
Their Mo family, including all the other anti-Qin elements, may suffer completely! .

Chapter 281 Shocking the Anti-Qin Alliance! Create a Millennium Record! 【Please customize】

The Mo family was a sensation!

Do not!

More precisely.

It is the whole organ city that is sensational!

All the members of the anti-Qin alliance have all heard the news that the city is in danger.

The moment they heard the news, all the members of the anti-Qin alliance in the entire Organ City felt a strong sense of urgency and crisis-.

Including Chu Jun, there are countless people from all corners of the world gathered in the city.

All of them gathered together under the call of the Mo clan leader.

Led by the Mo family, they integrated all the forces in the city, and assembled all the people in the city, forming an extremely large-scale force group.

"Oh my God!"

"In the end what happened?"

"Why all of a sudden, it is necessary to assemble all the personnel to form this armed force?"

"Could it be that someone is going to attack Organ City?"

"Don't you know? The Machine City is about to be breached!"

"What? It's impossible, isn't it? Isn't the mechanism city that can never be breached by outsiders? How could someone in the rivers and lakes be able to crack the mechanism city?"

"That's right, Organ City is famous in the arena, how could it be attacked and disintegrated by outsiders from the front?"


For a time, there was a lot of talk.

In the huge organ city, there was an atmosphere of panic.

Almost everyone can't believe it.

The mechanism city that has stood for hundreds of years without falling down is about to be breached by outside intruders!

This fact has subverted the world view of countless people.

Make them deeply aware.

turn out to be……

Organ City is not as powerful as it thinks!

At least.

Someone really can do it, to forcibly break through the government city that disintegrates the Mo family from the front.

at the same time.

Some people began to wonder: "Where is this person sacred? Why have I never heard of such a terrifying existence in Jianghu?"

"It stands to reason."

"Having the ability to directly break through the city of the mechanism, this person's skills in mechanism must have reached the pinnacle, which is very terrifying."

"Then this person should no longer be unknown in the world!"

"Could it be the contemporary head of the Gongzuo family, Gongshuoqiu? Could it be him? I heard that this Gongshuoqiu's mechanical skills have already surpassed that of the grandfather of the Gongshuo family, Master Lu Ban."

"Would it be the contemporary head of the Gong Loser, Gong Losing Enemy, who broke through the city?"

There are endless speculations.

When this kind of speculation spread, it was quickly rejected by some organists: "No, it won't be the head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuo."

"I had some grudges with this Gongxian before, and I know how good his organization is."

"Although his organizational attainments are indeed terrifying, with his attainments, he is still unable to attack and disintegrate the Mechanism City that the Mo family has stood for for hundreds of years."

"One thing for sure."

"This person's mechanical skills are bound to be countless times stronger than that of this public loser!"

This speech sounded.

Immediately, it shocked everyone inside and outside the entire Organ City.


what's going on?

Rao is the famous and famous head of the public loser, who is far less than the mysterious existence who has broken through the city at this moment? !

be nice...

Who is this person?

It must be too scary!

When did such a terrifying monster appear in Jianghu?

"You said."

"Will the intruder who broke through the mechanism city this time be from the empire?"

When this speculation circulated.

In and out of the entire agency city, the emotions of fear spread throughout.

As a member of the anti-Qin alliance, what they fear most is the imperial army of iron cavalry!


Will it be the empire's iron cavalry army who is about to break through the city?

If it is really a person from the empire, it will be in big trouble!

"Is it possible that we are dealing with the empire's iron cavalry army?"

"Is this really possible?"

"We are afraid that there are no bones left to be trampled by the empire's iron cavalry army!"

A number of anti-Qin elements were terrified.

Panic spreads.

If this panic continues to spread, it will definitely cause cowardice and fear in the group, and thus lose the fighting spirit and belief in fighting before the war begins.


The panic was quickly brought under control.

Led by the leaders of the Mo family and the generals of the Chu army, the atmosphere was quickly suppressed, and it was inspiring, so that the anti-Qin elements all put aside their fears and appeared to be high in fighting spirit.


More and more people gather!

Gather together!

Mohist, Chu Jun, Jianghu people!

The three parties are the main force, and they have assembled to form an extremely large force group.

Preliminary conservative estimates.

Nearly tens of thousands of people gathered!

This is a team of tens of thousands of people, which can be described as a very large number.

With the gathering of tens of thousands of people, all anti-Qin elements felt a strong sense of confidence and confidence.

Thousands of people...

Simply fearless!

"Even if the main army of the empire comes, I will not be afraid at all."

"Well said!"

"What about the empire's iron cavalry army? We have gathered tens of thousands of people here!"

"If it is really the army of the empire, then this time, we can give them a little color. Do you really think that the army of the empire is incomparable? Can it be invincible?"



Organ City, the fifth organ position.

Here, is the last fortress set up by the city!

It is also the Mo Family's last line of defense!

If the fifth organ position is breached, then one can officially set foot in the core hinterland of the Mojia organ city.

Only by breaking through this fifth organ position can we successfully reach the safe area of ​​the Mojia Organ City.


Go strong to encircle and suppress these anti-Qin elements located in the city!

This time.

The empire is obviously holding the goal of completely annihilating the anti-Qin elements.

Not one left!

Don't miss any caught fish!

All these anti-Qin elements will be completely wiped out without exception.

This is the core goal of the empire this time.

at this time.

Ying Changge took Meng Tian, ​​Gong Shuqiu, Wei Zhuang and his Quicksand Organization, and the Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan who followed him all the way.

Last side.

On the other hand, there were 20,000 elite soldiers in the empire, who just followed behind, with a steady pace.

Under the leadership of Ying Changge, the group successfully arrived at the last fortress of the Mo Family!

During this whole process, nothing happened at all.


The whole process is easy to break through all the mechanical cities!

The so-called Mojia Organ City is a dangerous and unparalleled institution, but when it is in the hands of Ying Changge, it is extremely fragile and even more vulnerable!

He was defeated by him one after another with a destructive attitude.

Since the organs were destroyed one after another, Ying Changge and the others did not trigger any mechanism here.

There are no so-called casualties.

Along the way, it was almost like walking on the ground as if it were the back garden of my own home.

In the prestigious Mohist government city, in the end, in the eyes of many elite soldiers of the empire, it was nothing more than that.


They know it well.

They came to this perception purely because the journey was so easy.

And this involves Ying Changge!

As a result, they will subconsciously mistakenly think that the organs in the Mojia Organs City are just so crucial.

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