The most dangerous person at the scene must be this young man in white!

after all.

He is a terrifying powerhouse who can severely injure Sword Saint Genie!

Can the Quicksand Organization do it?


Very difficult!

Even if the entire quicksand organization came out in full force, it would be difficult to severely damage the Sword Saint Genie.


The young gentleman in white did it.

what does that mean?


This person's threat far exceeds the entire Quicksand organization!

"That is to say."

"This person's strength is even higher than that of you, Mr. Gai Nie?"

Gao Jianli took a deep breath, the shaking mood could not calm down for a long time.


Genie nodded.

This is a fact.

He never denied these facts.

not to mention.

Once the battle breaks out later, then these people present will also understand how terrifying the strength of that Seventh Young Master is!

"A young man at such a young age is really so terrifying?"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Obviously his age is so young..."

"But his strength is actually strong enough to defeat the severely wounded swordsman Genie?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

The mentality of a group of anti-Qin elements collapsed.

Before the battle broke out.

These words of Gai Nie strongly defeated the fighting spirit and belief in their hearts, causing their original fighting spirit to be directly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Depressed atmosphere!

Panic spreads!

"If I remember correctly."

"Some time ago, the black swordsman who won the seventh died at the hands of the seventh son."

Genie continued to speak.

With the successive remarks, it caused an unprecedented psychological impact on everyone present, and many of them completely doubted their lives.

The Black Swordsman Shengqi is also famous in the arena!

did not expect.

Such a powerful swordsman actually died in the hands of the young Seventh Young Master.

The strength of this Seventh Young Master is too terrifying, right?

In the face of such a strong man, how do they need to deal with it?

In addition to the Quicksand Organization, there is now an additional top powerhouse with such terrifying strength, so powerful that even the Sword Saint Genie is not sure to stop it.

in this way.

Can they cope with the harsh conditions on site?

A quicksand organization is enough to put them at risk.

Now there is one more powerful person, even the Sword Saint Gai Nie dare not say that he can suppress the opponent.


They are in a huge predicament.

"Even the Black Swordsman Shengqi was killed by this Seventh Young Master?"

"This strength is simply terrifying!"

"Even so young, how could he possess such a powerful strength?"

"Is this a monster?"

"Then, this time, don't we really want to wipe out the entire army..."

A member of the anti-Qin alliance was deeply panicked.

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng also became extremely heavy.

They all heard Genie's words clearly.


Their original plan had to be abandoned.

Originally, they had already started preparations to capture the thief first to capture the king, so as to capture the prominent son and use it to coerce Meng Tian to withdraw from the army.


The most troublesome person in the audience was the seventh son!

This puts their plan in vain.


Fan Zeng sighed.

Who would have thought?

The most dangerous and powerful person in the audience is the one with the most prominent identity?

A young master who is still in the weak crown, is actually strong enough to defeat the severely wounded swordsman Genie.

As you can imagine.

What an astonishing formidable strength the opponent possesses!

They want to take the other side to coerce Meng Tian to retreat?

This is a joke!

By comparison.

They thought it would be better to take Meng Tian and force the empire to retreat.

Such a difficulty factor is obviously many times lower.

"Gai finally understands now."

"Why is Xiaozhuang's character willing to cooperate with the people of the empire?"

"turn out to be……"

"The reason comes from the Seventh Young Master!"

Gai Nie, who is familiar with Wei Zhuang's arrogant personality, has been unable to figure it out since just now.

What method did the empire use to persuade Wei Zhuang to cooperate with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin alliance?

But when he saw the figure of 4.9 Ying Changge, all the confusions in Genie's heart were solved.

All the problems come from the seventh son, Ying Changge!

"If you guess correctly."

"Xiao Zhuang, he should have realized the power of that seventh young master!"

"That's why he led the Quicksand Organization and cooperated with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin alliance."

Genie thought.

Things are getting trickier.

The Seventh Young Master intervened in the battle, resulting in the lack of high-end combat power on the side of the Anti-Qin Alliance.


Meng Tian led an elite army of 20,000 empires and overwhelmingly suppressed the anti-Qin alliance.

The disparity in numbers is huge!

There is a lack of high-end combat power!

to sum it up.

Gai Nie really couldn't think of any other way they could turn things around.

Even he has nothing to do!

Do nothing! .

Chapter 293 Present a great gift carefully prepared for the Mo family! 【Please customize】

"Mr. Genie, I can go and stop him."

Gao Jianli suddenly proposed.


Gao Nie glanced at Gao Jianli and frowned.

It's not that he despised Gao Jianli's strength.

And purely...

The Seventh Young Master opposite is too strong!

So powerful that Gai Nie was not sure how to deal with it.

Let Gao Jian leave to block the opponent?

What's the difference between this and death?

On that day, if he hadn't escaped from the heart, he would have died at the hands of the other party.

As for Gao Jianli?

I'm afraid it's the end of a face-to-face killing by the opponent!


After thinking about it, Genie shook his head.

Gao Jianli's shot is just to die!

Losing a high-end combat power in vain in this way will have a much more serious impact on the battle situation.

Hearing this, Gao Jianli could only stop and keep silent.

He won't be arrogant and mistaken.

An existence that is powerful enough to seriously injure the Sword Saint Genie is something he can fight head-on.

But for the Mo family...

He is willing to sacrifice himself!

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