He continued to manipulate the rotating device, and with every twist he made, the arrangement of the on-site organs was constantly changing, and the scope of the influence became wider and wider.

"Tianming, Yue'er, retreat!"

Master Xu hurriedly came to Jing Tianming and Gao Yue's side, and quickly took them to a safe area in the corner to prevent them from being affected by the organs here.

"Sister Duanmu!"

Gao Yue looked at Duanmu Rong's icy corpse with red eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll go and bring back their bodies."

After arranging Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, Master Xu returned to the original place again and pulled the cold bodies of Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu to the edge of the safe corner of the wall.

After doing all this, Master Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the scene ahead with anticipation in his eyes.

I see.

A large piece of the mechanism has been completely formed!

One after another mechanism pulled each other, forming a giant mechanism formation.

Inside this giant structure, a young man in white was trapped.


"He's really stuck!"

"The organs here can block him for at least half an hour."

"And using this short half-quarter of an hour, we can completely escape the scene safely and return to the most core area of ​​​​the city."

Master Xu was very excited.


Wherever there is an institution, Master Class is still very reliable.

It is much more reliable than the innate powerhouse! .

Chapter 341 Wherever you pass by, all the organs retreat! 【Please customize】

"Did you trap him?"

Jing Tianming raised his head and stared at the scene in front of him with tired and bloodshot eyes.

can be clearly seen.

Countless organs are pulling each other, and floor tiles stand up on the ground, as if forming a cage, and stone pillars rise from the ground...

The scene is very spectacular.

Brings a strong visual impact.

It's like facing the vast and endless mountains-surrounding.

After countless organs were triggered, an impregnable fortress was formed, which trapped Ying Changge in the central area.

all in all.

Now Ying Changge is already in the core hinterland of the organization.

There are countless gears running around.

Once he moves a little, it will cause these organs to slaughter frantically.

The stone pillars are connected together, like forming a forest, and like an indestructible cage, trapping Ying Changge in the center.


Ying Changge's feet were surrounded by organs, and once he stepped on a hidden place of an organ, it would immediately cause the organ to operate again, triggering a series of attacks.

"Master Class, how is the situation?"

Seeing this, Master Xu couldn't help but ask Master Class.

Hearing this, Master Class showed a confident and relieved smile: "It has been completed, all the organs here have been activated and it is absolutely not a problem to trap him for half an hour."

"Even if it is a martial arts master-level expert, if he is surrounded by the organs here, he will not be able to escape in a short time."


"For the rest of the time, we don't have to be so nervous."

"Even, we can stay here for a while to see this hateful guy, his embarrassing situation trapped by these organs."

The words fall.

Jing Tianming and Gao Yue's eyes lit up.

If they can see the other person's embarrassed figure, they are naturally very happy.

after all.

Before that, they had been suppressed too hard by Ying Changge.

The anger they buried in their hearts had nowhere to vent.

And now.

They will be able to see the other party's embarrassed and helpless appearance soon, and their mood will naturally be extraordinarily excited and looking forward to it.

"Master Class, he really won't break through the institutions here?"

Jing Tianming was still a little worried.

"You can rest assured that the mechanism here is the mechanism array that was finally built after ten years of hard work by the previous generation of Mo clan tycoons."

"Not to mention this Seventh Young Master, even if I am in the organization, it is difficult to find a way to crack it within a period of time."


"The person who can break through the mechanism here in a short period of time has not yet been born."

Master Class has a frivolous white beard and a confident expression.

Jing Tianming was finally relieved.

Gao Yue also let go of her tense mood.

Her red eyes, full of anger, looked ahead, the figure in white trapped in the organization.

"Master Ban, can the agency here kill him?"

Gao Yue asked.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult, trapping him is the limit."

"If he really has the strength to seriously injure Mr. Genie, then the organs here should not pose too much threat to his life."

"It's very possible to hit him hard."

"However, if you want to kill him, relying on the organs here is not enough."

Master Class pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"He killed my father!"

Gao Yue was in need of Yin Ya, and said with grief and pain.

"What, what?!"


Master Class suddenly widened his eyes.

Master Xu was also stunned.

Who is Gao Yue's father?

Everyone knows it.

That is the giant of their Mo family!

A true martial arts master!

The giant actually died in the hands of this young man?

No way?

real or fake?

Is this really not a dream?

An existence as strong as a giant would die in the hands of this young man?

It sounds a little dreamy.

So dreamy!

"Yue'er, the giant was killed by him?"

Master Class's expression became extremely heavy and shocking.

He had planned to.

Waiting for the reinforcements led by the giant to return to Organ City, so as to join forces to counter the Qin army.

Never thought.

The giant is dead? !

This news caught Master Class off guard.

He had almost no mental preparation.

Even more terrifying is...

The one who killed the giant was this young man at such a young age?

What kind of monster is this?

"as far as I know."

"The giant had a round with Mr. Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist school some time ago. The two martial arts master-level powerhouses led thousands of people from all corners of the world."


"So, who can kill the giant?"

Master Xu took a deep breath, still in disbelief.

The two martial arts masters joined forces.

How can he be killed by others?


"Oh my God!"

"This this……"

Master Class's eyes were lost for a while, and his face was full of horror and horror.

Strong as a giant, plus Xiaoyaozi, the head of Taoism!

Under the joint efforts of the two, the giant was still killed by someone?

What is this concept?

"Obviously so young..."

"How could he have such amazing and terrifying strength at this age?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"


The class master was deeply moved by his complacency and gaffe.


Do not!

This is a monster!

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