Abandoned by their head Xiaoyaozi!

"If I'm not mistaken, the Sect Master is now using the Escape of Dream Butterfly."

"It looks like we were given up by the headmaster."

"did not expect."

"One day, we will face such a desperate situation, and we will be actively abandoned by the head."

"Perhaps, this is the fate that has long been doomed."

"Sad, sigh!"

A famous Taoist disciple shook his head and sighed with a lifeless expression on his face.

They can already predict.

Then meet their fate.

Even the head of Taoism, Xiaoyaozi, had voluntarily abandoned them.

What else can they do?

Only one death!

Must die!

a time.

The anti-Qin elements were particularly chaotic. Except for the Taoist disciples, all the anti-Qin elements fell into extreme panic.

The two martial arts masters they had high hopes for had already lost one after another.

As such.

What hope do they have?

All thoughts burn!

Hope collapses!

A lifeless atmosphere enveloped the audience.

the other side.

The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of seeing and hearing is locked on Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi all the time, which naturally gave Ying Changge insight into the intentions of these two.

"The Escape of Dream Butterfly?"

The corners of Ying Changge's interesting mouth twitched into an arc.

He carried the famous sword Longyuan, which was covered with black armor, and approached the two of them step by step.

With every step he took, the pressure he brought to Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi increased.

He can feel it.

At this time, Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi were both in an extremely wonderful state.

Their bodies seem to be possible at any time, turning into flying sand and disappearing out of thin air...

"It's a magic trick!"

"Can people disappear out of thin air?"

Ying Changge looked expectant.

He had never seen such a miraculous and mysterious Taoism before.

Today, it happened by chance.


"Can you really escape?"

Ying Changge smiled.

Lifting the Long Yuan Sword in his hand, he aimed at Xiao Yaozi and Yan Dan in front of him.

The razor-sharp blade was wrapped in black armed-color armor, and it fell swiftly.


call out!

The blade pierced through the sky, and there was a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

A dark purple spiritual power slash, containing extremely terrifying sword qi and gravity shock waves, suddenly rushed towards Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi.

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

Another top-level ultimate move, released from the blade of Ying Changge's hand and exploded.

This is a shocking sword that can shake the invincible powerhouse of the world!

Where the Gravity Slash passes...

Everything is ashes!

Crushed on the spot!

All objects are destroyed and annihilated without exception.

Even the space seemed to be shattered and collapsed by the bombardment, causing the space to crazily twist and wriggle, constantly trembling.

Faced with this shocking sword that Ying Changge suddenly released, Xiao Yaozi and Yan Dan's expressions changed dramatically, their pupils shrank, their faces full of fear and palpitations.


"Must dodge!"

Xiaoyaozi hurriedly drank.

Yan Dan, who was in a state of panic, reacted quickly, grabbing Xiaoyaozi and dumping to the side.

At the moment when they were just evacuated from the place.

Gravity Slash passes by...

The terrifying gravity was about to destroy the sky and the earth, even if it was just the aftermath of the leak, it would be enough to tear apart Yan Dan's entire arm on the spot, shattering it abruptly.


A mass of blood mist danced in the sky, bursting into the sky.



Yan Dan was in pain and cried out in pain.

Visible to the naked eye.

His entire right arm was chopped off by this gravitational slash and crushed into pieces of meat, which were scattered from the sky and fell in all directions.

The right arm was cut off on the spot!

The shocking sword, just the aftermath, destroyed Yan Dan's entire right arm.

The heart-piercing tingling sensation was transmitted, causing Yan Dan's forehead to burst into cold sweat, and his face was full of pain.

Blood leaked out from Yan Dan's broken right arm and shoulder.

The blood fell, staining the soil on this side of the ground red.

The pungent **** smell slowly rose and spread in all directions.

The blood quickly melted into the soil, dyeing the ground red.


The aftermath destroyed the gravity slash of Yan Dan's right arm, traversing hundreds of meters all the way.


A sword hit the ground directly.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

Like thunder!


It was as if the sky was torn apart, and the screeching humming sound circulated.

When the power of this slash exploded, it turned into an endless shock wave, and the violent force tore the earth and forcibly reversed the terrain here.


The earth shatters!

The surface is broken!

The overwhelming force ripped apart countless cracks and perforations on the surface of the ground.

It was as if the ground had been sunk abruptly.


The whole piece of land fell down several centimeters, which looked particularly terrifying.



One crack after another, cracks spread in all directions.

Like a spider's web, the cracks are densely packed and creepy.

What kind of terrifying power is this?


Even the earth was shaken by force!

It's like a terrifying power like a fairy Buddha descended into the world!

a time.

Smoke billows from the ground.

The dust that curled up was scattered and danced in the air.

"Big boy, how are you?!"

Xiaoyaozi's face turned pale, and his eyes looked at Yan Dan's right arm in horror.

The blood spurted out, and even Xiaoyaozi's clothes were slightly infected by this blood.

The strong and pungent **** smell filled his sense of smell.

"I can't die yet."

The cold sweat on Yan Dan's forehead was hurricane again and again. He forcibly endured the piercing pain in his body, and his whole body was shaking violently and uncontrollably.

The entire right arm was forcibly torn, causing him to experience unprecedented pain.

The tattered black robe and clothes on his body have been completely soaked in blood.

Take a closer look.

The whole person is like a blood man!

Extremely embarrassed!


"The Escape of the Dream Butterfly is almost complete!"

"You must hold on."

Xiaoyaozi hurriedly continued to urge the medium of Dream Butterfly's Escape.

Distance Dream Butterfly Escape is about to successfully cast...

Only five breaths left!

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