can be clearly seen.

Their faces were ashen, and almost all hope had been completely cut off.

All thoughts burn!


Live without love!


Duanmu Rong gritted her silver teeth, and her beautiful eyes stared at Ying Changge.


She started again.

Catch up?

This is by no means her character!

Even if she does everything she can, she will fight to the death!

To protect Gao Yue!

at all costs!

I see.

Duanmurong took out countless silver needles and waved them overwhelmingly at Ying Changge.

call out! call out! call out!

Silver needles swiftly enveloped Ying Changge's position like a downpour.

Almost all of these silver needles are contaminated with poison, and they will kill you if you touch them!

After releasing countless silver needles, Duanmu Rong kicked her feet and approached Ying Changge actively, trying to fight at close range.

"Miss Duanmu!"

Xiang Shaoyu's face changed slightly.

There wasn't much time for him to think.

He must take the initiative!


At the moment when Duanmu Rong launched the attack.

Xiang Shaoyu also launched an offensive.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he kicked his feet and sprinted forward like an arrow from a string.

The two are one left and one right, ready to double-team Ying Changge.

In the middle, there is a large area of ​​silver needles stained with poisonous torrential rain.

In the face of the combined attack of Duanmurong and Xiang Shaoyu, Ying Changge remained calm.

The perfect level of knowledge and domineering shrouded the audience, and it is naturally difficult to escape his keen insight into any every move of the two.

Chapter 327 Your life and death are only in my mind! 【Please customize】

"Still this trick?"


"It's really over the top!"

Ying Changge couldn't help shaking her head, her tone slightly disappointed.

too weak!

Weak and vulnerable!

There is no sense of expectation.

That being the case...

This farce should end here.

"I won't accompany you to continue playing."

"I think."

"It's time for me to end all this with my own hands."

Ying Changge made a decision in his heart.

Continue to waste time with a group of weak ants?

He has not been so leisurely and elegant.

I thought that these people could bring me a little fun.

But did not expect.

They are so weak!

Let yourself be completely disinterested and continue wasting time.

If that's the case, then it's better to end it as soon as possible.

"The beginning of the end of it all..."

"Let's start with the two of you!" "Four Seven Three"

The expression on Ying Changge's face was meaningful.

Just before the overwhelming silver needles arrived.

He slowly raised his right hand.

The palm faces a large piece of silver needle.


in a moment.

The terrifying power gathered in the palm of his hand and burst out in an instant.

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Taking Ying Changge's body as the center point, an unparalleled terrifying repulsive force burst forth in an instant, turning into a shock wave that swept in all directions.

The ruthless and endless power seems to destroy the world!

Spread with the waves like breaking bamboo...

The entire secret room seemed to be enveloped by this shock wave.

The moment the countless silver needles that kept attacking were hit by the shock wave, they were affected by the terrifying force and flew backwards in different directions in all directions.

Many silver needles were directly crushed and bent.

Silver needles scattered randomly all over the sky.

The overwhelming air waves spread, first bouncing off countless silver needles, and then hitting the bodies of Xiang Shaoyu and Duanmu Rong.




The two bodies were then knocked into the air, rolling all the way in mid-air, about to hit dozens of meters away.



Both of them, without exception, were hit directly by the shock wave, and they vomited blood on the spot, their faces became extremely pale, and their internal organs seemed to be severely damaged.

"So strong!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this?"

Duanmu Rong's face was full of horror and shock.

Xiang Shaoyu's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Ying Changge with lingering fears.

The two flew upside down...


Their bodies slammed against the surface of the wall.


The entire wall was hit hard by their bodies.

At the moment when their bodies hit the wall, they couldn't control the surging qi and blood in their bodies, they vomited blood again, and finally slowly slipped from the wall and fell to the ground paralyzed.



Walls crumbled and cracked.

There was a burst of shrill sound.

The wall was dented by the bombardment, leaving an extremely deep and hideous crack.

"Cough cough!"

Xiang Shaoyu and Duan Murong fell to the ground, coughing violently, as if they were about to cough out their internal organs.

can be clearly seen.

They are still seriously injured.

With just one hit, it hits them **** the spot!

make them incapacitated.

"Sister Duanmu..."


Gao Yue's face was full of panic and gaffe, and hurriedly ran to the side of the two to check the painful injuries on their bodies.

"Yue'er, let's go!"

Duanmu Rong was exhausted and felt the stinging pain from her body, which made her desperately shout to Gao Yue, her tone full of anxiety and helplessness.


Xiang Shaoyu smiled bitterly.

Can't go away!

No one was able to escape from the scene!

No one can escape from this monster's nose.

Feeling the stinging pain and huge burden on his body, Xiang Shaoyu only had a deep sense of despair in his heart.

It's over!

The two of them joined forces, and they couldn't even stop one move!

How to fight this?

The power gap is really too big!

like a gulf!

By the way!

No wonder...

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