Who can imagine this?

"Seventh son is too strong, too strong!"

"Even Gai is no longer qualified to compete with him."



Genie shook his head and sighed.

He had no hope of escaping.

The anti-Qin alliance has collapsed so far, and is about to be completely wiped out.

There were only a few remaining Mo clan leaders and a few Chu army generals, and it was useless.

More than 2,000 remaining anti-Qin elements were all killed in seconds!

this time.

They don't even have the ability to resist.

"Senior brother, let you and I continue to maintain this battle!"

"You and I have to decide the winner!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes flickered, his eyes were full of fierceness, and the fighting intent was burning like a flame.

Seeing the strength of Ying Changge seriously stimulated his self-esteem.

Make him yearn too.

I want to be that kind of superpower!

"as you wish."


"I'll do my best!"

"Do your best to have a life-and-death showdown with you."

Genie's expression became serious.

Since he was doomed, he didn't need to worry so much anymore.


It is the moment to decide the winner and loser with Wei Zhuang!

to be frank.

Since the fight against Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie has not really gone all out (afej), and still has reservations.


Faced with such a desperate situation, Genie felt that he no longer had the need to reserve spare power.

Simply at the last moment.

Full blast!

Let the ghost valley determine the final winner!

"I've been waiting for a long time."

Wei Zhuang held a shark tooth and exuded a fierce killing intent.

The battle broke out again.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie went directly into the heat of the battle. Both sides had tried their best to attack each other with the goal of killing each other.

at the same time.

the other side.

Gao Jianli, Xue Nu, Thief Zhi and other Mohist leaders were still unable to recover.

can be clearly seen.

They are still in a state of extreme shock.

He was frightened by the terrifying destruction and movement caused by Ying Changge's shocking sword.

"Is this the power of God?"

"Do not!"


"This is the power of immortals!"

"A living sword fairy!"

Several Mo family leaders were dumbfounded, and Qi Qi fixed their eyes on Ying Changge's figure.

Look around.

The battlefield is riddled with holes.


Not a single body was left.

The more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements seemed to have evaporated from the human world, with no bones left. They were destroyed by a sword and even the corpse, leaving only blood everywhere, and covering the broken ground with a layer of bright red makeup.


The air was filled with the pungent and strong smell of blood.


"Xiang Liang, today is your end!"

"You are doomed today!"

"In the past, I missed countless opportunities to kill you."

"But today, you can't fly even if you put your wings on it."

After Meng Tian retracted his gaze, he laughed out loud.

Seeing the terrifying power of his son again, he still felt a deep sense of amazement and shock in his heart.

This shocking sword, the power of the outbreak is obviously much more terrifying than before.

Of course Meng Tian could feel this.

The last time a single sword killed thousands of anti-Qin elements, but this time, a single sword directly destroyed more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements.

By contrast.

The difference is obvious!

Even more terrifying is...

After the last time the sword was slashed, it was obviously impossible to create such a terrifying rubble on the ground.

"It seems that the seventh son's strength has improved again."

"It really deserves to be the number one evildoer in the ages!"

"In such a short period of time, his own strength can still usher in a huge surge and increase."

"This is an out-and-out monster!"

Meng Tian thought so.


He lifted the bronze sword in his hand and attacked Xiang Liang directly in front of him.

Now, Xiang Liang is at a critical moment.


And at this moment, it is also a good time to kill Xiang Liang.

Of course Meng Tian would not miss this opportunity.

Facing Meng Tian's sudden attack, Xiang Liang's face was ugly and his heart was heavy.

So far, he still can't calm down.

Chapter 381 Wei Zhuang defeated? Ying Changge is about to make a strong entry! 【Please customize】


"How can there be such a monster in this world?"

"With one's own strength, more than 2,000 people can be directly destroyed!"

"Is this something that humans can do?"

"I'm afraid it's not a living god~ Immortal!"

"With one sword, more than 2,000 people were instantly killed on the spot, leaving no bones of the 2,000 people killed."

"Is this a man?"

Xiang Liang gritted his teeth, he felt a lot of pressure.

He thought.

It must be that the seventh son was too arrogant to dare to face the more than 2,000 members of the anti-Qin alliance alone.


In the end, the clown turned out to be himself!

He is the funniest person.


The other party really has the terrifying strength to kill more than 2,000 people in seconds!

All this made Xiang Liang unacceptable.

It was hard for him to believe.

How can there be people who practice martial arts in the world who can be so powerful that they are inhuman?

I'm afraid this is not a monster!

Before Xiang Liang could think too much, he faced Meng Tian's fierce attack.

Being unilaterally suppressed!

The oppression is losing ground!

Originally Xiang Liang was not Meng Tian's opponent, but now, he is even worse, and all the elites of the Chu army were wiped out at that moment.

This made Xiang Liang no longer have any fighting spirit and faith to fight.

Fighting broke out again.

The rest of these battles can only be said to be the final epilogue.

With the shocking sword that Ying Changge broke out, the anti-Qin alliance was completely disintegrated.

So far.

These very few remaining personnel, no matter how strong they are, are already powerless.

The only fate that awaits them is...



Other than that, there is no second possibility.

"The son is invincible!"

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