And his own strength is already strong enough to collide with the invincible strong head-on.

And there is no downside at all!

Two months ago, he was still a prince who was powerless.

Just two months.

He has already become an existence that is comparable to the invincible powerhouse in the world!

this time.

The powerhouses such as Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang can no longer influence Ying Changge.


The two descendants of the Guigu lineage joined forces to threaten Ying Changge.

Otherwise, in a one-on-one situation, Ying Changge is confident.

He was 80% sure that he could kill anyone.

There is a 100% certainty that you can defeat the opponent!

This is Ying Changge's confidence in the powerful strength he possesses.

once Upon a time.

The Sword Saint Genie was the target that Ying Changge wanted to chase.


He has completely surpassed this goal!

Some time ago, to deal with the Sword Saint Genie, it was necessary to get the Shadow Secret Guard and Zhang Han to come to the battle, so that he could finally get the Sword Saint Genie who hit him hard.

But now.

Don't need anyone's help.

Relying on his own strength, Ying Changge firmly believes that he can severely damage the Sword Saint Genie!

Compared with the last time he fought with Gai Nie, Ying Changge's strength was undoubtedly thousands of times stronger.

It was with this strength that he dared to break into Shushan alone without any anxiety or fear.

"Seventh son, please go to Shushan Holy Land to negotiate one or two?"

"How do you feel?"

The Great Elder took the initiative and sincerely issued an invitation.

He was convinced by Ying Changge.

The powerful strength that Ying Changge showed made the elders understand.

In this world, there really are geniuses beyond the scope of common sense!

The seventh son Ying Changge in front of him belongs to this kind of genius.

"No wonder..."

"The prophecy actually shows that the only one who can save Shushan is this Seventh Young Master."

The elder thought so in his heart.

So far.

The battle came to an end.

Under the shocking and terrified eyes of thousands of Shushan disciples.

Ying Changge put away the famous sword Longyuan in his hand, and directly converged the armed-color armor wrapped around the appearance of Longyuan's blade back to his body.

In an instant, the blade of Long Yuanjian was restored to its original state.

Immediately after.

The terrifying gravitational aura that swept across a radius of dozens of meters also disappeared without a trace under the manipulation of Ying Changge.

Without the suppression of this gravitational aura, the Great Elder could be considered to have recovered to the strongest heyday.

If it wasn't for the suppression of the gravitational aura just now, the strength that the Great Elder could burst out would be even more terrifying.

"It's amazing martial arts..."

"To have such a depressing effect on the environment."

When the heavy burden that suppressed the body disappeared, the Great Elder was once again amazed.

You can only experience it if you really try your best.

Under this terrible suppression, the strength that the body can burst out will be weakened many times.

at this time.

Except for the domineering and domineering look of the perfect level, which still covered the audience, all the other tricks have been withdrawn by Ying Changge.

Casually placed the famous sword Longyuan in his hand on his waist, Ying Changge had a smile on his face: "Elder, please!"

This time I came to Shushan for the purpose of negotiating with Shushan.

As for the damage to Shushan just now?

That was just a whim.

If Ying Changge really wants to unilaterally destroy Shushan, he doesn't need to be alone, leading Shao Siming and Meng Ying to break into Shushan.

Just one order...

The elite of the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry can easily completely flatten Shushan!

"Seventh son, please."

The elder did not dare to neglect.


Ying Changge led the rear, Shao Siming and Meng Ying, who were still in shock, followed the 333 footsteps of the Great Elder and gradually left the scene.

all around.

Thousands of disciples in the entire Shu Mountain could only watch Ying Changge leave.

From beginning to end, they did not dare to act rashly, let alone make any rebuttal remarks.

Not only because of the majesty of the Great Elder.


It was also because of the strength that Ying Changge showed, which caused unprecedented psychological impact and deterrence to them.

It is for this reason that they dare not scold and provoke Ying Changge again.

after all.

Even the elders can't take down the other party, how can they be so virtuous, how dare they provoke such a terrifying existence?

Let them deal with this existence, but it is just pure death.

"have they gone?"

"This guy is a monster!"

"It's the first time I've seen a powerhouse that even the Great Elder can't defeat with all his strength!"

"hard to imagine."

"A person with such terrifying strength is still in a weak year."


"This is true genius!"

The Shushan disciples who were present were still looking at the messy ruins left by the battlefield in front of them with lingering fears.

All this is showing.

Everything they witnessed just now was by no means an illusion they produced.

Everything is real!

Someone really can stop the Great Elder!

Block the terrifying power of the Great Elder from the front!

And this person is still a young man in his weak crown!

A blind man who is blind!

Thinking of this, the numerous Shushan disciples present were even more shocked.

The scenes of the battle just now lingered in their minds with incomparable memories, so that they could never forget this shocking scene.


In their entire lives, they must not be able to forget the battle they witnessed today!

"What kind of terrifying existence were we facing before?"

A group of Shushan disciples in the innate realm have lingering fears.

They suddenly felt.

They who have just intervened in the battlefield can now recover a life, which is already considered a great luck for them.

"No wonder I lose!"

"Losing to this terrible monster..."

"Not wrong!"

The second strongest man in Shushan thought so.

beside him.

With shock, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Ying Changge, the Great Elder and others, and quickly left the scene.

only left……

A group of Shushan disciples full of shock and awe.

They were unable to calm down the shaking mood for a long time, and stayed in place, their eyes staring blankly at the messy ruins that were riddled with holes in all directions.

Chapter 209 Arrive at the Holy Land of Shushan! Finally see Fusang Shenmu! 【Please customize】

On the way to Shushan Holy Land.

The Great Elder, who was suffocating countless puzzles in his heart, finally couldn't help but ask: "Dare to ask Seventh Young Master, what kind of martial arts was that just now? It can cover the entire audience and exert a wide-ranging suppression effect."

"If it wasn't for the body being suppressed, the old swordsman just now wouldn't be so embarrassing."

"such a pity……"

Mentioning this trick, the Great Elder was full of curiosity.

He lived a hundred years.

But this is the first time I have seen such a strange and terrifying trick!


Almost invulnerable!

"But it's just a small trick."

Ying Changge smiled.

Will he say...

He has the Gravity Fruit?

I am afraid that if I say it out, the elders may not be able to understand.

after all.

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