It's harder than going to the sky!

Surrounded by an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry.

Who can escape from it?


too difficult!

If he hadn't mastered a magical and bizarre Dao technique, even Xiaoyaozi, who had reached the master level of martial arts, would not be able to escape from the scene himself.

"What plan?"

Then, Yan Dan couldn't help asking subconsciously.

"I have a trick..."

"You can escape ten miles away out of thin air."

"In this way, you can escape the siege of the empire's 100,000 iron cavalry army."

"It's just. To use this trick, you need to use some kind of medium to trigger it."

"Moreover, I have to consume all the internal energy remaining in my body to maintain it."

Xiaoyaozi said in a low tone.


His face was heavy, and he continued to add more.

"Among them, the most important point is..."

"Even when I was at my peak, with this move, I could only carry a few people at the same time, and I couldn't lead everyone to escape from the scene."

"And after the fierce confrontation and collision just now."

"With my current state of severe physical damage, I can probably only guarantee that I will flee the scene with one person at the same time."

The sound just fell.

Yan Dan on the side also became extraordinarily silent.

The atmosphere, once again fell into depression.


An air of despair wafts toward me...

Cover the audience! .

Chapter 235 Meng Tian: This is the real powerhouse! 【Please customize】

How to choose?

Only one person can be saved!


or war?

Fight to the death?

Or give up thousands of anti-Qin elements?

Among the thousands of anti-Qin elements, in addition to the two hundred elite Daoist disciples led by Xiaoyaozi himself, there were also hundreds of Mohist disciples led by Yan Dan.

If you want to escape...

Then these people must be abandoned here.

Can you really be ruthless?


Except for the Mohist disciples and their Taoist disciples, almost all of the people present in the arena responded to the call of the Mohist tycoon, and came here to try to plan anti-Qin matters.

Is it...

Are you really going to abandon them?

They only came from a long distance because they trusted the Mo family and the giants of the Mo family.

Now that he is besieged and killed by an army of 100,000 iron cavalry from the empire, it is obvious that the biggest culprit is Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo clan!

a time.

Yan Dan thought a lot.

He became more and more silent.

"Is there no second way?"

Yan Dan moved his lips slightly, and asked in a low voice full of repression.

If he had a choice, he certainly didn't want to give up this group of anti-Qin elements.

All these people trusted him, so they chose to travel thousands of miles and risked being attacked and killed by the empire to join the anti-Qin alliance he planned.


They didn't even arrive at the Mojia Organ City, but they were brutally besieged and killed.

In desperation!

How does this make him explain to those who trust him?


Even if you do escape.

Yan Dan felt that he too was ashamed to live in the world.

"Big boy, you must calm down."

"Don't be impulsive and reckless..."

"You have a great mission on your shoulders, and you definitely can't take risks with yourself."

"You must live!"

"If you die suddenly here today, the entire Mo family is very likely to collapse and disappear."

"In this way, the anti-Qin alliance will naturally become a joke."

Xiaoyaozi asked solemnly.

His face was still slightly pale, and it was obvious that the injury in his body had not recovered.

The earth-shattering sword completely injured his body.

In a short period of time, the painful wounds on his body cannot be healed.

If the source is damaged, it will take at least half a year of cultivation before it can be restored to its original state.

"I 367 understand."

"However, to make me give up on them, I really can't do it."

Yan Dan coughed again.

There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he subconsciously raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth.

The two martial arts masters were also seriously injured.

The body was severely damaged by that shocking sword.


The state of the two has plummeted, leaving only about one-third of their strength at their peak.

After listening to Yan Dan's remarks, Xiaoyaozi was silent.

He turned his eyes and looked at the two hundred elite Taoist disciples behind him.


As Yandan said.

Xiaoyaozi would also be unbearable if he gave up on them.

A full two hundred Taoist elite disciples all followed him, the Taoist head, to participate in the anti-Qin alliance.


As the head of Taoism, he could not even guarantee the lives of his disciples.

How ridiculous is this?

Xiaoyaozi has never been so embarrassed and humble in his life.

A dignified martial arts master at the level of a master cannot even protect his disciples.

"I brought them out."

"But I can't return them to Taoism intact."

"Sad, sigh..."

Xiaoyaozi's heart was full of helplessness and powerlessness.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped his body and mind, making him, a martial arts master, even more exhausted.

But what can they do if they don't escape?

Only a desperate fight!

Can they win?


Difficult to reach the sky!

Basically impossible to win.

A full 100,000 imperial cavalry army, plus an existence that is so powerful that it is invincible in this world.

With such a terrifying lineup, how can they compete?

Not to mention the army of 100,000 cavalry.

Just a single invincible powerhouse in the world is far from what they can deal with.

The terrifying destructive power of an invincible powerhouse in the world is even far greater than that of thousands of troops!


Even their two martial arts masters have been defeated, how can they resist each other?

"If you don't escape..."

"Then you must die!"

"If you choose to flee the scene, there may be a chance of survival."

"Giant, we can still make a comeback!"

"You can't go your own way and cut off hope."

Xiaoyaozi took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the grief in his heart, (afej) continued to warn and remind.

If you don't escape, you will die!

If you run away, you can still die.

how to choose?

Xiaoyaozi didn't know how to make a choice.


Can't get past this hurdle!

There are thousands of anti-Qin elements and two hundred Taoist disciples standing behind them...

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