"Yes, son."


Ying Changge took Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others to approach the edge of the battlefield between Genie and Wei Zhuang step by step.

Many members of the Quicksands have no longer fought.

such as.

Unparalleled Ghosts, Hidden Bats, etc.

After getting rid of the battlefield, they stood on the edge of the battlefield and quietly watched the fierce confrontation between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang.

When they saw Ying Changge approaching, both of them, without exception, hurriedly showed a strong look of awe, with a respectful tone and attitude: "I have seen the seventh son."


Ying Changge nodded casually.

Although he couldn't see the picture of the battlefield, he was able to gain an extremely accurate insight by virtue of his perfect arrogance.

Every movement of Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang's fight.

Any turbulence on the battlefield, it is naturally difficult to escape his insight.

The tactics of the fight between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang were also very clearly in Ying Changge's mind.

It is for this reason.

He can predict in advance.

The fact that Wei Zhuang was about to lose to Gai Nie.

The defeat of Wei Zhuang is getting closer and closer!

Gai Nie's offensive is getting faster and stronger, while Wei Zhuang has been unilaterally suppressed.

speak up.

Wei Zhuang's strength was inferior to that of Gai Nie after all.

Even if Gai Nie was just holding a wooden sword, he would still have an overwhelming advantage, enough to suppress Wei Zhuang.



The harsh sound of weapons and blades colliding slowly sounded, wandering and spreading in all directions.

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang fought fiercely.

Even in the middle of a fierce battle, Genie still sensed Ying Changge's approach.

His heart sank slightly, and the sword moves in his hand were slightly hesitant.

He didn't know.

Will Ying Changge intervene in the battlefield?

He just knows.

Once the monster Seventh Young Master really decides to intervene in the battlefield, then there will be only a dead end to meet his end, and there is no second possibility.

"Senior brother, you hesitated again."

"It's really wandering!"

"It's obvious that you can suppress me at one time, but you still hesitate."

"Your heart is too complicated!"

"Just because of you, do you want to defeat me?"

Wei Zhuang raised his brows, and the shark-toothed sword move in his hand became more and more severe and turned to oppress Gai Nie.

Of course he noticed.

The distraction of Genie, who was fighting against him in front of him.

at the same time.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw the figure in white standing on the edge of the battlefield.

Seeing this, he could understand a little bit of Genie's mood changes.

after all.

There is such a terrifying and powerful existence, standing on the edge of the battlefield staring at him, and any strong person will feel unparalleled exuberant pressure.

Even the Sword Saint Genie is no exception!

That terrifying existence is powerful enough to surpass the invincible powerhouse!

Being targeted by this kind of existence, it is absolutely impossible for Wei Zhuang to not care.

Taking advantage of the hesitation of Gai Nie's sword move, Wei Zhuang did not give up this opportunity at all, and the offensive of the shark teeth in his hand became more and more fierce.

for a while.

Gai Nie turned around and was briefly suppressed by Wei Zhuang.


When he realized that Ying Changge, who was on the edge of the battlefield, did not seem to have any intention of intervening in the battlefield, Genie finally eased his heavy heart a little.


Gai Nie regained his vigour again and devoted himself to the current fierce confrontation with Wei Zhuang.

As long as Ying Changge has no intention of intervening in the battlefield, Gai Nie is confident that he can take down Wei Zhuang in front of him!

As the number one juggernaut in the world, this confidence is still there...

As the time goes.

Gai Nie's swordsmanship is getting more and more severe, Wei Zhuang is in trouble again, and he has been defeated by Gai Nie, and is about to show a trend of defeat.

off the field.

Seeing the confrontation between the two, Hidden Bat and Wushuanggui were slightly startled, their faces became extraordinarily dignified, and they stared at the battlefield.

They saw it too.

Lord Wei Zhuang, in a state of impending defeat.

"Juggernaut is worthy of being a Sword Saint..."

"Even Lord Wei Zhuang can't win."

The Hidden Bat's voice was hoarse.

Seeing the fierce confrontation between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, Meng Ying couldn't help but ask Ying Changge in a low voice, "Young Master, in your opinion, who can win between these two?"

Hearing this, Ying Changge didn't need to think about it, and answered directly: "If the battle goes smoothly, Gai Nie will probably win."

Wei Zhuang is already at the end of the game.

And Gai Nie, is still at ease.

The two are judged against each other.

In terms of overall strength, Gai Nie still has to surpass Wei Zhuang after all.

Over the years, Wei Zhuang has never been able to defeat Gai Nie.

Today, it is no exception!

Gai Nie seems to be Wei Zhuang's nemesis, making Wei Zhuang unattainable in this life, he can only look up, and always can't surpass each other.

"Will Wei Zhuang lose?"

Meng Ying looked at the battlefield.

He soon noticed it too.

Wei Zhuang in the battlefield gradually became weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, 4.9 Genie, the more you fight, the more brave you are!

Wei Zhuang began to retreat, his forehead was covered in sweat, and his figure appeared a little embarrassed.

The domineering and indomitable Wei Zhuang is still much inferior in front of Genie.

"I'm going to lose."

Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly.

His perfect-level sight-seeing look is domineering, and he can see details that many people can't perceive.


He can judge very accurately.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Wei Zhuang will be defeated!

For the development and trend of the war situation, Ying Changge has a clear control of almost all aspects.

No nuance and detail can escape his keen insight.

as predicted!

Just like Ying Changge's guess.

In less than a quarter of an hour, with a very sharp attitude, Gai Nie finally hit Wei Zhuang with a sword, knocking Wei Zhuang up ten meters away.

Chapter 383 The Seventh Young Master is the most terrifying big boss! 【Please customize】


Wei Zhuang was shot more than ten meters away, the shark tooth in his hand fell to the broken ground next to him, and his whole body lay on the ground with scars.

He was half-kneeling, his hands firmly supporting the broken ground, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his face was extremely pale, almost bloodless.


He has lost the ability to continue fighting.

When the shark tooth in his hand was out of control, Wei Zhuang had already declared his defeat.

Lost to Genie!

Lost to the number one swordsman in the world!

"Cough cough!"

After a violent cough, Wei Zhuang vomited blood, raised his head with difficulty, and stared at Genie in front of him with unwilling eyes.


Unprecedented embarrassment!

Wei Zhuang, a well-known and famous Jianghu, suffered another tragic defeat in front of Gai Nie.

Wei Zhuang was no stranger to losing to Gai Nie.

after all.

He had never defeated Genie in his life.

Not even once.

"I, lost again?"

Wei Zhuang's eyes were lost for a while, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was pale, and he looked unwilling.

After many years.

Face off against Genie again.

He still lost.

Wei Zhuang couldn't accept it.

He has practiced so hard over the years to defeat Genie.

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