Isn't this a joke?

have to say.

remarkably brave!

But very irrational!

With Ying Changge laughter spread loudly.

Both Xiang Shaoyu and Duanmu Rong felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.


Thick pressure enveloped the body and mind!

"I didn't expect that one day, I would actually face a top powerhouse!"

"It's really unpredictable."

Xiang Shaoyu was under great pressure.

Without warning...

The battle broke out!

Without hesitation, Duanmu Rong threw the slender silver needles in her hands, stained with a little poison, at Ying Changge in front of her.

The silver needle contains internal power, and it cuts through the sky at an extremely terrifying speed.


One after another, silver needles covered the sky and covered the earth, reaching the area less than half a meter in front of Ying Changge.

"This is the moment..."

"Run away!"

Xiang Shaoyu hurriedly shouted at Jing Tianming.

After receiving Xiang Shaoyu's order, Jing Tianming immediately grabbed Gao Yue's arm, pulled Gao Yue, smeared oil on the soles of his feet, and quickly prepared to flee the scene.


"Can you escape?"

"Tips for carving insects."

Under the attack of poisonous silver needles, Ying Changge's face was as calm as ever.


He slowly raised his right hand and turned his palm towards the silver needle that was overwhelming.


in a moment.

The innate qi in the body suddenly surged and spread, filling his right arm.

Innate True Qi turns into a more terrifying power...

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly.

An extremely terrifying repulsive force erupted from the palm of his hand, aiming at the countless silver needles that rushed towards his face.


The endless repulsive force turned into a shock wave, covering these poisonous silver needles in an all-round way, and the unparalleled power instantly knocked these silver needles away...


Some silver needles were shaken by this repulsive force, and were twisted and bent on the spot.

A large piece of silver needles were smashed by the impact, scattered in the sky like broken pieces, and flew dozens of meters away by the impact.

like a downpour...

All the silver needles that attacked Ying Changge were bounced off without exception.

at the same time.

The floor tiles he was stepping on, even more so, fell and collapsed.


The entire secret room was shaken by force, and there were waves of violent vibrations and tremors.

The ground crumbled.

The earth is broken!



A burst of crisp and pleasant sounds rang out.

One after another cracks followed the place under Ying Changge's feet, and the cracks spread in all directions, and the dense cracks were like spider webs.


Ying Changge only felt his feet sink slightly.

next second.

The ground on which he was standing sank nearly half a meter.

The ground under his feet formed a pit that was nearly half a meter deep.

Several meters in diameter!

A semi-circular pit with a depth of half a meter was born.

for a while.

Smoke billows up.

The dust drifted in the air and danced gracefully.

Numerous broken stones were scattered, and 4.9 cluttered and fell into the four corners of the area.

The remaining faint air waves rolled around, blowing Ying Changge's hair on his clothes, making his figure stand out at this moment!


As the smoke dissipated.

Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu were immediately dumbfounded.

Their faces were full of horror, horror, and disbelief, and Ying Changge was still unscathed in front of them.

Look around.

They looked again at the broken ground that Ying Changge was stepping on.

The entire ground collapsed and sunk.

Numerous broken cracks spread all the way to dozens of meters away.




Seeing this, both of them were stunned on the spot.

Even Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, who had not completely escaped from the scene, were also frightened and stiffened.

Chapter 318 The power that erupted in an instant is enough to destroy the world! 【Please customize】

Weird atmosphere!


The whole place was silent!

Duanmurong widened her eyes.

A faint wave of air blew through her hair, causing her long hair to flutter in the wind, and her beautiful face was filled with emotions such as shock and disbelief.

She stared at Ying Changge in front of her dumbfounded.

Yuguang swept away.

She can see.

Many of the silver needles scattered around the edge of the feet were almost twisted and bent, and were forcibly destroyed by the extremely terrifying shock wave just now.

"This this……"

Duanmurong opened her mouth, her beautiful eyes filled with dullness.

She can't imagine.

What the **** just happened? !

An attack that was finally brewed, was actually resolved so easily?

Do not!

More precisely.

Her attack didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes, and it was resolved effortlessly.

As a result, the surrounding environment and topography were all exposed to a dazzling amount of terrifying force of 05, causing the earth to be riddled with holes and smoke everywhere.

"What kind of terrifying power is that?"

Duanmurong's eyes were lost for a while, and she was unable to speak for a while.

Recalling the terrifying repelling force that rushed to her face just now, she felt an unprecedented fear.

Under the impact of that terrifying momentum, she felt that she might be killed instantly on the spot at any time!

The difference in strength is too great!

She felt it for the first time.

In front of this seemingly weak young man, what terrifying and amazing strength the other party possesses.

With her current level of strength, she is almost completely unqualified to compete with the opponent.

"The earth has been pierced!"

"Just for a moment..."

"The power that erupted in an instant is enough to destroy the world!"

"Even a martial arts master doesn't have such terrifying destructive power, right?"

Duanmurong was deeply moved.

She carefully observed the many traces on the ground, and she was completely lost.

Can't even imagine dreaming.

One day, I encountered such a terrifying monster powerhouse!

By now.

She finally felt it.

To be able to severely damage the existence of Sword Saint Genie, what terrifying power does the opponent possess.

Incredibly powerful!

Let her come from the heart, completely unable to have any idea of ​​defeating the opponent.

Recalling the various scenes she had just seen, she felt horrified.

First time seeing.

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