"Could it be..."

"Is he really an immortal reincarnated?!"

A pair of terrified and shocking eyes were fixed in front of them one after another.

They stared intently.

The young figure dressed in white and holding a black blade.

A white dress, peerless style!

Holding a blade wrapped in black armor, it shows a unique and extraordinary temperament.

Like an exiled immortal, extraordinary and refined!

After experiencing this, just like a nightmare.

The way they looked at Ying Changge again changed dramatically.

"He is no ordinary person!"



"A living sword fairy!".

Chapter 240 In the face of absolute power, everything is just a joke! 【Please customize】

Weird atmosphere!


The whole place was silent!

In all directions, there stood one after another of Daqin soldiers in armor.

They each held sophisticated weapons and equipment and rode cavalry horses.

at this time.

They were staring blankly at the horror scene of the battlefield.

There are holes everywhere!


In the center of the entire battlefield, there is a hideous crack that runs through hundreds of meters...


There are also countless broken corpses lying on the broken ground.

There were originally more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, but now there are only more than 1,000 people who can still stand.

The rest of the dead are dead and disabled.

The many anti-Qin elements lying on the ground dying, rolled and mourned in pain, making the scene very chaotic.

This scene, without reservation, fell into the eyes of everyone.


Frightening, shocking, unbelievable!

"Me, my God!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"More than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were destroyed in an instant, and a thousand people were wiped out!"

"what is happening?"


"Thousands of anti-Qin elements, all of them are strong martial arts practitioners. However, they were wiped out and killed by one sword?"

"Be good..."

"I must be hallucinating."

367 The 100,000 elite iron cavalry of the empire, almost without exception, were all frightened.

They stared blankly at the broken battlefield ahead.

There was a whimper of pain in his ears.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it.

only one sword...

More than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, half of the loss!

lost heavily!

Almost half of the anti-Qin elements were killed.

There are also some seriously injured lying on the ground dying...

There are only less than 1,000 people who are still left with intact bodies.

What is this concept?



All of this seriously overturned the worldview of all the Qin soldiers present.

Subvert cognition!


"Can this be done by humans?"

"I'm afraid it's not the power of living immortals and Buddhas, right?"

"Under one sword, all are ants!"

"With just one strike, he killed thousands of anti-Qin elements on the spot!"

"Oh my God!"

"What terrifying power is this?"

"Young Master, he is too strong! It's outrageous!"

All the Qin soldiers present were unable to contain the shock in their hearts.

Not only were they dumbfounded.

Even Meng Tian and Meng Ying were stunned.


Meng Tian couldn't help swallowing his saliva and widened his eyes.

He stared blankly at the chaos of the battlefield, and then looked at the terrifying fissure that stretched for a hundred meters...

Around this ferocious rift, one after another icy corpses were left, and some of the corpses were particularly terrifying and creepy.

And many more...

It was smashed to pieces, and even the corpse was not left behind, and it was wiped out.

All this overturned Meng Tian's cognitive concept.

"This this!"

"What terrifying power can cause such horrific destruction?"

"in a moment……"

"Almost destroy the world! Kill thousands of people in an instant!"

"Manpower? This is simply an immortal method!"

Meng Tian couldn't help but doubt his life.

For the first time in his life he saw it.

There are actually people who practice martial arts who are so powerful!


I'm afraid this is not an immortal cultivator?

With just one sword, it penetrated hundreds of meters away on the spot...

With one sword, he killed thousands of anti-Qin elements!

Hit thousands of anti-Qin elements!

Only less than a thousand people could survive without being affected by that shocking sword.

Located next to Meng Tian.

Meng Ying was equally shocked.

Of course he knew.

My son Ying Changge is very strong!

But he can't predict...

My son is actually so powerful!

By one's own strength, he even forcibly swept away thousands of anti-Qin elements!

Even more terrifying is...

My son only made one sword in the whole process!


With just one sword, the anti-Qin alliance was pierced!

How amazing is this power?

"One, one sword!"

"Young master just made a sword,"

"Thousands of people were flattened by a sword!"

"A group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements has been completely pierced by a single sword!"

Meng Ying's throat was dry and her eyes were wide and round.

What kind of magic trick is this?

The son is too strong!

Strong is simply exaggerated!


Shao Siming was also deeply moved by it.

Her beautiful face hidden under the veil showed a strong emotional color of shock, shock, and disbelief.

She is extremely devoid of mood swings though.

But only in the face of such shocking things right now, she felt deeply turbulent beyond her control.

too strong!

A sword swept thousands of people!

What power is this?

In the world, I have never heard of such a shocking move!

There has never been such an example since ancient times.

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