Really used countless martial arts practitioners!

Also used the Mo family!



"If you want to kill or slash, please listen and respect."

Gao Yue's thoughts were all burned, and his face was ashes.

She gave up resistance.

Or rather.

She couldn't resist at all.

"You two children, you can go on your way."

Ying Changge's right palm spread out, facing the direction of Gao Yue and Jing Tianming.


He was about to burst into a terrifying gravitational pull.

Seeing Ying Changge's actions, whether it was Jing Tianming or Gao Yue, they all closed their eyes and waited quietly for death to come.

But right now.

Without any pre-conditions...

It just happened by accident.


Ying Changge suddenly raised his brows, and the expression on his face became a little weird and playful.

He forcibly stopped the current behavior.

The gravitational force that was about to explode suddenly dissipated between his palms.

The surging Innate True Qi surging in the body also slowly cooled and subsided.

This accident happened without any warning!

It made Ying Changge look very surprised.


He was completely unprepared.

"This is…"

Ying Changge's perfect look and domineering look captured an outside intruder.

And it was this intruder who forcibly stopped it. He was going to kill Gao Yue and Jing Tianming's behavior.

If it was just an ordinary foreign intruder, it would naturally not be able to attract him so much attention.

But the problem is...

The identity of this intruder is not simple!

It's a big deal!

It is precisely because of the identity of this intruder that Ying Changge thinks this is a huge accident.

"Why is she here too?"

"'〃Why have I never heard of this before?"

"Yin and Yang family..."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Ying Changge fell into contemplation.


The intruder he saw with a domineering insight into the perfect level.

It is from the Yin-Yang family, the Right Protector Moon God!

If it weren't for the sudden intrusion of the Moon God, Ying Changge might have shot and killed Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.

Due to Luna's sudden intervention, he forcibly stopped his current behavior.

He would love to see it.

What exactly does Luna want to do?

And what is the purpose of the Yin Yang family?


The Moon God should be far away in Xianyang City.

How could she suddenly run to the Mo Family's Office City?

Why did she come to Mojia Office City?

Things seem to be getting more interesting!

Holding the incomprehension and confusion in his heart, Ying Changge quietly waited on the spot.

After a while.

as predicted.

Just as Ying Changge expected.

Luna is still here.

When the footsteps had just stepped into the secret room, (Mano's) saw the countless cold corpses lying on the ground, and the pretty face of Luna was a little dignified.


She moved her lotus steps slightly and hurriedly came to Ying Changge's side with a very solemn tone.

"Master, please be merciful."

Look around.

Seeing that Gao Yue was still alive, Luna was slightly relieved.

Her mentality is ups and downs, and it is naturally difficult to escape Ying Changge's perfect insight!

"Is she here for Gao Yue?"


"The reason why the Yin-Yang family dispatched the powerful right guardian, the Moon God, to personally come to the Mo family's office city, is it purely for the sake of Gao Yue?"

After some guesses in his heart, the smile on Ying Changge's face subsided slightly.


He faced the direction of the Moon God and spoke earnestly.

"Moon God..."

"Are you going to stop me?"


"Are you teaching me to do things?".

Chapter 350 Luna: Please, Young Master, give me a face! 【Please customize】

The atmosphere is quiet!


Huge secret room.

Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, who were waiting for death to come, didn't notice the disappearance of their body's vitality, and opened their eyes involuntarily.

First look.

They saw that in the secret room, a high jumping woman wearing a sky blue long dress appeared.

The woman is very mysterious, with translucent eye veils and a crescent-shaped decoration on her back, which makes her high jumping posture even more strange and mysterious.

The long sky blue dress fell to the ground, and the graceful figure jumped high, all of which showed the beauty of this woman.

The long, smooth, deep purple hair falls down to the shawl, and with a delicate and flawless face, it has a mature charm and infinite charm.

"who is she?"

Jing Tianming opened his mouth and looked blank.

Do not know why.

He always felt that the woman in front of him was somewhat familiar.

as if...

Where have you seen each other before.

But after thinking about it carefully, I feel that this may just be an illusion.

"Are you here to save us?"

Jing Tianming's lips trembled slightly, his face pale, thinking so.

Can someone really save them?

Can this mysterious and strange woman in front of her do it?

Not 490 over looks...

This woman seems to know each other with that terrifying monster?

Is it from the Empire? !

Countless thoughts and thoughts rushed frantically in Jing Tianming's mind, making him puzzled.

"I'm not dead yet."

Gao Yue's pink lips moved slightly, she clenched her silver teeth lightly, her red eyes were lost for a while.

She really didn't expect it.

At this critical moment, a foreign intervener was ushered in, and the monster's attack on them was blocked.

"elder sister…"

"Are you here to save us?"

Gao Yue looked at the tall figure of Luna with hopeful eyes, opened her mouth, and couldn't help asking weakly in a sweet voice.

at the same time.

Luna also noticed the hope in Gao Yue's eyes.

Hearing Gao Yue's words, Luna's pretty face didn't change much, and her lips lightly opened: "I'm here to take you away, are you willing to follow me to leave the city?"

"If you want, I can guarantee that you are safe and sound, and you will leave the city alive."

"How do you feel about yourself?"

The voice is cold and crisp, and the pleasant sound spreads in all directions.

The moon **** looked down at Gao Yue condescendingly, and the voice was as cold as nine days away, but it gave Gao Yue a strong hope, making her eyes twinkle with unprecedented brilliance.

"You, can you really take me out of the Machine City?"

Gao Yue tentatively couldn't help but ask.

Nowhere to be found!

Make her unbelievable.

Can you really leave the Machine City alive?

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