Thinking of this, they only felt horrified.

"It's over!"

Everyone's thoughts burned.

In the face of this shocking sword, even their thoughts of resistance were annihilated and shattered.


Slash down.

It hit more than 2,000 anti-Qin remnants from the front.

The dark purple terrifying slash exploded in an instant with unparalleled terrifying power.


With a loud bang.

Like thunder!


As if the sky was torn apart, the sound of the explosion ripped apart the void and resounded above the sky.

Visible to the naked eye.

Hundreds of people standing on the first line of defense against Qin Yu Nie, when their bodies were affected by the explosive force of this slash... Fan.

Chapter 377 With a shocking sword, the entire army of the anti-Qin Yu Nie will be wiped out! 【Please customize】





One after another, the body was directly crushed and exploded by this force, and on the spot, it turned into a blood mist that danced in the sky, scattered in the sky.

Without exception!

No bones left!

Their bodies couldn't even block the aftermath of the power that erupted from the slash.

Even if it is just a trivial aftermath, it can be the moment when it hits their bodies.

Their bodies exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood flying recklessly.

Life is so fragile right now!


No one can stop the power of this slash burst.

Even the floor tiles were hit beyond recognition by the aftermath of this power.


The whole ground trembled and swayed, and there was a series of vibrations.

Like an earthquake!

The overwhelming air waves spread and spread in all directions.

The force of this slash is "five and seven" and still sprints forward.

Instantly killing hundreds of anti-Qin elements was just the beginning.

This is just the most insignificant wisps of power from the slashing spill.

But even so, it still caused unprecedented terrifying trauma and turmoil to this group of anti-Qin elements.


Another loud bang rang out.

The ground crumbled.

The aftermath spreads...

Crushed all the personnel in the Quartet.

When the body of an anti-Qin element was affected by this force, it shattered and burst in an instant, and turned into countless blood mists dancing in the sky.




More and more anti-Qin elements are killed in seconds!

No one can escape this disaster.

Their fragile bodies, compared to this terrifying slash...

That gap is simply countless times bigger than hitting a stone with an egg.

The only thought left in everyone's head was a deep sense of despair and fear.

This is definitely the most terrifying force they have faced in their life.

none of them!

The most terrifying power I have ever experienced in my life is this shocking slash in front of me.

It's like the way of a fairy!

Enough to destroy the world!

Slash all the way across the front...

The ground was torn apart by a terrifying crack.

A few meters deep, a few meters wide...

From the place where Ying Changge slashed the slash, this crack spread all the way to the hairstyle of the anti-Qin Yu Nie who was hundreds of meters away, and it continued to extend.

A sword, almost cut off the earth!

Leaving an indelible trail of terror on the earth.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

No one can imagine it!

Is this really something that humans can do?



Accompanied by bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds.

Following this ferocious and terrifying crack, more and more traces of the ground crumbled around. The dense cracks are like spider webs, making people shudder.

a time.

The smoke and dust billowed up, and the billowing dust fluttered in the sky.

Pieces of bright red blood rain fell madly from the sky.

The pungent and rich **** smell almost completely infects the air that fills this side.

Half of the sky seemed to be stained red with blood.

Blood stained the sky!

But not a single body was left on the ground.


Rivers of blood!

All corpses were crushed into blood mist.

This power is too terrifying.

Anti-Qin Yu Nie's body could not stop the destructive power of this power burst, and even the body could not be left, and it was destroyed and shattered together with the bones.

In less than a moment.

The terrifying slash wrapped in the power of the Gravity Fruit penetrated the place where the anti-Qin Yu Nie was located from start to finish.

More than 2,000 anti-Qin elements were all shrouded in this force.

The rest of these anti-Qin remnants...


All of them, without exception, were wiped out on the spot by the explosive power of Ying Changge's sword!

Not even a scream could be heard.

They were crushed on the spot.

Die without pain!

In just an instant, their lives were completely withered.

In the end, not even half of the corpse was left.

There are more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements, so far, all of them have suffered a tragic fate of being destroyed by Ying Changge's sword.

Who can imagine this?

More than two thousand people!

Kill it!

Destroy it!

Not one left!

One does not leak!

No anti-Qin element can escape the destructive power of Ying Changge's shocking sword.

Just a moment.

More than 2,000 people were killed by Ying Changge.

There aren't any survivors.

From start to finish...

Not even a single body was left.

There were also no screams.

Only the slashes continued to destroy the surrounding environment, and the deafening sound rang out.


All anti-Qin elements were killed and destroyed in an instant at an extremely terrifying speed...


The dark purple slash traversed 300 meters away, bombarding a mountain, causing terrifying turbulence and tremors in the entire mountain.


The huge mountain body is shaking and shaking constantly, it can be said that the earth is shaking and the mountain is shaking.

It's like the sky is falling apart!

A violent tremor caused countless stones to fall down from the mountain, smashing on both sides of the mountain, and there was a series of loud vibrations.

Who would have thought...

A sword was 300 meters away, almost destroying a mountain.

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