hold head high!

Another dragon chirping.

Different from the dragon cry just now, the dragon cry that broke out at this moment was much louder and full of energy.

In less than a moment.

A lifelike golden dragon was born in front of the Moon God.

It is three meters long and about half a meter wide.

The breath emanating from this golden dragon seemed very oppressive.

So oppressive!


Jin Long seemed to open his hideous eyes, so he stared at Ying Changge in the distance.

A wisp of dragon might emanated from its body.

It seems to have self-intelligence and life, and the unparalleled terrifying inner power of Luna has gathered in its body, making it extremely destructive.

Although its body is very illusory, like an illusory golden dragon formed of gas, it still contains a terrifying power beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

A light golden halo appeared from its body.

at the same time.

can be clearly seen.

Its body seems to be constantly slipping golden powder...

Glittering gold, shining in the sky.


After brewing this killing move, Luna, without hesitation, manipulated the golden dragon to sprint to the place where Ying Changge was in front of him.

Soul Xilongyou, the top killing yin and yang technique of the yin and yang family!

Unlimited power!

Those who can master Soul Xi Longyou are all powerful people with extremely high talent in the Yin Yang family.

And the Moon God is obviously one of them.

The power of Soul Xilongyou, which she used herself, was naturally very terrifying.

Even a master of the martial arts master level would never dare to block Luna's outburst of Soul Xilongyou.

hold head high!

The golden dragon raised his head and roared, and the dragon's roar resounded deafeningly in all directions.


A golden light flashed.

This golden dragon pierced through the sky with extremely terrifying speed and rushed towards the place where Ying Changge was.

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to catch it with the naked eye.

It seemed that only a golden light flickered.

Gone in a flash!

The speed is fast to the extreme!

Even the air was torn apart by the terrifying speed of this golden dragon.

Just a moment.

The Soul Xilongyou released by Luna arrived at the area less than a few meters in front of Ying Changge.

A few meters away, the violent aura that erupted from this golden dragon completely wrapped Ying Changge's body.


The wisps of air emanating from the golden dragon blew Ying Changge's hair and clothes.

The coercion of the violent aura blowing towards him was unable to affect Ying Changge's emotional ups and downs.

He, as always, was very calm and calm.

Even if Hunxi Longyou had already hit him, he was still calm and calm.

as if...

Everything is under control.

Seeing Ying Changge in such a posture, the moon **** Liu Mei frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Do not dodge or dodge?

Want to intercept Soul Xi Longyou from the front?

Can the Seventh Master really do it?

Luna doesn't know.

But she had an ominous feeling in her heart.

in particular…

Seeing Ying Changge's calm face, she felt a little uncomfortable.

in the past.

She has always been in a calm and strategized posture, but as her enemy, she will fall into the deterrence she brings, and she will be very panic.

In contrast to today.

She went through the exact opposite situation.

This time.

It was her turn to panic.

And Ying Changge, her enemy, was indifferent from beginning to end.

This made Luna feel a sense of humiliation and anger that he had never felt before.

"`〃 I'm going all out to break out the Soul Xilongyou..."

"Even if he can't defeat the seventh son strongly, (Mano's) will definitely bring him a lot of trauma."

"Under the whole world, no one can block my full-strength Hunxi Longyou from the front!"

"Even if it's the seventh son, he will never be an exception."

Luna took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the nervousness and anxiety in his heart.

at the same time.

Facing Luna's Soul Xilongyou, Ying Changge had only one simple action.

I see.

He slowly raised his right arm and turned his palm toward the golden dragon that was about to strike.

"Soul Xilongyou?"

He shook his head and laughed.

Just a thought...

Quickly mobilize the surging innate qi in the body.

Army in an instant.

The power in his body suddenly burst out!

The power surged frantically between the palms of his right arms.


This unparalleled force was then transformed into a more terrifying repulsive force, which exploded from Ying Changge's body.

"Gravity·Shin Luo Tianzheng!".

Chapter 360 In this life, Luna has never been so panicked! 【Please customize】


The terrifying repulsive force erupted from Ying Changge's body in all directions.

The repulsive force turned into a terrifying shock wave, which then swept and spread.

The first is the ground under Ying Changge's feet.



The ground shattered.

The cracks from the cracks spread throughout the interior of the secret room.

The dense cracks are connected together, as creepy as spider webs.

Immediately after.

The overwhelming shock wave slammed around Ying Changge.

His feet sank slightly.

The ground under his feet collapsed and collapsed, and he fell into a deep pit of nearly half a meter on the spot, which caused his figure to move down by about half a meter.

The dust was flying wildly, and the smoke was billowing upwards.

With the blowing of this air wave, the smoke and dust flew all over the sky and rose in the air.

at the same time.

The Golden Dragon, which was already located within a few meters in front of Ying Changge, was inevitably hit by Ying Changge. At this moment, this repulsive force broke out.

The terrifying repulsive force turned into a shock wave, hitting this soul Xilongyou head-on.

The golden dragon, which is several meters in size, looks ferocious and terrifying, and carries a very violent power.

As a tactic of a martial arts master such as Moon God, this golden dragon naturally contains a very powerful formidable power and is full of destructive power.

not to mention.

Soul Xilongyou is still the top killing technique of Yin Yang Family 490.

Even an ordinary master of martial arts would never dare to face Luna's outburst of Soul Xilongyou.


Ying Changge dare!

Or rely on the front, with bare hands!

Empty-handedly greet the soul of the Moon God, Longyou!

What is this concept?


Just as this golden dragon hit Ying Changge's body, an unparalleled shock wave of terror rushed forward and aimed directly at this golden dragon.



A loud bang.

The two broke out with zero contact, resulting in an extremely terrifying collision.

Like thunder!


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