What a dangerous and terrifying existence that is!

"Me, my God!"

"Is this a hallucination?"

"I actually saw..."

"The Mo clan giant, was hanged and beaten by the young man across from him?"

"It must be a dream, right?"

"That young man is still in a weak age, and he only has the cultivation realm of the late congenital stage."

"Then the question is, how did he do it, almost hanging and beating the Mo family's giant who has reached the martial arts master's cultivation base with a crushing attitude?"

"It's outrageous!"

Thousands of anti-Qin elements panicked.

They thought.

Yan Dan, the Mo clan tycoon whose cultivation base has reached the master of martial arts, is bound to be able to do everything in his favor.

But they were wrong.

Unbelievable to dream is...

Yan Dan, who has the cultivation of a martial arts master, was almost instantly killed by a young man who only had a late Xiantian cultivation.

All of this completely subverted the worldview of everyone present.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, they would never have been able to accept such a shocking and terrifying event.

"What kind of monster is that young man?"

"Even the giant can't help him?"

"The giant is several times stronger than the martial arts master!"

"There must be something wrong with this?"

"The master of martial arts can't defeat a mere innate late stage? Who can explain to me, isn't this really an illusion that I have?"

"and also……"

"Did you see it just now? Before the giant got close to the young man, he was bounced off by the other party using some kind of terrifying force and flew dozens of meters away."

"What kind of martial arts is this? Have you heard of it before?"


Lots of talk.

Thousands of anti-Qin elements felt unprecedented fear.

The Mo clan giants they had high hopes for...

He was actually hanged and beaten by the young man on the opposite side!

This makes them, of course, terrified.

Who are the Mo clan giants?

The strongest of the Mo family!

The most powerful existence in the arena.

But this kind of terrifying existence was actually hanged and beaten by a young man just now!

Just ask.

What could be more shocking than this kind of thing?

"The giant, was crushed!"

"I was hanged and beaten by a late innate!"

"is it possible?"

"It always feels like..."

"It's like a dream!"

Xiaoyaozi took a deep breath, unable to calm down the shaking mood.

Rao is as calm as he is, and he feels a violent mental shock.

A dignified martial arts master, but was hanged and beaten by a late congenital?

Who can believe this?

"What kind of martial arts is that? It can pull people to the side in the air, and then bounce them off with terrifying force and fly them dozens of meters away."

"It's so weird!"

"This method is simply overwhelming."

"The giant is in big trouble!"

"With his strength, he may not be able to win that young man steadily."

Xiaoyaozi was frightened by his own guess.

He saw it for the first time.

It is extremely likely that the martial arts master will be defeated by a person who is in the innate realm!

How shocking is this?


The martial arts master and the innate realm belong to two completely different realm levels.

But today.

Xiaoyaozi saw an exception!

An example of a person who can rely on his late innate cultivation and has not even reached innate perfection, but has already been able to forcefully crush and beat the martial arts master.  …

All of this has seriously overturned Xiaoyaozi's cognition.

Apart from the reaction of the anti-Qin elements, the reaction of Qin Jun seemed to be much more normal.

after all.

Whether it is Meng Tian or Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others, they basically have a very deep knowledge and understanding of Ying Changge's strength.

As such.

The Mo clan tycoon would be beaten by his own son, Ying Changge, while hanging and beating him in a crushing manner. Isn't this a normal thing?


in their eyes.

This is all too normal.

Just a mere martial master...

His own son has shaken the existence of the invincible powerhouse in the world!

Isn't it easy to hang and beat a person in the early stage of a martial arts master?

"That Mo clan tycoon, I'm afraid he has already been frightened by the young master's strength."

"He must have never dreamed of it."

"Seventh Young Master at such a young age possesses such a powerful and terrifying strength."

"The funny thing is……"

"He actually dared to provoke Seventh Young Master before!"

"Now, it's time for him to suffer."

Mengying said gloatingly.


The previous scene where the Mohist tycoon showed off his might and kept clamoring for the audience.

Compare again.

At this moment.

The picture of this Mohist giant lying on the ground in a state of tatters and bruises all over his body.

Suddenly, Meng Ying's mood became extraordinarily comfortable and invigorating.

Dare to underestimate the seventh son?

Really do not know the heights of heaven and earth!


You deserve it!

You thought this was over?

No no no!

Now, it's just the beginning!

Meng Ying, who knew the details of her son Ying Changge's terrifying strength, couldn't wait to watch it.

The scene of the Mohist giant being hanged and beaten in a fancy way.


"The Seventh Young Master who can directly shake the Great Elder is naturally impossible to be inferior to the initial stage of the martial arts master."

Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan thought to themselves.

at the same time.

The 100,000-strong imperial cavalry army was also full of admiration and admiration, and looked at Ying Changge's figure in awe.

in the battlefield.

The figures of Ying Changge and Yan Dan showed a sharp contrast.

One was dressed in white and was completely unscathed.

The other person was covered in black robes, all of which were riddled with holes and damaged, and the bloodstains on his body even infected his robes, making him look particularly embarrassed.

"That's what the Mo clan giant is capable of?"

"No way?"

"I'm not quite serious yet!"

"I shouted so fiercely before, but this is the result?"

"That's a really disappointing 4.9."

Ying Changge spoke with great interest.


Yan Dan's face was ugly, and he held up his bruised body with a heavy face. He grabbed Mo Mei's sword hilt with his right hand again, and stared at Ying Changge with dignified eyes.

With the many painful experiences just now, he had to work hard and try his best to deal with the next fierce battle.

If not.

he thinks.

He might actually die!

Will be killed in seconds!

He was crushed by the opponent on the spot!

When this thought occurred, even he himself felt very absurd.

Did not expect one day.

He would be forced into such an embarrassing desperate situation by a late congenital stage!

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