Jing Tianming, who had floated all the way in the direction of Ying Changge's direction...


It was hit from the front by this terrifying shock wave.

The overwhelming power, with the momentum of shattering everything, enveloped Jing Tianming's whole body.

This power is terrifying!


The unparalleled and majestic repulsive force exploded in full force, knocking Jing Tianming into the air dozens of meters away, and his figure was very embarrassed and flew upside down in the air.

Roll all the way.

Like a kite with a broken string.

Chapter 324 Is This the Existence of the Severely Wounded Juggernaut? Long experience! 【Please customize】


In the process of flying upside down, Jing Tianming opened his mouth with blood protruding, his face turned pale, and his expression was full of shock and horror as he looked at Ying Changge in the distance.

what's the situation? !

what happened?

Why was he suddenly shot up?

Obviously he has become so strong!

How could this be?

How could the strength gap be so big? !

Jing Tianming was completely stunned.

He couldn't believe it.

He has become so strong that he can't even stop the opponent from facing each other!

His worldview collapsed in an instant.

"I'm so strong, still can't beat this bad guy?"

"Damn it!"

Jing Tianming was full of fear and unwillingness.

He thought.

His strength is enough to defeat the opponent.

But what I never expected was...

The strength he was proud of himself would appear so vulnerable in front of the opponent.

Poor poor!

Can't even stop the opponent!

Feeling the tingling sensation from his body, Jing Tianming burst into cold sweat on his forehead.

Being hit by the terrifying repulsive force from the front naturally caused his body to be damaged to varying degrees. Although the injury was not too serious, it was definitely not light.

Even with surging internal force wrapping his body around his body as protection, Jing Tianming's body was unavoidable, and he was hit hard by this move on the spot!



"I can not be reconciled!"

"I have become so strong, and I can almost match the strength of my uncle."


"Why can't you even stop that guy?"

Jing Tianming clenched his fists tightly.

He thought that the sudden surge in strength would allow him to turn things around and defeat a powerful enemy.

But the final result made him despair on the spot.

Was pulled down from the altar high above!

This huge psychological gap made Jing Tianming almost desperate.

His mind was completely broken.

The huge gap in strength made Jing Tianming feel a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

"It turns out..."..."

"Did Uncle actually fight against this kind of monster before?"

"No wonder it was hit hard!"

"This guy is horrible!"

Jing Tianming thought with lingering fears.

the moment before.

He is still extremely arrogant, but whenever he faces Ying Changge to challenge.

And the next second.

He was hit on the spot by a face-to-face hit!

The situation is changing so fast that it is almost impossible to guard against.


Jing Tianming flew upside down several dozen meters away, and his back slammed into the edge of the wall.


With a loud bang.

Jing Tianming's small body slammed heavily against the wall, and there was a thunderous sound, as if the entire secret room was shaking and trembling because of it.



The wall that was impacted by the huge force kept shattering and breaking.

The cracks from the cracks spread in all directions like a spider web.


The entire wall was shaken by the impact.

The huge secret room was shaking weakly.


Jing Tianming's bruised body slowly fell from the wall and slammed heavily on the ground. There were scars all over his body, and his face became particularly pale.

Take a closer look.

There were countless dense scars on his body, showing that he was very weak at the moment.

at the same time.

Even his body aura has become very chaotic and sluggish.


When he opened his mouth, Jing Tianming vomited blood again, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were full of deep fear, shock, and disbelief.

The strength that I am most proud of...


It was so vulnerable in front of the opponent!

"I'm too weak!"

"Not an opponent at all!"

"I thought I'd be able to beat him, but I'm still too naive."

"The terrifying monster that can seriously injure Uncle is not something I can try to contend with."

Jing Tianming felt cold in his hands and feet.

His originally majestic self-confidence collapsed under this move.

The exuberant self-confidence that had just arisen vanished in an instant.

Just one trick!

It directly shattered his pride!

All the confidence in his heart was crushed into powder.

The strength he was proud of turned out to be just a ridiculous joke in front of the other party.

Just a face-to-face...

All his self-confidence, pride, and self-esteem were almost shattered by force.

Defeated with a crushing attitude!

"Is this the strength of that Seventh Young Master?"

"Strong is too terrifying!"

"Is this kind of monster really something I can handle?"

"Do not!"

"'〃I'm no match at all!"

"The gap is too big."

Jing Tianming's lips were trembling, and the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his pale face showed strong negative emotions such as fear, apprehension, and fear.

can be clearly seen.

This move cast a huge psychological shadow on Jing Tianming on the spot.

In one stroke...

Not only did it destroy the self-confidence that Jing Tianming had finally built up.

It made him fall into a ruthless and endless panic.

at the same time.

As Jing Tianming was killed by a single blow, he flew away.

Duanmu Rong, Xiang Shaoyu, Gao Yue and others were all dumbfounded.


what's going on?

what happened?

It was fine just now, why was it suddenly killed?

Wasn't Tianming still strong just now?

Why is this scrapped?

The difference is so big?

Obviously, they had already felt the terrifying aura that erupted from Jing Tianming.


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