"after all."

"The improvement in template fusion this time has increased by a full 25%!"

Ying Changge is looking forward to it.

Even he himself almost forgot.

How long ago was the last time I improved my cultivation realm?

But none of this matters.

The important thing is...

Next, his realm will definitely increase.

As for what level will it rise to?

Then it is unknown.

Innate Consummation is definitely enough to achieve!

Just don't know.

This time, I can directly break through the huge threshold at one time, and thus directly enter the new realm of the martial arts master.

"Congenital Consummation can definitely be achieved."


"Master of martial arts, it's hard to say."

Ying Changge thought excitedly.

Of course he was looking forward to it.

Can be upgraded two levels at a time.

From the cultivation realm in the late congenital stage, it leaps directly to the realm of martial arts masters.

It's not impossible.

on the contrary.

Ying Changge thought with full confidence.

The probability of success is at least 60% or more!

That is to say.

With at least a 60% probability, Ying Changge can be promoted to two levels in a row, from the late Xiantian to the martial arts master!

Thinking of this, Ying Changge couldn't wait in his heart.


After suppressing countless thoughts and thoughts, the majestic innate qi in Ying Changge's abdomen dantian gradually began to loosen and change a little.

After successfully integrating the fourth blind swordsman's ability, Ying Changge's cultivation level once again ushered in a huge surge and leap.

The tide is rising!

Climbing up!

The degree of increase in internal force can be called skyrocketing!

A leap forward!

It's like a sublimation on the level of life!

With the unlocking of perfect swordsmanship, Ying Changge's own cultivation and realm also ushered in huge changes!

This is a transformation!




Terrifying internal force fluctuations radiated from Ying Changge's body.

Wisps of light blue surging internal force entangled in the exterior of his body, and the imposing coercion emanating from him became more and more terrifying and deterrent.


"let's start!"

This internal force was like a weak and weak stream at first.

And just after the fusion of the perfect swordsmanship, the internal power that erupted in Ying Changge's body has already turned into a surging river that flows without end.

Inner strength is constantly rising.

Showing the figure of Ying Changge, he became more and more eye-catching and dazzling.

The inner strength radiating from his body made his figure extraordinarily aloof.

If the internal power that Ying Changge erupted before was a small stream, then now his internal power has grown to the level of a river.  …

And this is far from over!

The changes are still going crazy...


A terrifying fluctuation of aura swept from Ying Changge's body in all directions, covering an area of ​​dozens of meters in a blink of an eye.

"What a wonderful body change..."

Ying Changge felt the warmth rushing through her body at this moment.

And caused the inner strength of his abdominal dantian to skyrocket!

In less than a moment.


The first threshold.

It was directly broken by the rising surging internal force.

Breaking through this threshold, Ying Changge has successfully become a genuine innate perfection powerhouse.


Just a breakthrough in realm.

As for strength?

Before breaking through the innate perfection, Ying Changge's strength was strong enough to compete with the invincible powerhouses in the world.

And now.

With the breakthrough of the cultivation realm, how much change will his strength usher in?

it goes without saying!

Realm has always been Ying Changge's biggest flaw.

But all of this, with the rapid growth of the cultivation base at this moment, all resolved.

No more flaws.

The realm of cultivation is no longer a defect of Ying Changge.

at the same time.

It also made his originally terrifying strength usher in a huge increase.

"The realm of innate perfection!"

Ying Changge thought excitedly.

He can feel the changes in his body, and naturally 4.9 clearly understands it.

He has already broken into the top realm of Jianghu.

In general.

The realm of congenital perfection is already the top powerhouse in the arena.

And the martial arts master?

After all, the number of such strong people is still too rare.

Even Zhang Han, the leader of the Shadow Guard, is only a powerhouse in the Innate Perfection Realm.


Ying Changge finally stepped into this realm.

The only difference is that.

Others can master the strength of congenital consummation only when their cultivation realm reaches congenital consummation.

And Ying Changge, after the cultivation realm has been raised to congenital perfection, is enough to make his overall strength surpass that of the invincible powerhouse in the world.

This is the biggest difference between him and the ordinary congenital perfect powerhouse.

Chapter 333 Two levels in a row! Break into the martial arts master! 【Please customize】

"It's not over yet!"

The smile on Ying Changge's face became even brighter.


The changes in his body have not completely stopped!

Breaking through Innate Consummation seems to be just the beginning.

The warm current in his body has not disappeared, which means that the changes in his body can continue.

"Could it be that……"

"Can I really upgrade two levels at a time and break into the realm of a martial arts master?"

Ying Changge is looking forward to it.

If this is the case, then his own strength can become extremely terrifying!

How strong will you be then?

He couldn't even imagine it himself.

Two levels at a time!

What is this concept?

Who can follow suit?

in particular……

The further the realm goes, the more difficult it is to improve.

And Ying Changge is already in the late stage of congenital.

If he was upgraded to two levels at a time, it meant that he could break into the martial arts master.

Such an example was unheard of before!

never had!

Ying Changge is creating the first record in thousands of years!

This, again, will be the only record that has never been seen before!


Unparalleled surging internal force fluctuations emanated from Ying Changge's body, almost sweeping the audience, covering the inside and outside of the entire secret room.

The terrifying aura of Ying Changge's eruption spread to almost every corner in the area of ​​more than 100 meters within a radius of 05.

can be clearly felt.

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