Even if he is the number one swordsman in the world, he doesn't have much confidence in this battle.

Just one Wei Zhuang was enough to block him.

Not to mention.

There is also a powerful existence more terrifying than Wei Zhuang!

Facing Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie has a 90% chance of winning.

But if you are facing that Seventh Young Master...

So sorry.

He believes that his own odds of winning may not even reach 30%.

Although he felt the pressure in his heart, Gai Nie did not choose to retreat 443, but took the initiative to attack with a wooden sword, and then joined the battlefield ahead.

The war broke out!

The leaders of the Mo family took action one after another!

Under the reckless and impulsive behavior of Sledgehammer, this battle broke out very suddenly.

"I'm going to fight too!"

Robber Zhi twisted his arm and took off some of the weight-bearing objects tied to his feet.

On weekdays.

In order to hone more powerful Qinggong, he often tied heavy objects to his body.


As he is about to participate in this fierce battle in front of him, he naturally has to go all out and use his most prosperous state to throw himself into the battlefield.

boom! boom!

One after another, the heavy pieces of iron were dropped from the body of Robber Zhi.

After throwing away the weight-bearing object, he felt a lightness in his whole body.

Just a thought...

Step out.

next second.

Thief Zhi left only an afterimage, which appeared out of thin air more than ten meters away.

This is the speed of the King of Thieves!

The speed was so fast that it left an afterimage on the spot, so it appeared out of thin air in an area more than ten meters away with lightning speed.

This speed can be said to be the best in the world!

After Thief Zhi participated in the battlefield, Xue Nu also intervened in the battlefield.

Although she is a female class, her strength should not be underestimated, at least she is more than enough to deal with the elite soldiers of the empire.


Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng also took part in the battlefield with solemn expressions.

Both of them raised their arms and shouted loudly.

"Children of Chu Country..."

"Follow me to meet the enemy!"

"Kill all the troops of the Great Qin Empire!"


The loud voice was deafening, resounding through the sky.

Under the leadership of Xiang Liang.

A group of Chu soldiers quickly followed in his footsteps, each holding sophisticated weapons and equipment, their eyes were sharp and full of murderous intent, and they responded accordingly.



"Kill all these **** Qin troops!"

"Today, even if you die, you have to pull the backs of these Qin soldiers."

have to say.

In terms of morale, the Chu army was still quite strong.

Compared with the Mohist disciples and the rest of the Jianghu people, the Chu army was as imposing as a rainbow.

As the only remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, most of them have experienced many battles.

He has also been employed on the battlefield, and whether it is strength or psychological quality, it is far from being comparable to Mohist disciples and others.

Under the leadership of Xiang Liang.

The Chu army had almost no timidity, and went straight to the edge, about to start a life-and-death struggle with the empire's 20,000 elite troops.

Even in the face of the huge disparity in numbers, the Chu army did not back down and fight timidly.

The number of Chu troops here is about 3,000.

In the face of the emperor (afej), the country has a total of 20,000 elite soldiers!

The weird thing is...

Instead of flinching, the Chu army took the initiative to face the attack with enthusiasm.

Have to admit.

This group of Chu troops are the elites of the well-trained elites!

Although there are not many of them, the overall combat power that can erupt is absolutely terrifying!

A total of 3,000 Chu troops followed Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng into the battlefield.

at the same time.

With the outbreak of war.

The Mo family disciples also reacted, each holding a weapon, forcibly suppressing the fear in their hearts, and clenching their teeth to forcibly encourage their own courage.


"It's just a group of Qin troops, and it's not that they haven't killed them before."

"Brothers, let's fight them to the end!"

"The giant is so humiliated by them, how can we stand by?"

"I must avenge the tyrant!"



Thousands of Mohist disciples also launched an attack one after another, all of them participated in the battlefield, and started a round with the Chu army, and the two sides jointly launched an attack.

"what should we do?"

"Want to fight?"

Many of the remaining Jianghu people asked weakly.

can be clearly seen.

There is still a deep fear in their hearts, and so far they have not been able to suppress this fear.

This fear comes from the 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire ahead!

Also from...

The seventh son who is powerful enough to be called a monster!


Everyone has launched an attack, are they going to sit still?


"Fight with Qin Jun and the others!"

"Isn't it just death? I'm so big, and I'm still afraid of death?!"

"If you're afraid of death, you won't go out of your house and go to the rivers and lakes."

"The big deal is death, and eighteen years later, he is still a good man."

"Brothers, I'll go to war first!"


Many free-spirited and heroic martial arts practitioners participated in the battlefield one after another with their own weapons.

With their blood-filled encouragement, most of the remaining fearful people in the rivers and lakes also gritted their teeth and forcibly endured the fear in their hearts.

"that's right!"

"Isn't it just death? What's there to be afraid of?"

"I have never been afraid if I dare to go out and walk around the rivers and lakes!"

"Brothers, fight with these **** Qin Jun!"

"Anyway, we can't escape from Jicheng today anyway. It's better to pull a few Qin troops on the back and go to Huangquan together before dying."


A group of martial arts practitioners then plunged into the battlefield.


There are still some martial arts practitioners who dare not participate in the war.

Only a small number of about a hundred people from all corners of the world remained.

They shivered and stood motionless.


They've been scared out of their minds.

Facing the outbreak of the fierce war in front of them, they didn't even have the courage to participate in the battlefield, they could only shiver and stiffen in place.

Chapter 301 Juggernaut takes action! All sides are fighting! Full-scale war broke out! 【Please customize】

"They're crazy!"

"The empire has dispatched 20,000 elite soldiers!"

"How dare they fight the Qin army of the empire?"

"It's over!"

"We will all die here, in Jiguancheng."

"I regret it..."

"In the beginning, why did I fascinate myself to promise the Mo family and rush to Jicheng to participate in this so-called anti-Qin-alliance?"

"If it wasn't for the wrong choice at the beginning, I would not have suffered the catastrophe today."

The remaining ones who dared not participate in the battle, in addition to being frightened, were also full of regrets in their hearts.

Sorry for not being in the first place!

You shouldn't come to Organ City to participate in this so-called anti-Qin alliance.

This is just great.

He was forced into a desperate situation by tens of thousands of Qin troops!

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