As the terrorist forces of the two sides collided with each other, there was a trace of aftermath that could not be contained.

The aftermath leaked to all parties and spread far away.

Even if it is just a wisp of aftermath, it is enough to cause an unparalleled violent shock wave.


Where the shock wave goes...

The earth was shaken by the force, trembling constantly.

like an earthquake.

All the objects in the square without exception were forcibly crushed by this terrifying shock wave.

Countless stones instantly turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

The air waves swept a piece of dust scattered on the ground, blowing countless pieces of debris, flying freely, and dancing in the air.



Accompanied by bursts of crisp and melodious sharp sounds.

I see.

In the core center of the explosive force of the two sides, the surface quickly shattered and ruptured, cracking out one after another hideous and terrifying cracks, extending tens of meters away.

The earth shatters!

The ground is collapsing!


The violent shaking after another caused the soil to collapse under the cracks below.

One by one dark and bottomless pits were formed.

Look around...

clear and distinct.

The terrain of the entire battlefield seemed to be forcibly sunk by this earth-shattering force.

The scene looks even more terrifying!

It's just like...

Shake the earth!

Crashed! Where.

Chapter 232 Fighting the Mo clan giant and the Taoist head! 【Please customize】


The terrifying air waves rolled and rushed all the way to the distance hundreds of meters away.

Thousands of anti-Qin elements located 100 meters away from the battlefield were all within the range affected by this air wave, and their bodies were repelled by the aftermath.

Many anti-Qin elements with weaker cultivations suddenly turned extremely pale and frightened, and the aura in their bodies became very disordered.

"Good, terrible power!"

"Is that human being?"

"It must be too strong!"

An anti-Qin element whose body was shrouded in the aftermath all showed an unparalleled shock.

They stared blankly at the battlefield ahead, their lips trembling.

As the terrifying air wave that erupted swept the dust on the ground, countless smoke and dust floated recklessly on the battlefield, almost completely obscuring the battlefield.

Everyone could not see the movement of the battlefield clearly.

Flying sand all over the sky, dancing gracefully.

Even the army of 100,000 iron cavalry was more or less affected by that shock wave.

"Withdraw a hundred paces from the battlefield!"

Meng Tian gave an order.

A full 100,000 cavalry elites, all obeying the order, expanded the encirclement again, preventing them from being affected by the terrifying shock wave in the battlefield later.

"So strong!"

"This level of confrontation, the scene is too amazing!"

"It's like the method of a fairy!"

"The ground is shaking, the sky is falling and the earth is cracking!"

Meng Ying, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and others all showed their horror.

Including Shao Siming, a pair of beautiful eyes has been fixed on the battlefield ahead, and has never moved.

This level of collision has completely surpassed everyone's imagination.


With the flying dust splashing down.

The whole picture of the battlefield is clearly presented in the eyes of everyone in all directions.

The collision generated by the terrifying forces that erupted from both sides gradually cooled and dissipated.

only left……

Wolf smoke everywhere!

The battlefield is riddled with holes!


The ground shattered and cracked, with countless cracks scattered all over the place, and the dense cracks perforated, filling every corner of the battlefield like a spider web.

There is hardly any complete place anywhere.

Simply shocking!


In the center of the entire battlefield, the shock wave that was collided and exploded by the terrifying force just now collapsed the depression several meters deep.

A gentle breeze came.

There is a pungent dusty smell in the air.

clear and distinct.

On the one hand, the white clothes were unscathed, and they were in the same place without moving at all.

On the other side, a man in a black robe, plus a middle-aged man in a gray robe, both of them had slightly broken marks on their bodies.

The atmosphere is quiet!


Chilling air permeates everywhere.

Everyone quietly watched the movement of the battlefield.

"Me, my God!"

"Under the shock of this terrifying force, is the young man still unscathed?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"He is too strong!"

"Such a terrifying force erupted, but it still couldn't threaten his life."

"Am I dreaming?"

"Even Juzi and Xiaoyaozi have some scars left on their bodies. But the young monster on the opposite side was unscathed from head to toe?!"


Thousands of anti-Qin elements were dumbfounded and shocked.

They saw clearly.

in the battlefield.

Ying Changge, who was dressed in white, was only stained with a little dust, and even the corners of his clothes were not damaged at all.


Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, the two martial arts masters, showed signs of different sizes of damage on their clothes.

Yan Dan was originally covered in bruises and wounds, but now his figure is even more embarrassing.

As for Xiaoyaozi, who was unscathed before, the gray Taoist robe on his body has already appeared scratches and damage to varying degrees.

As can be seen.

The terrifying confrontation just now ended with Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi being slightly inferior.

No one could imagine this result.

A full two martial arts master-level powerhouses personally shot, and at the same time broke out a terrifying killer move.

at last……

Still at a disadvantage? !

What is this concept?

Thousands of anti-Qin elements were stunned.

"This this!"

"It must be an illusion, right?"

"The two martial arts masters joined forces to attack and kill at the same time, and the final result turned out to be that they lost?"

"They were actually forced to retreat by a mere innate late stage?!"

"Oh my God!"

"It's also amazing."

"The alliance between Xiaoyaozi and the Mo clan giant, the two top powerhouses, is still helpless to the young existence opposite?"


A group of anti-Qin elements have completely lost their way.

They can't even dream of it.

The two martial arts masters joined forces, and even a late stage innate was unshakable.

This is too shocking!


No one could have imagined that the final result would be like this.

Including Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, like these anti-Qin elements, they were in a state of extreme shock.

"It was blocked!"

"Brother Xiaoyao..."

"The ultimate move that you and I broke out together was so easy for this monster to intercept and stop it with a single sword?"

"what is happening?"

"This monster is too strong."

"You and I strike together, and he will intercept it from the front with just one strike?"

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