It is to ignore the organs here completely!

Just that.

It is enough to make all the martial arts practitioners in the entire Jianghu feel deeply shocked and gaffe.

Even enough to completely detonate the entire Jianghu! .

Chapter 268 Finally let me find you! Vulnerable! 【Please customize】

Everyone's eyes were full of shock, staring blankly at the empty hall ahead.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the young figure in white.

I see.

When Ying Changge stepped into the front hall, it was probably not even half an hour old.


His footsteps gradually came to an abrupt end.

at this time.

He is already located in the very center of the hall!

Under the domineering investigation of the perfect level of knowledge, there are thousands of interlocking organs in all directions, making this place seem extremely dangerous.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge's domineering arrogance with the perfect level of knowledge, I'm afraid, it would inevitably be annihilated and besieged by countless agencies here.

Even the most terrifying organ masters in the world will be absolutely helpless and helpless when faced with hundreds of thousands of organs around.

Only Ying Changge can penetrate the secret and essence of these organs with unparalleled precision.

this time.

Ying Changge is using his perfect knowledge to continuously analyze and decompose the same connection points of the surrounding organs, so as to find the core device 05 that controls thousands of organs.

Just find it and destroy it.


All the organs here will be paralyzed in an instant!

Just like the first level just passed, as long as one central core device is destroyed.

Then hundreds of thousands of interlocking mysterious organs will immediately turn into scrap metal, and there will be no more threats.


Next, Ying Changge took about a dozen breaths.

"Finally let me find you!"

A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is extremely accurate, and has insight into the common connection point of these thousands of organs.

This also means.

It is only one last step away from the collapse of all the organs here!

That is the step where Ying Changge personally destroyed it.

For outsiders.

This step contains a very dangerous life-threatening.

after all.

From thousands of hidden agency groups, select the only agency.

As you can imagine.

What a slim chance is this?

A little careless, if you choose the wrong one.

That would immediately trigger thousands of organs to operate at the same time, causing him to be strangled by thousands of organs on the spot.

No organ division dares to bet on this one in a thousand probability.

But Ying Changge is different.

With his perfect-level knowledge, he has already accurately discerned the connection points and contexts of all organs.


He can be 100% absolutely certain, the core key points in thousands of institutions!

Thinking of this, Ying Changge slowly stepped forward and walked towards a towering stone pillar in the hall.

The stone pillars are about half a meter in diameter, like the beams and pillars supporting the mechanical city. The whole body is dark red, and the appearance looks very hard.

"Is it hidden here?"

"If it is to ask an outside organist to find it, I am afraid that I will rack my brains. Even if I want to break my head, I will never imagine that this most critical mechanism will be hidden inside the stone pillar and continue to operate."

Standing beside the stone pillar at close range, Ying Changge could clearly hear the pleasant sounds faintly transmitted from the inside of the stone pillar.

This is the sound of gears turning.


The hidden gear in this stone pillar is the main core key to the operation of thousands of organs in the entire hall!

As long as it is destroyed, all the mechanisms here will be paralyzed.

This point, Ying Changge can be absolutely certain.

Thinking of this, he raised his right arm without any hesitation.

For a moment...


The terrifying Innate True Qi circulated and surged from the dantian in his abdomen, and then fully gathered in his right arm, transforming into an even more violent force.

A layer of black liquid material quickly spread out.

In the blink of an eye.

The black liquid substance completely wrapped Ying Changge's right arm.


liquid to solid.

A layer of black indestructible armor was wrapped around Ying Changge's right arm, completely wrapping the entire right arm, exuding an icy and imposing aura.



As rich as black jade.

And it was oppressed with a particularly terrifying aura.

Perfect grade armed color domineering, full explosion!

Raising his right arm covered in armor, Ying Changge turned his right hand into a knife and stabbed it directly at the hard stone pillar beside him.

A random hand knife...


It turned into the sharpest famous sword in the world, and easily pierced the stone pillar!

It's like piercing a piece of tofu.

This seemingly hard stone pillar was extremely fragile in Ying Changge's hands.




A burst of crisp and pleasant sounds rang out.

After Ying Changge penetrated the wall of the stone pillar, the aftermath of the power spread, shattered the appearance of the stone pillar, and cracked into horrible cracks.

Dense cracks spread all over the place, as creepy as spider webs.

It's just that his son Hong and Ying Changge haven't worked hard yet.

But the right hand has already penetrated the huge stone pillar directly, pierced into it, and easily grabbed the rotating gear hidden inside.

397 is this piece of gear that is running, as the core key point connecting the thousands of mechanisms here.


Ying Changge laughed again.

The second Mohist government organization group in the city...

All about to be paralyzed!

After grabbing the gear, Ying Changge certainly didn't hesitate.

Very decisive!

Pinch directly!

The armed-color armor endowed Ying Changge's right hand with endless power, allowing him to easily defeat this piece of bronze gear.


Grab it with a big hand.

There was a shrill sound.

Ying Changge's right hand exerted a little force.


The gears in the stone pillar shattered directly, turning into countless pieces of debris, which were scattered inside the stone pillar.

Some fragments also splashed out along the hole pierced by Ying Changge's arm.

Squeezing a bronze gear is like squeezing a piece of tofu.

There is no hindrance all the way!



Ying Changge slowly withdrew his right hand, and his arm accidentally touched the crack next to the stone pillar.


The entire stone pillar trembled for a while, and more and more cracks were broken, causing the wall on the outside of the stone pillar to crack and scattered countless fragments, which were scattered around.

Chapter 269 The ancestors are above, there are really monsters in this world! 【Please customize】


Not all the stone pillars collapsed, but countless pieces of debris were shattered and scattered on the ground, looking extraordinarily messy.

at the same time.

With the destruction of the bronze gear in the stone pillar, Ying Changge's perfection-level arrogance and domineering can be clearly seen.

in all directions……

There are thousands of interlocking mechanisms hidden around, and there are signs that they have stopped running at the same time, and all of them have fallen into a state of paralysis.

So far.

can be officially announced.

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