled!


at the same time.

As the blade in the winning singer fell.

That moment.

The overwhelming gravitational force turned into a horizontal gravitational force and swept the front, aiming at the Great Elder standing more than ten meters away, approaching mercilessly.

Extremely fast!



At the same time as this surging gravity rushes forward, wherever it passes...

Everything is crushed and destroyed!

This is the Gravity Knife Tiger!

The gravitational force slashed by this sword crushed all the objects in the place without exception into powder, which disappeared with the wind.

Visible to the naked eye.

Many stones on the ground were just affected by the gravitational influence of "Three Three Three", and they were instantly crushed into powder, turning into countless debris and dust scattered in all directions.



Even the ground soil on this side is under the influence of this gravity, and every inch is violent, cracking and shattering into horrible cracks.

With the bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds, it spread in all directions.

More than ten meters away...

Arrived in an instant!

Facing the terrifying gravity of this sword eruption, the Great Elder's heart sank, his face dignified and horrified, and he couldn't help but subconsciously run the surging innate innate energy in his body.

this moment.

The power of the martial arts master's perfection level burst out in an all-round way!

If you don't give it your all...

He felt that he might really be hit hard by a move!

This blow was terrifying.

Even the Great Elder has no confidence in fully blocking it.


"We must do our best!"

"Otherwise, even the old man will be severely injured."

"It's even life-threatening..."

The first elder took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the restlessness and anxiety in his heart.

This was definitely the first time in all these years that he had felt so nervous and disturbed so deeply.

Since becoming a martial arts master, the first elder has experienced the invincible loneliness in this world.


Today, from a young man who is still in the weakest years, he can feel the threat and pressure that he has not felt in decades.

"True spirits of beasts!"

A low drink.

The big elder's palm prints changed wildly, and the surging innate innate energy gathered in his hands was transformed into phantoms of ominous birds with different appearances.

Different shapes are ferocious phantoms, hovering behind the body of the Great Elder.


The aura emanating from the Great Elder also became more and more terrifying.

The momentum is rising!

The power is fully urged to riot!

The phantoms of different ominous birds, there are dragons, phoenixes, Xuanwu, white tigers, snakes, foxes...

Countless ominous bird true spirits, derived from the Innate True Qi in the hands of the Great Elder, erupted from his body and rushed straight ahead.


The surging innate zhenqi is like the surging waves of the ocean.

With a solemn expression on his face, the Great Elder raised his spirits, fully activated the innate qi in his body, and exploded the full power of the Martial Dao Grandmaster.

If he didn't go all out, he really wouldn't be sure to block Ying Changge's sword!

This sword is so scary!

For the first time in his life he saw it.

Someone can actually do it, relying on the cultivation realm of the late congenital stage, a force that is far superior to that of the martial arts master!

This power made him, an invincible powerhouse in the ultimate realm of martial arts masters, feel an unparalleled threat to his life.


One after another, the true spirits of the ominous birds of different shapes charged towards the front, with incomparably terrifying momentum and power, and were about to fight against the gravitational knife tiger that erupted from Ying Changge.

It's too late to say.


The two forces made contact head-on.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

Like thunder!


As if the sky was torn apart, the two terrifying forces collided and rubbed each other, and the shock waves of the air flow rushed to the distance hundreds of meters away.


The entire Shushan Mountain was shaken by force.

The unparalleled air wave shock wave blows the dust and gravel on the ground, rolling and dancing in the air.

a time.

The sky is full of dust, covering the sky.

The collision of the two forces, just a shock wave, is enough to crush everything around.




There were bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds from the ground.

can be clearly seen.

The earth was forcibly destroyed and damaged, and the cracks from the cracks were densely packed, spreading in all directions like a spider web, spreading all over the field.

The ground is cracked!

The earth collapsed and shattered!


The whole audience was shaken by this force, which triggered a series of terrifying turmoil.

The terrifying gravitational fluctuations, and the aftermath of the impact, caused huge damage and influence to the surrounding environment.

The loud voice that was about to tear apart the sky, wandered and spread thousands of meters away.

The entire Shu Mountain was enveloped by the sound of this collision and eruption.

A violent shock wave enveloped all the disciples of Shushan in the radius.

Thousands of Shushan disciples involuntarily retreated backwards under the terrifying collision of air currents, and their eyes were full of horror and horror as they stared at the battlefield ahead.

"Good, terrible power!"

The waves of air blowing on their clothes made their faces full of fear and shock.

They can't even dream of it.

One day, I will be able to witness this level of confrontation and collision with my own eyes!

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