And the other side.

The anti-Qin elements headed by Gai Nie, Gao Jianli, Xiang Liang and others fell into a dead silence.

The silence is outrageous!


Gao Jianli, Big Iron Hammer, Robber Zhi, Xue Nu and other Mo clan leaders, without exception, widened their eyes at the same time, and their eyes were full of astonishment and panic.

Their eyes were fixed on the famous sword Momei that Ying Changge was holding tightly in his right hand.

"`〃How is this possible?!"

The sledgehammer fell silent.

His gaffe voice was very loud, resounding through the sky.

"I must be dreaming!"

"This this!"

Thief Zhi's throat was dry and his lips twitched slightly.

The eyes of a group of Mo clan leaders could no longer be taken away from the black eyebrows in Ying Changge's hands.

At first glance, they recognized the sword!

As the only token of the Mohist giants, how could they forget it? !

no doubt…

This sword is Momei!

It also represents the only token of their Mohist dynasties!

As the leaders of the Mo family, it is of course impossible for them to forget Mo Mei!

"It must be fake!"


"It must not be true."

The sledgehammer kept shaking his head, trying to veto from his heart what he was witnessing with his own eyes.

only because.

All this is really too subversive cognition!

It's unbelievable!

what is happening?

What exactly happened?

Mo Mei, actually appeared in the hands of an outsider?

The scariest thing is...

This outsider is still a son of the empire!

What is the reason? .

Chapter 295 Mo Mei? Yan Dan's head? Detonate the audience! 【Please customize】

"Ink, ink eyebrows!"

"How can it appear in this guy's hands?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

"Isn't this a black eyebrow? It's just a similar shape."

Gao Jian was greatly shocked, and at the same time, he kept suppressing the feeling of vibration in his heart.

beside him.

Snow Maiden's beautiful eyes were wide and round, and she stared at the outline of Mo Mei in a daze.

No one present knew the shape of Mo Mei better than the Mo clan leaders.


Although they tried their best to reject it.

But they had to admit it.

This is the only token of their Mo clan giants in the past dynasties, Mo Mei!

"Crazy crazy!"

"Momei actually appears in the hands of an outsider?"

"In the end what happened?"

Sledgehammer was pale and frightened.

This is the token of the Mo clan giant!

How can it be controlled by an outsider?

"Where's the giant?"

"Isn't Mo Mei carried by the giant?"

"Why do you appear here?"

"And in the hands of an outsider?"

"Could it be that…"

An extremely frightening guess suddenly appeared in the minds of several Mo Family leaders.

is it possible?

No way?

Such a powerful existence as a giant!

Do not!

Must be fake!

In an instant, the leaders of the Mo family rejected the guesses that had just emerged in their heads.

This guess is too surprising 443 people!

It's too subversive!

They never dared to think in that direction.

"Mr. Genie, what happened?"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng, when they noticed the changes in the expressions of the Mo family leaders at the scene, couldn't help but asked Gai Nie in a low voice.

They can feel it.

Several Mo clan leaders seemed to have lost their way completely.

What is the reason?

It actually caused them to lose their temper at the same time!

Is it that sword?

What is the origin of that sword?

"That's Momei!"

"The sword held by the seventh son is the only token of the Mo clan giants in all dynasties, Mo Mei!"

Genie explained with a heavy expression.

He also had an ominous feeling in his heart.


"Momei? The only token of the Mo clan giants in all dynasties?"

"No way?"

"Then, why is it in the hands of this Seventh Young Master?"

After receiving Gai Nie's answer, Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were shocked.


What the hell?

Is this the only token of the Mo clan giant?

Then why is it controlled by outsiders?

The two of them couldn't think of a reason.

But soon.

(afej) An extremely frightening guess appeared in their minds.


"No way?"

Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng looked at each other.

They all thought of an extremely terrifying truth.

If this is the case, then things are even more troublesome!

at the same time.

The group of Mo family disciples led by the Mo family leader all noticed the Mo Mei in the Ying Chang singer.


The atmosphere was completely detonated!

"You, did you see it?"

"Could it be Momei?"

"how can that be?!"

"Isn't Mo Mei taken away by the giant? Why did it appear in the hands of this kid?"

"It doesn't make sense."

"Could it be that the giant has already..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it is impossible for the giant to have an accident!"

"That's right, don't confuse the public with rumors, the giant is so strong, how could something happen!"

"There must be a reason for this, or maybe this kid just wants to take a counterfeit to defeat the fighting spirit and belief in our hearts."

"So, you must not let him succeed."


The Mo family disciples were shocked.

Their eyes were full of anger and stared at Ying Changge.


They don't believe it.

This eyebrow is the real thing!

If this eyebrow is genuine, what does it mean?

All of them knew it.

They don't believe it.

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