There is almost no possibility.

I thought the agency could block the opponent...

But after all, did not expect.

Misunderstood how terrible the opponent is.

"How on earth did he do it?"

"It shouldn't be!"

Master Class is still in a state of confusion.

can be clearly seen.

He was hit hard.

Even what he thought he couldn't do was done by an outsider, and an outsider at such a young age.

As you can imagine.

What a blow to the self-confidence of the class master.

"Master Class, are you okay?"

Seeing Master Class's stunned expression, Master Xu looked worried.

He can see it.

The class master has obviously broken down.

This is not difficult to understand.

after all.

In the field of mechanical techniques, Master Class has always been proud.



It seemed that, in the area he was most proud of, an outsider, such a young outsider, slammed it to the ground and rubbed it fiercely.

If you change to anyone, you will doubt your life because of this.

This is also understandable.

The class master will fall into a state of deep autism, which is completely in line with common sense.

"Even such a dangerous and tyrannical formation can't stop the opponent, then we have nothing to do."

Master Xu sighed helplessly.

He also felt hopeless.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped my heart.


Jing Tianming and Gao Yue stared blankly at the approaching young man in white.

Fear came to my heart!

The sense of fear that was once dominated came down again and enveloped the bodies of the two of them.

Just under the terrified eyes of Master Class and others.

Ying Changge's footsteps stopped abruptly.

He was located a few meters away from Master Class and others, standing quietly.

Dressed in white, spotless!

It looks extraordinarily extraordinary!

With a unique noble air, Master Class and others subconsciously want to kneel and surrender.

"The means you used to stop me..."

"This is the result?"

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth twitched slightly.

The words fall.

Master Class's lips trembled slightly, and his heart was completely filled with fear.

He couldn't think of any excuse for rebuttal.

Have to admit.

This is his last resort.

But still can't stop each other...

He has nothing to say!

There is nothing else to do!

"Are you curious, why can I crack the mechanism here so quickly?"

Ying Changge's tone seemed a little weird.

"who are you?"

Master Class stared at Ying Changge with bloodshot eyes.

"It's okay to tell you."

Ying Changge laughed out loud.


He spoke earnestly.


"The man who broke down your Mojia government city..."

"it is me!".

Chapter 344 Master Class's mentality collapsed! incredible! 【Please customize】

Accompanied by the voice of Ying Changge just fell.

The atmosphere in the audience became even more eerie!



Master Ban's throat was dry, he opened his mouth, and was speechless for a while.

His eyes were wide and round, staring blankly at Ying Changge in white in front of him.

Ying Changge's words buzzed in his ears, making him unable to calm down the extremely shocking mood.


And Xu Fuzi is no exception.

The two of them were frightened on the spot by Ying Changge's words.

"You, what did you say?!"

Master Ban's pupils widened, his face full of horror and gaffe.

This time.

He was completely out of his mind.

all the time.

He was confused.

Such a powerful organization of the Mohist Organization City took hundreds of years for the Mohist giants of all dynasties, and gathered the efforts of the entire Mohist family for hundreds of years...

How can it be said that if you are attacked, you will be attacked by someone?

This is totally unreasonable!

It took the Mo family hundreds of years of painstaking efforts to construct the mechanism city, and it should not be broken so easily.


The mechanism city was indeed broken.

Otherwise, the war in the outside world would not be possible.

It is also impossible for the elite army of the Qin army to break into the Mojia government city.

All this is showing.

There is a mysterious and extremely terrifying existence that helps the Qin army of the empire to break through the Mohist's city that took hundreds of years of hard work to construct.

This is the only answer!


For this answer, the master class is more concerned about.

Who is it? !

Who broke the mechanism city?

Is it the contemporary head of the public loser who loses his hatred?

The so-called "infinitely close", the master of the mechanism, Master Lu Ban, the grandfather of the public loser?

Do not!

The first time, the class master ruled out this possibility.

Even if the public loses hatred, it is absolutely impossible to break through the city.

There is no doubt about this.

But other than Gongzuoqiu, who else could it be?


The scariest part is...

The other party not only broke the mechanism city, but also took an extremely short time to crack the mechanism city.

The whole process may not even be half an hour.

This is what Master Class thinks is the most terrifying thing.

Also the most incredible phenomenon.

until just now.

The class master is still struggling.

Who is this mysterious and terrifying man?

How could he possess such terrifying attainments?

But he never expected it.

The other party is standing in front of you at this moment!

Still such a young man!

Looks like he's not even twenty years old!

Still in a weak year.

The master class was stunned.

He couldn't believe in his dreams that such a fortress of Mojia Jicheng, which had stood for hundreds of years, was actually broken by this young young man in front of him.

This is impossible!

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