The thousands of black sword qi entangled in his body were crushed into nothing by the aftermath before it was approached by this slash.

He was bewildered.

what is happening? !

The power of this sword is too terrifying!

Just the aftermath is enough to destroy and annihilate all the thousands of sword qi that he erupted?

real or fake?

Shouldn't this be a dream?

How could there be such a powerful force?

This is totally unreasonable!

this moment.

Countless chaotic thoughts appeared in Yan Dan's head, and his face was full of shock, horror, and shock.

He could only watch helplessly.

The dark purple terrifying slash that keeps approaching in front of me...

Oppressed with destructive power.

"Can't escape!"

"I can't stop it!"

Yan Dan held the fear in his heart.

next second.

His body was shrouded in this dark purple terrifying slash, and the terrifying gravity that erupted in an instant was about to tear Yan Dan's body apart.

Together with the internal organs of his body, under the suppression of this terrifying gravity, they were damaged by forceful movement.


With one mouth, Yan Dan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

at the same time.

The aura in his body also became disordered.

Even the right hand that was holding Mo Mei couldn't help but let go, which caused Mo Mei to be hit hundreds of meters away on the spot, rolled wildly in mid-air, and finally sank into the ground.


Yan Dan, who was shrouded in the terrifying gravity of the sword's eruption, was also knocked hundreds of meters away on the spot, and his figure flew upside down in the air.

Blood all the way!

Blood stained the sky!

Yan Dan could hear it.

The sound of broken bones...

The tingling sensation everywhere made his eyes bloodshot, and his face became hideous.

He forced the heart-piercing stinging pain of the ninja's body, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, which showed his pain at the moment.

It's not over yet...

Yan Dan was only the first target hit by this sword.


It's Xiaoyaozi's turn!

The moment Yan Dan was hit, Xiaoyaozi felt bad.

He wanted to dodge.

But there is no way to hide!

Without any choice.

Xiaoyaozi could only grit his teeth, and fully manipulate the golden mysterious runes wrapped around his body to rush forward, trying to block this terrifying slash.

But the final result made him despair.

When the golden mysterious rune rushed forward, it didn't wait for the terrifying slash to approach.

Slash the leaked aftermath airflow...

It directly smashed the golden mysterious rune.



Accompanied by loud noises, the golden Buddhist inscriptions that gathered the power of terrifying Taoism burst into the air out of thin air, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"It's over!"

Xiaoyaozi was dumbfounded, his face pale.

His throat was dry, and his eyes were full of horror and horror as he stared at Yan Dan who kept flying backwards.

At this moment.

There was an ominous feeling in his heart that he had never seen before.

All thoughts turned into powerless despair...


Xiaoyaozi was also hit by this terrifying slash.


When the gravity slash hit the body directly, Xiaoyaozi couldn't help vomiting blood, his face became extremely pale, and even the internal organs of the body were seriously damaged.


Xiaoyaozi vomited blood again, followed Yan Dan in his figure, flew upside down in the back, and rolled wildly in the air, unable to maintain his immortal image.


An extremely terrifying force washed away Xiaoyaozi's body.

Even under the defense of the surging innate qi, this terrible gravity still severely injured Xiaoyaozi on the spot, causing all his internal organs to be damaged.

"Good, terrible power!"

"What trick is this?"

Xiaoyaozi looked terrified and flew upside down.

The gray Taoist robe he was wearing was shattered under the ravages of this terrifying force.

There were also skin wounds on his body, and the blood spilled out, infecting the gray Taoist robe, with a strong pungent **** smell.

Visible to the naked eye.

Xiaoyaozi and Yandan were shot hundreds of meters away on the spot.

The two top martial arts masters, without exception, were knocked over a hundred meters from the air by this sword, and they flew upside down and rolled wantonly in mid-air.

The scene looks even more terrifying!

No one dared to imagine.

A dignified martial arts master at the level of a master would be defeated head-on by someone with a smashing attitude!


It was two martial arts masters who were defeated one after another from the front!

What is this concept?

It's unbelievable!

Except for the two martial arts masters being knocked into the air...

Where this slash passed, the ground was forcibly pierced by 367 hideous cracks, and terrifying cracks spread all over the corners.

The aftermath of the spread is enough to crush the earth.


The surface is collapsing!

The earth has fallen!

The huge battlefield was once again destroyed beyond recognition.

The dust fluttered freely, rolling and dancing above the sky.

till the end.

Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, the two martial arts masters, flew upside down for 100 meters to support them, and then they fell heavily on the ground, rubbing the ground dozens of meters away.

The figures of the two of them rubbed on the ground with traces extending for dozens of meters. Under the friction of the sand and stones, the clothes on the two of them became even more damaged.

Even their bodies were inevitably affected and scarred.

When the force sweeping over the body dissipates.

Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi both opened their mouths and spat out a mouthful of blood. Their faces were pale, and their body aura became sluggish, making them extremely weak.



The top powerhouse of the dignified martial arts master level, but at this moment, seems extremely humble.

Beaten all over!

There is no fighting back!

Strongly defeated from the front!

"Cough cough!"

Yan Dan coughed violently, his body and limbs seemed to have lost control of his body, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The tingling sensation transmitted to his body all the time caused cold sweat to flow down his forehead.

beside him.

Xiaoyaozi's situation cannot be ignored.

The same martial arts master...

Severely injured!

Hit by a sword!


Compared to Yan Dan, he was at close range to take that shocking and terrifying sword. Xiaoyaozi, who is far away, still has a slight injury on his body.


Xiaoyaozi constantly adjusted his breathing, feeling the severely injured body, he could only shake his head and sigh bitterly, with a look of despair and helplessness.

That's horrible!

This is definitely the first time in his life that he has suffered such a tragic defeat.

He was defeated by a mere young man who had cultivated in the late stage of the congenital realm, and was severely beaten with a destructive attitude!

If not for personal experience...

Xiaoyaozi couldn't believe the many miserable experiences that happened to him at this moment.

"Two against one, still can't beat it!"

"It was also defeated with a crushing attitude!"

Xiaoyaozi felt an unprecedented deep sense of powerlessness.

The two martial arts masters joined forces.

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