Among the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, at least half were already in a state of trembling, as if they had been frightened by the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry.

Expect them to deal with the Imperial Cavalry?

This is clearly a dream!

"As much as you can escape."

"You can't just watch and let them all be wiped out here."

Yan Dan said feeling powerless.

"Extremely true."

"I don't expect to be able to escape all, but at least not to be wiped out!"

Xiaoyaozi nodded heavily.

When the two returned to the Mojia Office City, they were completely unpredictable.

On their way back, they will encounter an army of 100,000 cavalry that the Empire deliberately ambushed to kill them!

All of this caught them off guard.


The two of them had almost no mental preparation!

"Want to rely on these thousands of people to compete with the 100,000 golden fire cavalry led by Meng Tian himself?"

"It's as hard as hell!"

In this regard, Yan Dan did not dare to hold any hope at all.

"You can only fight to the death!"

Xiaoyaozi is waiting in earnest.

Just when Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi made up their minds and were ready to fight to the death.

All of a sudden.

From the crowd of 100,000 cavalry, there was a relatively subtle movement.


Yan Dan frowned slightly.

Someone wants to get out of the 100,000 Iron Cavalry?

Could it be Meng Tian?

Nine times out of ten!

It must be Meng Tian!

"Ready to fight!"

Yan Dan's eyes narrowed, and he shouted with a serious face.

"Meng Tian?"

Xiaoyaozi also kept an eye on the movements of the 100,000 army ahead.


In the encirclement of the army composed of 100,000 iron cavalry, a wide path suddenly diverged.

The originally airtight surrounding net seemed to be torn apart.

at the same time.

Under the eyes of Yan Dan, Xiaoyaozi, and more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements behind them.

can be clearly seen.

From the empire's army of 100,000 cavalry, this opening in the encircling net...

A young figure in white clothes is walking out of it step by step, and walks slowly into the battlefield.

Chapter 223 The Giant and the Sect Leader Are Trying Crazy on the Road to Death! 【Please customize】


Weird atmosphere!

Yan Dan, who rode the war horse, and Xiaoyaozi, the Taoist head who also rode the horse next to him, all looked at the figure in front of them with a look of astonishment.

They thought.

The figure walking out of the army of 100,000 cavalry should be Meng Tian who controls the golden fire cavalry!


The truth has subverted their original predictions.

"Not Meng Tian?!"

"Who is he?"

"To actually make the empire's army of 100,000 cavalry take the initiative to give way..."

"This person is by no means an ordinary person!"

For the first time, Yan Dan had countless confusions and questions in his heart.

His eyes were full of solemnity, and he stared at the young figure in white in front of him.

Since the other party came out of the army of 100,000 cavalry, it was enough to show that the other party was by no means ordinary.

"Brother Xiaoyao, we have to be careful."

"This person doesn't look like an ordinary person."

Yan Dan's tone was solemn.

"I feel it too."

"Although I don't know where this person is sacred."

"However, since he was able to let the 100,000-strong army take the initiative to give way in the army of 100,000 cavalry, it is enough to show that he is different."


"I still can't figure out what the people of the empire are going to do? To let such a young boy intervene in the battlefield personally?"

"Why didn't Meng Tian come forward in person? Could it be that Meng Tian is afraid that we will capture him alive?"

Xiaoyaozi frowned, unable to figure out why.

What kind of role can a young man at such a young age play?

During the war between the two armies...

How could such a young boy play such a vital role?

As such.

How could Meng Tian let a hairy boy intervene in the battlefield?

Is this sending someone to die?

Do not!

There must be another secret!

Meng Tian could never let someone come to die.


Judging from the appearance of this young man's 05, it can be clearly judged.

The status of this young man must be quite prominent, not just an ordinary imperial soldier.

It is also impossible for the soldiers of the empire to wear such gorgeous clothes.


"On the side of the empire, a hairy boy who is still in the weak crown has been dispatched!"

"What's Meng Tian's plan?"

"Why didn't he show up on his own initiative? Could it be that he was really afraid that we would capture him alive? To force the empire's 100,000 cavalry troops to withdraw from the field?"

Yan Dan was also deeply puzzled.

at the same time.

The more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements behind the two naturally saw the young figure in white who walked out of the army of 100,000 cavalry.

"How is this going?"

"A young man? A hairy boy?"

"What exactly do the people of the empire want to do? Why let a hairy boy come forward in person?"

"Is there a conspiracy here?"

"Is it the empire's conspiracy against us?"

More than 3,000 anti-Qin elements appeared to be very frightened.

Under the gaze of the 100,000 elite iron cavalry in all directions, they only felt horrified, their backs were cold, and their goosebumps were unstoppable.

The 100,000 iron cavalry soldiers had bright eyes and were meticulous, watching the arena without any emotion. At this moment, they were surrounded by more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements.

This group of anti-Qin elements, at this time, is like being caught in a urn!

The 100,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire has already completely surrounded this area.

This makes the anti-Qin elements unimaginable.


How should they escape this terrifying siege!

in the sun.

A golden halo shone down from the sky.

The atmosphere here is so depressing!

Chilling gas, spontaneously.

"General Meng Tian..."

"I know you're here. What does it mean to send a hairy boy to come forward?"

"Could it be that you are afraid? The two armies are fighting, and your general is hiding his head and showing his tail. Don't you worry that the iron knights of the empire will be disheartened?"

"Even your leading general is so timidly shrinking in the crowd. How can you let these soldiers under your command work for you?"

"Let a boy so young stand up, is this the rhythm of dying?"

Yan Dan finally spoke.

In the silent environment, he heard a resounding voice that spread to all corners of the country.

With Yan Dan's voice falling.

The eyes of the hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry soldiers who were watching became especially strange in an instant.

The atmosphere suddenly changed slightly.

Under careful observation.

Yan Dan sensed absurdly.

He actually caught the strong sarcasm and playful emotional color from the eyes of this group of imperial cavalry soldiers.

"what happened?"

"Am I wrong?"

"A general who hides his head and shows his tail can also let the soldiers under his command work?"

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