Once mastered the full strength of the blind swordsman, then Ying Changge's strength can easily overturn the entire world!

At that time, he will be a true living god!

A terrifying existence like a living immortal Buddha.

"Improved the template fusion degree by 25% at one time, and the Overlord of Western Chu is worthy of being the Overlord of Western Chu."

"It's not in vain that I came from Xianyang City to Mojia Organ City, and came all the way to this ghost place, just to improve the degree of template integration?"

"Future 473 Overlord of Western Chu, you really are my experience baby."

"This time the template fusion has improved too much!"

Ying Changge was very excited.

Never before has such a high degree of template fusion been improved in one go.

And this time, he finally got his wish.

A one-time increase in template fusion by 25% is naturally enough to unlock the fourth ability.

What will it be?

What will be the fourth blind swordsman ability to be unlocked?


Or the overlord color?

Or something else?

Holding the countless thoughts in his heart, the anticipation in Ying Changge's heart grew stronger and stronger.

He couldn't wait to hear it.

After a while, the moment the system reveals the answer.

In order to wait for this moment, Ying Changge waited a lot of time.

Now, it has finally come true!

All the way from Xianyang City to Mojia Organ City, isn't it just this moment? !

Immediately after.

Still waiting for Ying Changge to react.

The system beep sounded again.

[The degree of template fusion has been increased by 20% again, just reaching the conditions for ability unlocking. The system will automatically unlock for the host, the fourth new ability of the blind swordsman character template...]


Ying Changge thought to herself.

A one-time increase in template fusion is enough to unlock the fourth blind swordsman ability.

He was very much looking forward to it.

Next, the system gives itself a new ability!

This opportunity is rare.

after all.

Such as Xiang Shaoyu's extremely critical figures, the number is too small.

Compared with Chen Sheng in the Daze Township Uprising, Xiang Shaoyu's influence is obviously much more terrifying.

The two cannot be compared at all.

If you want to ask.

Who can have a higher degree of template fusion than Xiang Shaoyu?

Ying Changge could only think of one key person.

That is……

Liu Bang!

The current Liu Bang is Liu Ji of the farmhouse for the time being.

Killing Liu Ji, Ying Changge's template fusion degree can be improved, naturally it will be much higher than killing Xiang Shaoyu.

In addition to Liu Ji, Xiang Shaoyu's template fusion degree is basically the highest.

The reason why Ying Changge took the initiative to rush to Jicheng City this time was to take Xiang Shaoyu's life? So use the opponent's life to improve the template fusion of the blind swordsman?


He finally got his wish!

Inside and outside of the entire Mohist organization, all the members of the anti-Qin alliance, no one was as important as Xiang Shaoyu, the future overlord of Western Chu.

There is no doubt about this.

That's why.

Only when Ying Changge killed Xiang Shaoyu would he get an unprecedented increase in the afej fusion degree.

The template fusion degree obtained by killing Xiang Shaoyu is nearly three times that of killing Shengqi!

This alone is enough to show the importance of Xiang Shaoyu.


Just when Ying Changge's thoughts were flying.

The sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! 】

[The fourth new ability has been successfully unlocked...]

[Congratulations to the host, you have successfully unlocked the 'Swordsmanship (Perfect Level)' in the Blind Swordsman character template! 】

Accompanied by the sound of the system falling slowly.

Ying Changge's face lit up with joy.

Then he became very excited!

it is good!


Sure enough.

All the abilities produced by the blind swordsman are the best of the best.

fencing? !

Or perfect swordsmanship? !

Almost completely replicating the blind swordsman's control over swordsmanship?

The extraction of this ability made Ying Changge ecstatic.

He couldn't control the excitement and excitement in his heart.

The fourth ability really brought him a big surprise!

Just ask!

How strong is the blind swordsman's swordsmanship?

Don't look at him in a fuss-free way, often using swordsmanship to cover up the fruit of his own gravity.

But no one can deny it.

The blind swordsman, the admiral's swordsmanship, is absolutely superb.


Not as good as a real great swordsman!

But the perfect swordsmanship of the blind swordsman, placed in this river and lake, is absolutely comparable to the terrifying swordsmanship of the swordsman Genie!

The swordsmanship of a perfect blind swordsman!

Thinking of this, Ying Changge felt uncontrollably excited.

Perfect swordsmanship means...

Ying Changge does not need to cultivate, let alone develop this ability by himself, but directly integrates the blind swordsman's control and development of this ability.

This is the perfect swordsmanship!

As long as Ying Changge's body and his realm are enough to support him.

Then, he will be enough to burst out completely, comparable to the full level of swordsmanship of the blind swordsman.

This is the equivalent of Daigo empowerment!

In an instant, Ying Changge's body had countless more control over swordsmanship out of thin air.

Instinct carved into the bones!

Just as Ying Changge thought of this.

in vain!

A mass of warm current seemed to appear in his body out of thin air, constantly scouring his internal organs, meridians, bones, blood...

This familiar experience naturally made Ying Changge deeply moved.

In this regard, he was already familiar with it.

he knows.

The transformation that the system brings to your body is now officially starting!

Your body will usher in a huge transformation and rebirth! .

Chapter 331 The perfect swordsmanship of the blind swordsman! Invincible in the world! 【Please customize】

Thinking of this, Ying Changge was deeply looking forward to it.

This time, not only did he successfully obtain the perfect swordsmanship of the blind swordsman...

at the same time.

And his own cultivation realm will inevitably usher in a huge improvement!

Can't help but...

He calmed down and carefully experienced the scouring of this warm current in his body, as well as the changes that occurred in his body under the scouring of this warm current.

The whole body seems to be bathed in a warm ocean.




Empty mind and body!

All troubles seemed to be swept away.

Even the faint sense of exhaustion in the spirit was completely dissipated by this warm current.

It's such a wonderful experience!


Intoxicated and fascinated!

Strength is getting stronger!

Power is rising!

at the same time.

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