"How naive!"

The smile on Ying Changge's face was very playful.

He is looking forward more and more now.

It's time to fight Jing Tianming.

The fact that the other party can suddenly burst out this terrifying force is indeed worth exploring.

What is the reason for giving Jing Tianming such a strong internal force?

Is there anyone who is insane?

Not too possible!

"And what is the reason that caused the Yin Yang family to take great pains to plant a sleeping spell on you?"

Ying Changge is thoughtful.


He was deeply curious about Jing Tianming.

This curiosity even temporarily prevented him from killing Xiang Shaoyu for the first time.

this moment.

He wants to explore Jing Tianming's secret!

at the same time.

As Jing Tianming's internal power became more and more terrifying, Duanmurong, Xiang Shaoyu and others also looked at the former in surprise, their eyes showing incredible expressions.

"what happened?!"

"Boy, your body..."

"What has changed?"

Xiang Shaoyu opened his mouth and stared at Jing Tianming in a daze.

He can feel it.

The breath emanating from Jing Tianming's body made him feel a strong sense of palpitations and oppression.

"It's stronger than the innate realm!"

"This kid..."

Xiang Shaoyu looked bewildered.

He still couldn't figure it out.

How can a person's change be so exaggerated?

A moment ago, he was still a hairy boy who was slaughtered by others.

this time.

But it has transformed into a strong man with extremely terrifying inner strength!

All of this has subverted Xiang Shaoyu's cognition.

"Miss Duanmu, do you know what's going on?"

Xiang Shaoyu couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Duanmurong shook her head.

She frowned and swept away.

She saw it quickly.

The curse mark engraved on the back of Jing Tianming's neck.


"This is……"

"The Sleeping Curse of the Yin-Yang Family?!"

Duanmurong's pupils shrank slightly, and she was shocked.

"Sister Duanmu, what is the Sleeping Curse Seal?"

Gao Yue asked.

"This is a very ancient onmyoji technique. I heard that it has been lost for many years. I just didn't expect that such a spell would appear on him."

"According to the rumors."

"If you want to plant this kind of spell on people, you need to spend a lot of money on the caster."

"Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to use such a technique that is detrimental to themselves."

Duanmurong took a deep breath, still looking very surprised.

"What the **** happened that day?"

Gao Yue asked again.

"If you guessed correctly, the uncontrollable surging of qi and blood in his body caused him to lose control of his emotions just now, briefly suppressing the effect of the Sleeping Seal."

"Now he is recovering..."

Duanmu Rong's eyebrows were a little sad, and she quietly watched Jing Tianming's back.


Gao Yue and Xiang Shaoyu were stunned.

What's the meaning?


At this moment.

They could only stare blankly at Jing Tianming's body changes, and there was nothing they could do from beginning to end...

"Tianming suddenly became so strong!"

"Can you defeat that nasty villain?"

Gao Yue asked in a low voice.

"do not know."

Duanmurong shook her head gently.

Originally, she was not optimistic about Jing Tianming.

But now.

Feeling the terrifying aura that erupted from the opponent's body, she suddenly began to have some hope.


Really hopeful!

Even if it's just a glimmer of hope.

She is also willing to give everything to believe.

"Boy, I didn't expect it to be your turn to protect my big brother."

Xiang Shaoyu's eyes flickered, but Jing Tianming was no longer disturbed.



The surging internal force surged from Jing Tianming's body, making him feel as if his body was being bitten by thousands of ants, and the tingling sensation spread throughout his body.


Jing Tianming couldn't help but let out a painful roar.

His whole body was surging with qi and blood, his whole body was red, and the blood seemed to be boiling, madly circulating in his limbs, internal organs, meridians and bones.

The whole body seemed to be scorched by hundreds of thousands of degrees of heat.

His eyes became more and more dense with learning.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Ying Changge in front of him like a beast.

The Sleeping Curse Seal in his body is being continuously impacted by the surging qi and blood in his body.

Every impact made Jing Tianming feel the piercing pain.

at the same time.

The aura of internal power that erupted from his 4.9 body became more and more terrifying!

The aura emanating from it has almost reached the critical point of congenital perfection and martial arts master!

Aside from the stinging pain in his body, Jing Tianming could feel the merciless and endless surging of power in his body.

This power gave him a...

Between gestures, the illusion of being able to easily destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

"So strong!"

"Is this really my power?"

"Can I be as strong as Uncle?"

Jing Tianming was excited.

His blood and blood were frantically boiling, making the breath he exudes more and more terrifying.

Opposite to Jing Tianming.

Ying Changge's perfect and domineering look has always enveloped Jing Tianming's body.


All the changes in the other's body are clearly seen.

Chapter 323: Jing Tianming broke out? Hammer Jing Tianming! Crush! 【Please customize】

"What a wonderful change..."

"Jing Tianming, your body really hides a lot of secrets."

Ying Changge spoke excitedly.

The change in Jing Tianming's strength made him feel an unprecedented curiosity.

Knew it!

As the protagonist of the era...

How could Jing Tianming be so mediocre?


It was the moment when Jing Tianming broke out!

"It seems that killing a protagonist of the era will not be as easy as I thought before."

Ying Changge thought.

Jing Tianming's sudden outburst was indeed something he didn't expect.


Just didn't expect it.

As for cowardice?



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