Make him memorable!

That was the first time his worldview collapsed.

Never thought……

The hundred-step flying sword will be blocked by someone's bare hands!

Even more terrifying.

Even the famous Jian Yuanhong, who ranked second in the Fengbeard sword score, was smashed into pieces by the Seventh Young Master with one hand.

All of this has undoubtedly made Genie shake his heart so far.

"The sledgehammer is dangerous!"

"He thought he was winning..."

"But in reality, who can imagine."

"Seventh Young Master, he can really do it, take all the attacks with his bare hands!"

Genie sighed silently in his heart.

Everyone subconsciously thinks.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, is dead.

Only Genie holds a different view.


He had participated in the tragic experience of being crushed with bare hands.

"Brother Shi 443, you seem to have concluded that Young Master Qi can take that move with his bare hands?"

Wei Zhuang noticed the strangeness of Genie's expression.

"Aren't you curious, how did my Yuanhong disappear?"

Genie asked.


"Could it be that……"

Wei Zhuang's pupils shrank slightly.

"You should have guessed it."

"Yes, my Yuanhong was forcibly destroyed by Seventh Young Master with his bare hands!"

Gai Nie Yu was not astonished and died endlessly.

The words fall.

Wei Zhuang couldn't help being surprised.


"Forcibly destroy Mingjian Yuanhong with his bare hands?!"

"Seventh Young Master, you have such terrifying abilities?"

Wei Zhuang's eyes were full of horror and shock.


He turned his head subconsciously and looked at the young figure in white clothes not far away.

Just in plain sight.

The Thor's Hammer, which gathered inexhaustible power in the hand of the big iron hammer, flashed with dazzling electric currents, and finally smashed it hard. At this moment, Ying Changge was all over the black armor's right hand.



The unparalleled power penetrated down instantly, spreading all the way from Thor's Hammer to Ying Changge's right hand.

"Go to hell!"

(afej) Sledgehammer burst into laughter.

He had expected it.

Next, the scene where Ying Changge was smashed to pieces by his hammer.

Holding the belief of winning, the sledgehammer almost motivated all the internal forces in the body, and the brewing power exploded even more terrifyingly, and even the surrounding space was constantly twisting and squirming.

When this power explodes in full...

The floor tiles that Ying Changge was stepping on shattered.


Feet sink.

The power of Thor's Hammer was transmitted from the right arm all the way to the body, causing the place where Ying Changge was standing to fall directly into a hideous pit of nearly half a meter.

The earth shatters!

The soil is collapsing!

The power stretched from Ying Changge's body all the way to his feet, forcibly destroying the surrounding landscape.


The whole earth was shaking wildly.

for a while.

Dust billows up, smoke billows up.




Accompanied by bursts of sharp and harsh sounds.

Around Ying Changge's place, the ground shattered and cracked, and one after another terrifying cracks were born, as dense as spider webs, making people shudder.


One after another electric current spread from Thor's Hammer to Ying Changge's right arm, almost trying to forcibly tear and crush his right arm.


When the electricity hit the black armor's right arm, it only gave Ying Changge a slight, slightly weak and ticklish feeling.

Not even the slightest tingling sensation!

Except for the broken ground and the collapsed soil under my feet...

Ying Changge didn't feel much.

I see.

He grabbed the huge Thor's hammer with his right hand, and all the power of the Thor's hammer burst into his entire right arm like a trend.

If ordinary people.

Even the innate powerhouses, and the powerhouses of the martial arts master level.

If you face this move empty-handed...


They are sure to die!

They may even be smashed to pieces on the spot!

No more.

Their right arm is bound to be crushed into a cloud of blood.

But when it comes to Ying Changge, everything will be completely different.

How strong is the perfect weapon color?

Even Ying Changge himself does not have an accurate cognitive concept.

He just knows.

In the world, no one can break through his armed armor!

The full blow of the sledgehammer?

Don't say it's a sledgehammer.

Even with the full blow of Sword Saint Genie and the Hundred-Step Flying Sword cast by the famous sword Yuanhong, it would not be able to leave the slightest scratch on Ying Changge's armed armor.

As you can imagine.

What kind of terrifying defensive power does Ying Changge's burst of perfect-level armament colors possess.

Even if it was an all-out blow from the invincible powerhouse in the world, Ying Changge didn't think that the opponent could break through his perfect armor.

Looking at the world, no one can do it!

In this regard, Ying Changge has absolute confidence.

at the same time.


time flies.

As the violent power of Thor's Hammer gradually dissipated...

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely quiet!


No sound!

All eyes were the same, and they came together one after another.


The big hammer who was laughing wildly, his eyes full of excitement, he slowly lowered his head, ready to observe the young figure under the Thor's hammer.

He thought.

Under this trick of his, all objects will be crushed into powder.

As for the human body?

Of course there are no bones left!

Even the corpse will be crushed on the spot by the explosion!

No matter how powerful the existence is, it will definitely not be able to stop this blow!

Sledgehammer is full of confidence and thinks with confidence.


The final result of the fact, but subverted his world view.

The moment he lifted the Thor's Hammer in his hand.

all he could see.

It turned out to be...

An unscathed young figure!

Dressed in white, it's almost spotless!

Except for the broken floor tiles under his feet, which showed the terrifying power of the Thor's Hammer just now.

Ying Changge, who was located in the center of the collapsed ground, was not damaged in any way.


Even the white clothes on his body were not broken at all.

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