"As expected of a sacred object that has grown for nearly a thousand years..."

"The exuberant vitality contained within it feels like facing the real fire of the sun."

"Is this the Fusang Shenmu?"

"Live by absorbing the true fire of the sun, and then feed back to all living beings around."

"Such a majestic breath of life, just leaking wisps, is enough to completely change the surrounding environment."

Ying Changge sighed.

The closer you get to the Fusang Sacred Tree, the more vigorous and rich the breath of life is.


Shao Siming, Meng Ying and others also got their wish and saw the face of Fusang Shenmu.

They were nearly a thousand meters apart, but they still could see it clearly.

It was a majestic towering tree that was about to stand above the clouds.

Its size is really huge.

The closer you get, the more shocking you are.

Its existence seems to be the most exquisite and mysterious species of life in this world.

The crimson tree trunk makes Fusang Shenmu particularly dazzling and prominent, as if it can attract people's hearts, and people can't take their eyes away from it at first glance.

The bright red and eerie color of the trunk reveals the eerie and mysterious nature of Fusang Shenmu.

There is a strong breath of life inside, and it almost swept across the area for thousands of meters.

Whenever you get close to the sacred tree of Fusang, the more you can feel the faint fragrance in the air, and the strong breath of life everywhere.

The longer you stay here, the more your body functions as if you were going to return to your youth.

"What a huge tree!"

"Is this the rumored Fusang Sacred Tree?"

"The habitat of the sun god?"

Meng Ying's eyes were full of shock, and she stared blankly at the sacred tree of Fusang in front of her.

Fusang Shenmu is huge in size, with a scarlet red trunk and golden leaves that are almost full of branches, covering the entire towering tree.

The golden sun shines from the sky, and it is printed on the leaves of the hibiscus tree, which reflects the golden halo and glitters, which is extremely dazzling.

This is an ancient tree, but it is very full of life!

It symbolizes the sun!

Represents the **** of the sun!

Under the sunlight, the breath of life it exudes becomes more and more vigorous.

"`〃 Fusang Sacred Tree..."

Rao Shi's mentality was as calm as a young master's life, and Mei Mu was in a trance for a while, staring at Fusang Shenmu in a daze.

Even though she is one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, it is also the first time that she has witnessed this legendary divine tree with her own eyes!

This tree is so mythical.

From ancient times to the present, there have been countless rumors about the sacred tree of Fusang.

The Yin-Yang family has been plotting against Fusang Shenmu for hundreds of years.

Even Shao Siming, who is not interested in Fusang Shenmu, knows a lot about Fusang Shenmu.

As you can imagine.

The Yin-Yang family's plot against the Fusang Shenmu has reached a frenzy and madness.

It is for this reason.

This time, the army of 100,000 cavalrymen, including Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​suddenly diverted to the Shu Kingdom, instead of going to destroy the anti-Qin elements.

After coming to the Holy Land of Shushan today and facing the sacred tree of Fusang, Ying Changge probably understood.

Why is the Yin-Yang family so eager for Fusang Shenmu!

Although he could not see the appearance of Fusang Shenmu, he was able to gain insight into the terrifying aura of life contained in the mysterious interior of Fusang by virtue of his perfect sense of domineering and domineering.

This alone is enough to show the magic of Fusang Shenmu.

Fusang Shenmu is obviously not just about its vitality, it must have more functions, waiting for others to dig and mine.

And the goal of the Yin Yang family is to tap the core role of Fusang Shenmu!

"Even I'm a little moved."

Feeling the exuberant aura of life swarming (well, well) in all directions, Ying Changge whispered to himself with a look of amazement.

Don't say the Yin-Yang family is just around the corner...

Even he couldn't help but want to **** the Fusang Shenmu!

This tree is amazing!

Preliminary conservative estimate.

Fusang Shenmu's bright red and demonic main trunk probably requires nearly ten adults to join forces to hug it reluctantly.

The trunks are so huge you can imagine.

What a huge divine tree this is!


The rhizomes of Fusang Shenmu run directly under the Nine Netherworlds.

It can lead to the heaven!

You can run through the nine secluded places below!

Although it is only a myth and legend, it is enough to see.

Fusang Shenmu itself is extraordinary!

Its rhizomes have probably connected the entire Shushan Mountain, and a sacred tree that has grown for nearly a thousand years will naturally take root firmly in the entire Shushan Mountain.

Taking Shushan as the main body, it absorbs the essence of the earth and the true fire of the sun.

all in all.

If once lost Fusang Shenmu.

Then, the environment of Shushan will inevitably usher in huge changes.

This change is naturally going in a bad direction.

In addition to having an extremely large main trunk, the Fusang Sacred Tree's branches are hundreds of meters high at the top of the sky, as if it really wants to communicate with the heavens beyond the Jiuzhongtian.


The hibiscus sacred tree, which has grown for nearly a thousand years, should have entered the ageing period.

But it is not.

The exuberant aura of life contained within it now makes it impossible to associate it with the words aging.

Its life breath is too strong!

It's just a tree, but it is more powerful than the vitality of the entire forest!

people who don't know.

Perhaps you can't help but think that this tree is now in its prime.

Chapter 210 Cooperation reached! Lend Fusang Shenmu temporarily! For five years! 【Please customize】

"Seventh son, this is the sacred tree of Fusang!"

"We Shushan Wuzu have guarded the holy relic for nearly a thousand years for generations!"

"It is also the lifeblood of our Shushan..."

The elder's footsteps paused for a moment, his turbid eyes looked at the towering crimson tree in the distance, and he spoke slowly with some feeling in his tone.

"As expected of the place where the **** of the sun lives."

Ying Changge was filled with emotion.

Only by feeling the breath of life emanating from the sacred tree of Fusang at close range can we deeply appreciate the magic of the sacred tree of fusang.

Such a vigorous vitality is enough to show that Fusang Shenmu is different.

This alone shows that the Yin-Yang family has a huge plan for it.


The group came to the side of Fusang Shenmu.

And here is the holy land of Shushan!

The place where the sacred tree of Fusang grows, with a radius of thousands of meters, is a well-deserved holy place in Shushan.

After coming here, Ying Changge could more deeply understand that the vigorous life breath emanating from Fusang Shenmu, baptism washed every cell of the body.

At close range, this breath of life is extraordinarily strong and powerful!

After getting close.

Shao Siming and Meng Ying could realize it more deeply.

How huge is Fusang Shenmu!

Looked up.

You can barely see the top at a glance!

Countless golden leaves grew on the branches of the hibiscus sacred tree, reflecting the halo of the sun, almost covering the sky and blocking the view below.


It is impossible to see the top of the hibiscus sacred tree at a glance from below.

Even so, the place where the branches and leaves grow at the top of the Fusang Sacred Tree is at least a hundred meters away from the ground!


The trunk seems to run through the sky!


This is definitely something Ying Changge and others have heard of.

The tallest tree!

at the same time.

Gently raising her hand, Ying Changge touched the sacred fusang tree next to her.

Get started.

It's a cool touch!

After the cold, a warm breath emanated from the main body of the trunk, which conveyed a sense of warmth, like bathing in the sun.

From the inside of the trunk, Ying Changge could feel the breath of life blowing towards him.

in particular……

After encountering the trunk of the sacred tree of Fusang, the exuberant aura of life became much more obvious.

"A magical and mysterious 333 divine tree!"

"There are so many mythical colors in the rumors, not all of them are just non-existent."

Ying Changge thought.


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