The Empire's 100,000 Iron Cavalry is not a vegetarian!

Their Shushan will surely end in the fate of being destroyed today.

Now it can not only save the Shushan Wuzu, but also recover the Fusang Shenmu in five years...

This result is already quite good.

Many Shushan Wu disciples chose to remain silent.

But in their hearts, they also agreed with the words of the Great Elder.

There are also a small number of Shushan Wuzu disciples, clenching their fists, feeling aggrieved and angry, but they also dare not express any dissatisfaction.

Of course they understand.

If they Shushan really broke out at war with the empire.

Then there is only one possibility.

That is……

Their Shushan will be completely destroyed!

Shushan Wuzu will also disappear from this arena and become the dust of history.

The result of the negotiation now is that the empire temporarily borrowed Fusang Shenmu for a period of five years. Five years later, Fusang Shenmu will still be returned to them in Shushan.

For this result, they could not find any reason or excuse to refute it.


forced by the situation.

They had to give in!

Had to choose to cooperate with the Empire!

Otherwise, their fate will be countless times worse.

"Elder, you can make a decision."

"We, follow your wishes!"

Uncle Yu, the second most powerful man in Shushan, was silent for a while, and finally lowered his head and spoke.

His voice seemed a little dull, and he could feel the unwillingness and suffocation in his heart.

But helpless.

This is the end, and no one can change the result.

"Yes, Great Elder, you can make a decision on our behalf."

"We will all follow your decision."

"Whatever you choose, we will follow in your footsteps."

With the first voice of approval, the second naturally won't be too far 0.....


There was a commotion at the scene, and almost all the disciples of the Shushan Wu tribe gave in and could only silently hand over all the choices to the Great Elder.

Although they were very unwilling and aggrieved, they were also very knowledgeable.

"There is a great elder who has guarded Fusang Shenmu for five years..."

"It can be ensured that our sacred relics will not be damaged within five years."

"So, it's already a very good negotiation result."

"For this reason, the elders must have taken great pains."

A group of Shushan disciples sighed silently, feeling an unprecedented powerlessness.

Looking at the faces of all the Shushan disciples at the scene, the first elder closed his eyes slightly, and the wrinkled old face was full of sadness and guilt.

But soon.

All these emotions have turned into firmness!

He believed.

His choice can't be wrong!

At least.

This was the only way he could think of to resolve this huge crisis and disaster in Shushan.

If it is not a last resort, who would be willing to temporarily lend others the sacred relics that have been guarded for thousands of years?

This is all helpless!

If you don't temporarily borrow Fusang Shenmu, the elder can be sure.

They Shushan will be annihilated by the empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry immediately.

"All right."

"That's how this matter has been decided, everyone, please leave."

"The next thing, the old man can handle it."

The Great Elder waved his hand tiredly.


A small number of Shushan disciples returned to their own places with heavy and powerless hearts.

But in place, a group of Shushan disciples still gathered and never left.

"Elder, shall we follow you down the mountain to protect the sacred tree of Fusang?"

Shi Lan's beautiful eyes flashed, standing beside the Great Elder, raised her head, revealing a tender but beautiful face, with a strong sense of anticipation.

"Xiao Yu said it well, what do you think, Great Elder?"

Yu Ziqi raised his head, also showing strong anticipation.

"These things will be discussed later."

"Now, quietly wait for the arrival of the imperial cavalry."

The elder did not delve into this topic, but considered another aspect.

Look around.

He looked at Ying Changge: "Seventh son, now you can go to inform the soldiers of the empire."

"it is good."

Ying Changge then ordered Mengying again.

The cooperation has been successfully achieved.

It is also time to let the people of the empire go out and transfer the Fusang Shenmu to the designated place.

"I hope that when the Fusang Shenmu is transferred later, the young master can let the old man personally participate in it, and correct and improve the steps."

"In this way, it can prevent the hibiscus tree from being damaged."

The elder thought for a while and said with a serious face.

"If you don't ask for it, you get a 4.9."

Ying Changge laughed.

Since the first elder chose to take the initiative to intervene, of course he would not reject the other party.

The Great Elder, the invincible powerhouse in this world, is the weapon that Ying Changge used to target the Yin and Yang family!


A great elder would definitely give the Yin-Yang family a headache for a long time.

This is the invincible powerhouse of the martial arts master's perfect state!


at the same time.


at the foot of the mountain.

The empire's 100,000 army is majestic and morale is like a rainbow.

The entire Shushan Mountain is surrounded by many!


"General Meng Tian, ​​the son has been on Mount Shu for so long, but there is still no news. I have an ominous premonition."

"Master, he must have been attacked in Shushan, right?"

Xu Fu frowned, his face a bit gloomy.

The longer the delay, the more bad he felt.

"It's not impossible what you said."

Meng Tian's eyes became sharp.

It is really possible for this group of daring disciples of Shushan to do this kind of maddening behavior!

I just don't know how to live or die!

As long as the Seventh Young Master has any damage...

The entire Shushan Mountain will be razed to the ground!

And the disciples of the Shushan Wu tribe?

All will die without a burial!

"The whole army obeys..."

"Follow me to attack Mount Shu immediately!"

Meng Tian raised his arms and shouted loudly.


Under Meng Tian's order.

The empire's army of 100,000 iron cavalry began to break into Shushan with a mighty force.

Chapter 213 Don't you think that Shushan can get me? 【Please customize】

"Shushan is a heinous crime..."

"How dare you try to hold Seventh Young Master hostage!"

"This time, all the soldiers and soldiers will follow me to completely destroy the entire Shushan Mountain!"

"Flame Shushan to the ground! Let Shushan Wuzu completely disappear from this world!"

Meng Tian's face was anxious and angry, and his loud voice sounded again, spreading far into the distance.

under his orders.

A full 100,000 imperial cavalry army, all responded accordingly.

"Follow the orders of the generals!"

"Tap on Shushan!"

"Destroy the witches!"


The bursts of sound resounded through the sky, deafening.

How loud is the unanimous cry of the 100,000 army?

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