"Long time ago!"

Xiang Shaoyu's face was full of horror.

After the conversation changed, he continued to ask, "So, it was this seventh son who killed the giant?"

If it's the other party...

That can be explained.

after all.

Even the world's number one swordsman, Genie, was severely beaten by the opponent.

As such.

It is not impossible that the Mo clan giant will be killed by the opponent.


This series of news, after all, has caused an unprecedented psychological impact on Xiang Shaoyu.

Gao Yue continued to cry bitterly, holding Duanmu Rong in her arms, tears streaming out.

Even if you know who the enemy who killed your father is.

But she was equally helpless.

She was distraught, although she wished she could take revenge immediately.

But she knows.

To be able to kill a top powerhouse like her father, the opponent's strength must be very terrifying.

Obviously not what she can handle.

"`〃If that Seventh Young Master really broke into the city, it would be even more troublesome."

Xiang Shaoyu's heart sank.

I am afraid that the battlefield outside is not optimistic!

How much influence does an existence powerful enough to injure the Sword Saint Genie have on a war?

Simply unimaginable!

"Is this seventh son really that strong?"

"Even uncle is his defeat? Uncle is obviously the number one swordsman in the world!"

Jing Tianming was still in shock.

"Mr. Gai Nie is indeed very strong, but that Seventh Young Master is even more terrifying!"

"Boy, the world is so big that there are no wonders."

Xiang Shaoyu patted Jing Tianming on the shoulder and warned him earnestly.

Being able to be the number one juggernaut in the world, Genie's strength (the king's) is naturally beyond doubt.


That Seventh Young Master is obviously countless times more terrifying than Gai Nie!

Just as Duanmurong was about to continue speaking.


A burst of light footsteps suddenly sounded from the passage outside the secret room.

The footsteps were even and tidy, getting louder and louder from far to near.

can be clearly felt.

The comers are getting closer to where they are now.

"not good!"

"someone is coming!"

Duanmurong's pupils shrank slightly, and her pretty face became very depressed and heavy.

Before you know who the other party is, you must plan for the worst!

Although there was only one person's footsteps, it still made Duanmu Rong feel the pressure.

Protecting Gao Yue is her biggest mission and responsibility.

"Miss Duanmu, let me find out who Qi is."

Xiang Shaoyu proposed.

Chapter 315 A few children, how are you! 【Please customize】

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Hurry up and find a place to hide, and I'll check it out."

"You must not leave here until I come back."

Duanmu Rong looked solemn.

Sensing that the footsteps were getting closer and closer, she had no time to wait for Xiang Shaoyu and others to react, and directly pulled the three of them to the corner of the secret room.


She took a deep breath alone, calmed the restraint and depression in her heart a little, her eyes became firm, and she walked out of the secret room step by step.

She's going to investigate.

Come, where is the holy place!

"I hope it's not Qin Jun."

"Otherwise, things will be troublesome!"

Duanmurong thought with a heavy heart.

She just took a step to open the door of the secret room.


The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped.


"what happened?"

Duanmurong frowned and fell into contemplation.

She slowly pushed the bronze door open to a tiny gap, intending to use her eyes to look through the gap to observe the details of the passage.

But the moment she just opened the bronze door.

A figure dressed in white was already in front of the door.


"how is this possible?!"

"It's clear that the footsteps were far apart just now..."

460 Duanmu Rong's pupils shrank slightly, pale in shock.

The footsteps she heard just now were obviously at least 100 meters away.


But for a moment, the other party was already close at hand? !

Duanmurong felt a cold and chilling breath.

in front of the door.

Ying Changge, dressed in white, looked down at Duanmu Rong condescendingly, with a pair of gray-white pupils, without any color emotion.

"Finally let me find you."

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth were slightly upturned, and there was a meaningful smile on his face.

at the same time.

Duanmurong also saw Ying Changge's young face smoothly.

In an instant.

When she saw Ying Changge's face clearly, Duanmu Rong's expression changed greatly, her eyes suddenly widened and round, her face was full of horror, shock, shock, and disbelief.

"How, how could it be you?!"

Duanmurong was completely lost.

She couldn't help but take a few steps back, staring at Ying Changge with a horrified but unbelievable face.

A strong sense of fear arises spontaneously from the heart.

before that.

Duanmurong had seen Ying Changge before.

What she (afej) saw at the time.

It was the scene where Ying Changge stepped on Yan Dan's head with one foot.


When she saw Ying Changge again, Duanmurong immediately thought of the latter's identity.

"What do you want to do?!"

Duanmurong's lips trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear and fear.

The other party did not participate in the external battlefield...

Instead, they rushed to the inner core hinterland of the Organ City!

What is the other party's plan?

Duanmurong's mind was blank.

at the same time.

The fear in her heart was gradually magnified infinitely.

Facing the terrified Duanmu Rong, Ying Changge's face was as calm as ever, without causing too many emotional ups and downs.

Compared to Duanmurong...

He cares more.

It's the little guys hiding in the secret room!

in particular……

One of them is a young man named Xiang Shaoyu!

He is Ying Changge's top priority.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and has been locking the entire secret room.


Every move of everyone in the secret room could hardly escape Ying Changge's keen insight.

Including the turbulent changes in Mu Rong's emotions in front of his eyes, he was also clearly aware of it.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Ying Changge smiled playfully.


He directly pushed open the bronze door of the secret room.


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