There is absolutely no second example!

No one could imitate the way that the Seventh Young Master destroyed the Mohist government.

This point, Gongzuoqiu can be absolutely certain.

Look around the world.

Only the Seventh Young Master himself can use this kind of terrifying means beyond common sense to forcibly destroy the organs of the Mojia Organ City!

As for the other organ masters in the world?

If they really follow the Seventh Young Master's method of forcibly destroying the organs.

Not surprisingly.

They are afraid that how many lives are not enough to die!

As an excellent organ master, Gong Xuqiu, of course, clearly understands it in his heart.

I want to be like the seventh son...

How difficult is it to crack the mechanism in an extremely terrifying and efficient way!

But if you are a little careless during this period.

I'm afraid, we will meet the end of being shattered on the spot.


Gong loses hatred is from the heart to feel ashamed.

He also did not dare to try, trying to use this method to forcibly crack the mechanism.


He's too old to live! .

Chapter 264 This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a monster! 【Please customize】

this moment.

Only the public loses hatred can be deeply felt.

What a terrifying existence this Seventh Young Master, who he had decided to follow before, was!

Not only is the strength unfathomable!

Even the ability of this one-handed insight into the organ is terrifying and unbelievable!


The contemporary leaders of the Gongshuoqiu Tangtanggongshu family cannot follow Ying Changge's method of destroying the organization.

As you can imagine.

Even he, the contemporary head of the public loser, can't do it, let alone other organ masters in the world.

"From more than 500 kinds of institutions..."

"Filter out one of them!"

"How difficult is this?"

Gong Zuoqiu couldn't help shaking his head.

Even if he was asked to choose, he would not dare to choose!

Because of a little carelessness, once you choose the wrong one.

It is very likely that more than 500 kinds of organs will be attacked and killed at the same time!

It was extremely fatal to him.

Being attacked and killed by more than 500 kinds of organs at the same time, even if it is as strong as a martial arts master, it will definitely be beaten into a sieve on the spot.

"I thought the son was scary enough."

"I didn't expect it."

"I still seriously underestimate the son after all."

"The terrifying aspect of the son is far beyond the scope of my cognition."

Gong Zuoqiu was amazed again and again.

Now he finally understands.

What method did the Seventh Young Master take to destroy the organs in the passageway of the Mojia Organ City?

Knowing the method doesn't mean he can follow suit.


It was because he knew the method that he could feel it deeply.

How big is the gap between him and Ying Changge!

Even if he is a rare mechanism master in the world, he can only be far behind!

"Young Master's talent is too high!"

"This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a monster of a monster~"!"

The public loses hatred.

At this time.

Meng Tian, ​​who was beside him, seemed to notice the unusual expression of Gong Shuqiu, so he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Master Gongshu, is there any difference in the way that the young master used to destroy the Mo Family's office city just now?"

"Why do you show such a rude look?"

Meng Tian was deeply curious about this.

He is not a master of the organ, and of course he cannot understand the shock in Gong Shuqiu's heart.

Hearing this, Gong Shuoqiu gave a wry smile: "In simple terms, the method that the son used to break through the Mojia government city. In this world, there is no second machine teacher who can follow suit."

"Even if you know the specific detailed process and method, it is still difficult to follow."

"Young master, this method is used to destroy organs, and the efficiency is very high!"

"However, only the son can master it by himself."

"If anyone wants to follow suit, they will suffer a devastating blow of terror."

"Even if it's me, I wouldn't dare to imitate the way the son destroys the organ."

The words fall.

Meng Tian was slightly startled.

Are there so many things about love?

Can't see it at all!

"Young Master's method of destroying the mechanism is the most efficient method that this old man has seen in his life, but it is also the most dangerous and terrifying."

Gong Xu Qiu said earnestly.

It sounds simple enough.

But in fact, this method is enough to make people irresistible!

If you don't have enough skills, you will take the liberty to imitate the Seventh Young Master's method. Undoubtedly, the final result will be shattered.

This way of destroying organs is not widely imitated even by Gongxuqiu.

As you can imagine.

How difficult is this!

"General Meng Tian, ​​don't think that what the son said was so simple."

"But in fact, there is no second person in the world who can do the steps that the young master said."

Gongzuoqiu continued to speak.

"So exaggerated?"

"Isn't it?"

Meng Tian was stunned.

"Exaggerated? More exaggerated is yet to come!"

Gong Shuuqiu couldn't help laughing, shook his head and sighed, "I'm not afraid to tell General Meng Tian. I'll use the simplest example to describe how earth-shattering what the son just did."

Is it exaggerated?

He didn't think it was an exaggeration!

Compared to the terrifying method Seventh Young Master used to destroy the mechanism of this passage just now, Gong Shuqiu felt that his description was still a bit lower.

"All ears."

Meng Tian pricked up his ears.


Meng Ying also felt a little curious.

Members of the Quicksand Organization, such as Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian, even calmed down and listened carefully.

They are all outsiders of the agency, and only by making a simple summary of Gong Shuqiu can they understand how terrifying Ying Changge's actions just now are.

"As Seventh Young Master said before."

"The passage we are taking now probably hides more than 500 kinds of organs."

"''More than 500 kinds of organs are interlocked, and the whole body is affected by one shot. If any one of the organs is triggered, it will lead to other organs to operate and trigger."

"As you can imagine."

"How difficult is it to crack these 500 kinds of organs at the same time!"

"And among the more than 500 kinds of institutions, one must find the most accurate one in order to truly destroy and disintegrate all of these institutions."

"That is..."

"The small probability of choosing one out of five hundred!"

"Once you choose the wrong one, all the organs will be triggered, and you will meet the tragic end of being annihilated and besieged by more than 500 types of organs."

Gong Shuoqiu took a deep breath and continued to introduce in an amazed tone.

The probability of choosing one out of five hundred!

Who dares to gamble?


He would not dare to lose his revenge.

If these organs are not hidden inside the wall, then he is sure to screen out the core organs and devices, so as to destroy the organs here.

But the problem is (Hao Nuo Zhao)...

These organs are all hidden inside the wall, and many are hidden under the floor tiles under their feet.

As such.

If you want to find the most critical mechanism, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack!

Once you choose the wrong one, you will face a desperate situation of ten deaths and no life!

Just ask.

Who in the world would dare to bet on the probability of choosing one out of five hundred?

"Me, my God!"

"Is there a chance of choosing one out of five hundred, Zhu?"

"Seventh Young Master is taking such a huge risk to destroy the mechanism here?!"

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