He was stunned on the spot, dumbfounded, his eyes wide and round.

"Class, Master Class, how are you?"

The Mo family disciple couldn't help but speak out.

Seeing Master Class's shock and gaffe, he was also shocked.

It was the first time he saw it.

The calm and calm Master Class showed such a rude expression.

"Let me calm down!"


Master Class constantly adjusted his breathing, trying to restore his tense and frightened mood.

But no matter what, his shocked and horrified mood could not be cooled.

He stared blankly ahead.

The device that keeps smoking...

He sniffed the pungent smell that filled the air.

All the experiences I have experienced at the moment are all refreshing the cognition of Master Class.

He remembered it deeply.

Some time ago, he personally inspected the organs outside the passage.

He can be sure.

The organs there will definitely not be easily damaged, at least for ten years.

But right now.

How to explain all this?

"This this……"

Master Class opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

He couldn't even think of it himself.

What other explanation can explain all this.

"A coincidence?"

"Could it be that when I checked last time, I carelessly ignored the organs there?"

"But I clearly remember that the organs there can last at least ten years without damage."

"If it weren't for internal reasons..."

"Could it be that."

"Is it the interference and influence of external factors that caused serious damage to the central device of the agency, and caused more than 500 agencies to be paralyzed at the same time?"

"is it possible?"

Master Ban's throat was dry, and his face was full of shock.

Interference from outside factors?

If it is really the interference of external factors...

what does that mean?

Of course Master Class knows this.

But soon.

He quickly rejected this astonishing guess that had just occurred in his heart.

"Do not!"

"Will not!"

"It will never be because of the interference of external factors that the more than 500 kinds of organs in the peripheral channel are paralyzed."

"It must be an internal reason."

"That's right!"

"It must have been subconsciously ignored when I checked it last time."

"It must be a coincidence."

Master Class forcibly suppressed the vibration in his heart and continued to comfort himself.

If it is because of the interference of external factors that the organ is paralyzed...

That also means.

Now an outsider has broken into their Mo Family's Organ City.


The most terrifying thing is...

This outsider has successfully broken and disintegrated, and they have defeated and paralyzed all the organs in the outer passage of the Mojia Organ City!

Break and disintegrate the organ that their Mo family is proud of from the front!

Just ask.

Is this really possible?

The class master is always incredible.


He immediately rejected this shocking conjecture in his heart.


Their Mohist institutions are the best in the world. …

How can it be broken up by outsiders?

All the organs in the Mohist organization city were formed by the efforts of their Mohists for hundreds of years, and after the improvement of countless generations of Mohist giants.

How could such an institution be breached by outsiders?


The greatest pride of the Mo Family is the Mo Family's organ technique!

As you can imagine.

As a class master of Mohist contemporary organ masters.

How could he accept it.

An unknown outsider who trampled the greatest pride of their Mo family to the ground?

"It's just a coincidence..."

"I don't need to be too concerned."

"Later, I have to personally check the organs of the outer passage. At that time, I will know what caused these organs to be paralyzed."

Master Class thought so.

His shocking mood gradually cooled.


His eyes were fixed on these devices in the control room of the mechanism...

Each device here is connected to different groups of agencies in the city. It can be easily turned on or off anytime, anywhere.

at the same time.

These devices will also display the status of the connected organizations.

Once the external organization group is damaged and paralyzed, the device here will also be damaged and smoke.

As just now.

The organs of the peripheral passages are paralyzed, and the organ devices connected to the peripheral passages will start to smoke, thus losing control over the peripheral organs.


Master Class fixed his gaze on one of the mechanisms, with bloodshot eyes all over his 4.9 eyes, and his eyes were full of nervousness and anxiety.

This mechanism device is located next to the mechanism device that was smoking just now.

That is...

The core device of the second group organ connecting the Mojia Organ City!

The first organ was destroyed and paralyzed.

The class master wants to see.

Whether the second organ will also be damaged.

If next, the second organ will also be damaged.

That symbolizes.

Things are going in the worst direction.

on the contrary.

If the second organ has not been damaged for a long time.

This incidates that.

The damage to the first mechanism device just now was just a coincidence.

"It must be just a coincidence!"

Master Class clenched his fists subconsciously, feeling extremely uneasy.

His eyes were fixed on this mechanism device, and his eyes could no longer move away from it.

Chapter 258 Failed? The seventh son can't do it? 【Please customize】

at the same time.

the other side.

Inside the outer passage of the Organ City.

On the walls on both sides of the passage, golden candles hang above, emitting a golden halo, and the halo scattered by the curling candles floats recklessly with the weak airflow.

Even under the light of candlelight, it still seems to be out of reach.

There is no sunlight coming in from the outside, which makes the air temperature here extremely cold and cool.


A steady sound of footsteps, very rhythmic, slowly resounded through the silent passage.


A young man in white clothes is walking out of the dark passage in the direction of the entrance step by step.


His steps are very casual, as if walking in his own back garden.

No one can imagine.

This passage that he walks around so casually is actually the city of Mo Jia's prestigious institution!

It is still an extremely dangerous place with organs everywhere!

Who can believe this?

The well-known Mojia office city, 05 was actually regarded as a back garden by a young outsider?

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