Ying Changge just cracked the Mojia government and knew the correct driving path of the Mojia government.

instead of...

All the organs of the Mo family were paralyzed!

after all.

The latter possibility is really too scary.

Gongshuuqiu will subconsciously rule out this possibility, which is understandable.

"Young master, what the Sect Master Gongshu said makes sense, you must not be careless."

Meng Tian was also a little worried.

Tens of thousands of imperial iron cavalry soldiers broke into the city at the same time, and if they were a little careless, there was a high possibility that someone would trigger the internal mechanism rashly.

As such.

The army of tens of thousands of imperial iron cavalry may have to face the strangulation of internal organs.

By the time.

The imperial cavalry army is about to suffer heavy losses.

Chapter 261 Holding the seventh son's thigh tightly is the kingly way! 【Please customize】

"What the **** are you talking about? I'm almost confused by you guys."

"I mean to say."

"I have already destroyed the first mechanism inside the Mojia Organs City, and completely paralyzed the first mechanism. In other words, there is no possibility that the mechanism inside will be triggered by anyone."

"There are more than 500 kinds of organs, all of which have been paralyzed, and even the most basic functions are no longer available."

"In this case, how can you still - trigger the internal organs?"

Ying Changge looked strange.

Hearing this, Gong Shuqiu was shocked.

He widened his eyes again.

"What, what?!"

"Sir, what do you mean..."

"You have completely destroyed the Mojia Organ City, all the organs in this first passage?!"

"It's not just insight, how to correctly lead the way to the city?"


"Directly from the front, destroying these organs, so that these organs can no longer be touched?"

Gong Zuoqiu was stunned.

His eyes were wide and round, and the wrinkled old face showed an uncontrollable look of horror.


what's going on?


It is not as simple as cracking the mechanism of the mechanism city.

But to completely destroy these organs? !

be nice...

What is this concept?

Simply unimaginable!

What kind of terrifying feat is this?

Gong Xuqiu was stunned on the spot.

"Otherwise? You shouldn't think..."

"I'm just penetrating the orbit of the Mojia Organ City, so I can find a correct way to the inside of the Organ City?"

"of course not."

"In order to facilitate the imperial cavalry army, it can smoothly enter the core hinterland of the city."

"It took me half an hour to finally get my wish, destroying the central control device of the agency."

"And it has completely disintegrated. There are more than 500 kinds of agencies in the city."

"In this way, it can be guaranteed that nothing will go wrong, and it is absolutely safe to let the imperial cavalry army break into the interior of the city from this leading all the way."

Ying Changge explained casually.

When the sound fell.

There was a dead silence all over again!


Gong Zuoqiu opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

His eyes were wide and round, as if looking at a monster, staring blankly at Ying Changge's figure.

Ying Changge's remarks buzzed in his mind, making his whole mind extremely confused.


Meng Tian and Meng Ying were also stunned.

The people of the Quicksand Organization were even more shocked.

"What? What's the situation?"

"turn out to be……"

"Young Master has forcibly destroyed the mechanism of the city from the front? It's not as simple as finding a safe passage to the core hinterland of the Mo family."

"Oh my God!"

"The organs of the Mojia Organ City were forcibly destroyed by the young master alone, and it took only half a quarter of an hour?"

"This is too amazing!"


A group of people are deeply moved and gaffe.

Is this the monster?

Do not!

This is simply a monster!

Destroying the organs of the Mojia Organ City from the front...

Who dares to imagine?

This is shocking!

The son of the monster is too outrageous!

"It's the old man sitting in the well and watching the sky."

"I thought that the son just found the right path."

"But I didn't expect it."

"Young master, he is actually the one who forcibly destroyed the Mojia Organ City! He has paralyzed more than 500 types of organs!"

"Is this a genius?"

Gong Shuqiu's lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He really felt it.

What a genius!

What is a monster!

He couldn't even imagine it.

How difficult is it to destroy the organs inside the Mojia Organ City from the front!

Difficult to reach the sky!

But it is such a difficult thing, but let the seventh son do it.

what does that mean?

As the master of a generation of mechanical skills, Gongshuoqiu is also the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, and his organizational attainments can even be compared to his ancestor, Master Lu Ban...

At this moment, he felt very absurd and absurd.

This is the mechanism to destroy the Mojia mechanism city, not just a simple crack!

These are two completely different concepts!

The difference in difficulty between the two...

At least hundreds of times worse!

Thousands of times the difficulty difference!

It is for this reason that Gongzuoqiu's mood seems so shocked and gaffe.


"Young Master is really a god!"

Gong Shuuqiu looked at Ying Changge, unable to use ordinary words to describe this kind of genius and evildoer.


Meng Tian, ​​Wei Zhuang and others were also shocked.

Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization with a calm mind, was dumbfounded by one after another.

"Seventh son..."

"It's so good?!"

"It's unbelievable."

Wei Zhuang was amazed.

It's not to crack the mechanism city...

Instead, destroy the mechanism city!

These are naturally two different concepts!

Or destroy the mechanism of the mechanism city from the front!

If this is spread out of the rivers and lakes, who would dare to believe such a terrifying phenomenon that subverts cognition?

The whole arena is bound to be fully detonated by this news!


"The most terrifying thing is..."

"Young master only takes half an hour!"

"Within half a quarter of an hour, destroy more than 500 kinds of organs in the mechanism city."

"Can you believe it?"

Meng Tian was in a terrified mood.

After the conversation just now, a group of people were frightened by Ying Changge.

"All right."

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