I see.

Ying Changge shot.

He seemed to lightly lift the famous sword Longyuan in his hand, the blade was wrapped around the black armed armor, exuding a fierce and cold aura.


in a moment……

A terrifying mass of gravity gathers around the blade.

One after another dark purple electric current lingered on the surface of the sharp blade again, making the Longyuan Sword wrapped in black armor even more oppressive.

"I only have one sword..." 367

"Whether you can survive depends on your fortune."

Ying Changge spoke slowly.

The words fall.

Don't wait for this group of anti-Qin elements to react.

The Long Yuan Sword in the Ying Chang Singer was swiftly cut off.


The sharp blade pierced through the sky, and there was a piercing sound of breaking through the sky.



The space was forcibly twisted and squirmed, trembling constantly, as if it was about to collapse and collapse.

at the same time.

A dark purple terrifying slash forced out all the terrifying gravitational energy wrapped around the blade, the two merged into one, and slashed sharply ahead.

call out!

The terrifying slash dashed forward swiftly.

With the terrifying power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it aimed at more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements.

The sword light is like the sun!


Like the rays of the sun, covering the sky.

The dark purple slashing surface is wrapped around terrifying gravity, with the power to destroy everything, crushing everything it passes into powder.

The domineering power of the perfect-level armament, coupled with the power of the perfect-level gravity fruit...

The two forces converged in this slash at the same time.

Just imagine.

How terrifyingly destructive is this shocking sword?

At this moment.

Thousands of anti-Qin elements could only see a dazzling purple halo.

The rays of light enveloped their bodies overwhelmingly, so that their eyes and vision were completely filled with the rays of light.

The imposing pressure emanating from this terrifying slash, even if they were far apart, has already affected the bodies of thousands of anti-Qin elements.

How to describe and describe this sword?


Ordinary words are no longer enough to describe the horror of this sword!

This is……

A sword of death!

Enough to destroy everything in the world!

Cut off everything in the world!

"Good, terrible power!"

"How powerful is this?"


"This is manpower? It's simply the method of an immortal!"

"Under the shocking power brought by this sword..."

"I'm waiting, they're all ants!"

All the anti-Qin elements present at the scene deeply felt it at this moment.

That boundless terrifying force completely dominated their bodies.

The fear in my heart was magnified infinitely.

In the face of this terrifying slash.

The only thoughts in their minds are...


Can't compete!


"It's over!"

All the thoughts turned into a hopeless thought.


The sword light flashed.

Immediately after.

This dark purple slash suddenly fell with the power to destroy the world!

From the positive direction, the group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements traverses the crowd with unparalleled strength.

Potential like a broken bamboo!

Sweep everything!

boom! .

Chapter 239 One sword kills a thousand lives! Living Sword Immortal! 【Please customize】


There was a loud bang like thunder.

Like thunder!


As if the sky was penetrated, the entire sky burst with a world-shattering sound.

A dark purple slash through the space of heaven and earth landed on the front of a group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, and slashed from the front.


Unparalleled power directly explodes and splits.


Overturn the river!

The gravity contained in this sword exploded at the moment it fell.

Gravity contains a terrible tearing force...

I want to destroy everything in the world!

Wherever you go...

All things annihilated!


Visible to the naked eye.

Those anti-Qin elements that the dark purple slashes hit directly, their bodies couldn't even react, and they didn't even have time to mobilize the internal force in their bodies to resist.

In just an instant, they were hit on the spot by the dark purple slash.

next second.




One after another, the bodies of the anti-Qin elements were directly smashed and exploded by the dark purple slash, turning into a blood mist that danced gracefully.

Blood mist flutters, blood stains the sky!

In just one face-to-face, the sharp sword energy that erupted from the dark purple slash had already crushed the bodies of hundreds of anti-Qin elements, cutting them all off.

The bloodstains that burst open flew all over the sky, and then sprinkled on the soil of all sides.

The domineering power of the perfect-level armed color is contained in the slash. When the power explodes, just the aftermath of the spread is enough to directly smash the human body into powder.

Hundreds of anti-Qin elements died again.

Terribly miserable!

Can't even resist.

Unable to parry!

In a single encounter, this sword took hundreds of lives.

The power has not ceased.

The power that just erupted was just the beginning.


The play has begun!

When the power of the slash broke out in full, the terrifying gravity contained in the appearance of the slash came to the scene one after another with the aura of destroying everything in the world.

All living beings within a radius of hundreds of meters, including all objects, will be swept away by this terrifying gravitational energy.





The bodies of the anti-Qin elements exploded on the spot, turning into countless blood scattered in the sky.

Like a goddess scattered flowers, the blood of bright red and demonic scatters in the sky.

It seems that even the sky will be stained red by this patch of blood and become extraordinarily strange.

The splashes of blood melted into the soil below, dyeing the soil red, turning it dark red, and exuding a strong and pungent **** smell all the time.


Slash through the earth.

A terrifying fissure that almost spreads for hundreds of meters was torn apart abruptly.

Earth Piercing!

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