As long as the Mohist giant Yan Dan did not escape, Ying Changge would be satisfied.

With Xiaoyaozi's character, he will definitely not be able to turn around in the future.

The most important thing is the Mo clan giant Yan Dan!

This is the key person!

In the end.

Yan Dan used to be the prince!

Whether it's in terms of leading troops to fight, or in terms of buying people's hearts, or in terms of influence, appeal, etc...

Xiaoyaozi and Yandan are almost incomparable.

Xiaoyaozi can escape, but Yan Dan must not escape!

This is what Ying Changge thought.

Xiaoyaozi escaped, it was just a martial arts master.

If Yan Dan escaped.

That may lead to the emergence of thousands of martial arts masters in later generations!

The two have completely different danger factors to the empire.

"After killing the dignified Mo family tycoon in 4.9, my template fusion degree should be improved a lot, right?"

Ying Changge felt a little bit of anticipation in her heart.


He slowly raised which one he was holding tightly in his right hand, the famous sword Longyuan covered in black armored armor.

The sharp Longyuan Sword, the outer surface of the blade was wrapped in black armor, exuding a fierce and terrifying aura of coercion, sweeping in all directions.

Facing Ying Changge holding the famous sword Longyuan, Yan Dan smiled sadly.

He took the initiative to spread his arms.

"bring it on!"

"kill me……"

"I, Yan Dan, the Mo clan tycoon, did not lose to the imperial cavalry."

"And pure, just lost to a monster like you."

"That's all!"

The voice resounded loudly, resounding through the sky.


"as you wish."

Ying Changge's face was calm as always.


The famous sword Longyuan in his hand suddenly fell.

call out!

The sharp blade pierced through the sky and exploded with an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air.


The sword light flashed.

More than ten meters away...

A sword forced out the terrifying sword energy, and slashed Yan Dan's body on the spot.

next second.


Blood splattered.

Blood stained the sky!

A large bloodstain danced in the air...

at the same time.

A head presented a curved parabola, slowly falling from the sky above, rolling on the ground for several laps, and finally stopped.

It can now be officially announced.

Yan Dan, the death of the body is eliminated!

The dignified generation of Mo clan giants, but also the top powerhouses who have reached the level of martial arts masters...

He was beheaded by a sword from the air! .

Chapter 238 With just one sword, it will pacify thousands of anti-Qin elements! 【Please customize】

Yan Dan is dead.

The dignified generation of Mo clan giants, and even the former crown prince of the Han state, has already reached the top level of martial arts masters, but he is still tragically killed today.

A martial arts master has fallen.

Died under the blade of Ying Changge.


The strong and pungent **** smell wafts in the air and floats wantonly.

All eyes were fixed on the battlefield.

Thousands of anti-Qin elements were dumbfounded, looking at the cold, headless corpse lying on the ground with horror on their faces.

and also……

The hideous and terrifying head was widening its eyes, as if it were dying.

This head is naturally the Mo clan giant Yan Dan!

this moment.

Silence is everywhere!


The whole place was silent!

"Dead, dead!"

"The giant of the Mo family was instantly killed by someone with a sword in the air."

"The dignified martial arts master level powerhouse has fallen into the world."

"There's no way to fight back..."

"Oh my God!"

"That young man is indeed a monster."

A group of anti-Qin elements were full of horror.

The death of the Mo clan giant Yan Dan made the fear in their hearts infinitely magnified.


Hundreds of Mo family disciples clenched their fists involuntarily, their eyes filled with fear and anger, staring at the corpse of their Mo family giant, unable to move their eyes for a long time.

"Giant, dead!"

This scene had a serious impact on their hearts.

They never thought about it.

One day, you will be able to see it with your own eyes.

A top expert at the level of a dignified martial arts master would be beheaded on the spot!

And this person is the leader of their Mo family!

All of this overturned their cognition.

It made them feel mad, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

"It's over!"

"The giant is also dead."

"Next, it's our turn."

"I don't want to die!"

"If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have joined the so-called anti-Qin alliance."

"It's alright now. Even a powerful existence like the Mo clan tycoon suffered the fate of being killed in an instant."

Panic spreads.

Boundless 05 The boundless sense of fear penetrates the heart and dominates the mind and body of all anti-Qin elements present.

Unable to contain the fear in their hearts, their bodies shivered.

The smell of blood floating in the air made them even more terrified.

Apart from the turmoil on the side of the anti-Qin elements, the empire's army of 100,000 cavalrymen was ecstatic.

Seeing Yan Dan's death, the 100,000 imperial cavalry army all showed excitement and excitement.

They looked at Ying Changge's back with more and more admiration in their eyes.

The two martial arts masters joined forces at the same time, and now they are dead and disabled!

One fled the scene, the other died on the spot.

"Young master really did it."

"One against two!"

"No downside at all!"

"It even defeated two martial arts masters and killed one of them."

"This kind of shocking action, I am afraid that no one can imitate it for thousands of years?"

One of the Qin army soldiers clenched their fists and seemed very excited.

They looked at Ying Changge as if they were looking at an immortal Buddha who came into the world!

"I already said it."

"But it's just two Martial Dao masters, how can they threaten the safety of the young master?"

"No, two martial arts masters failed miserably, and one of them was killed on the spot."

"This so-called Mo clan giant seems to be nothing more than that."

Meng Tian laughed heartily.

Hearing this, Meng Ying couldn't help but suggest: "Father, do you want to order a siege? Now two martial arts masters, one dead and the other fleeing..."

"This is a great time to surround and kill this group of anti-Qin elements!"

"Seventh Young Master, with his own strength, forcibly defeated the belief and fighting spirit of these anti-Qin elements. Now, if you surround and kill them, you can achieve a complete victory with absolutely no effort."

Thinking of this, Meng Ying was very excited.

He looked at Ying Changge in his eyes, completely unable to hide his deep admiration and admiration.

The son deserves to be the number one evildoer throughout the ages!

With only one's own strength, he did it abruptly.

Forcibly defeated the belief and fighting spirit of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements.

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