

The majestic sword qi swept the four directions.

The power it brings seems to be forcibly distorting the space, causing the space to tremble and squirm, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

Ying Changge smiled.


Holding the Longyuan Sword, he launched an attack.

In an instant.

His figure disappeared in place, as if it disappeared out of thin air, leaving only an afterimage in the original place.

when it reappears.

Ying Changge was already holding the Long Yuan Sword and stood less than half a meter beside Ge Nie.

The sharp blade in his hand was aimed at Genie, and he slashed mercilessly.

The sharp sword aura was forced out from the blade, with a terrifying aura that was as powerful as a bamboo, and at the same time, it carried the aura of power that could destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

call out!

A terrifying sword-qi slash was aimed at Genie's body and shot down.

Facing this sword qi, Gai Nie's eyelids twitched wildly, his eyes became particularly dignified, and he subconsciously prepared to turn sideways to avoid this sword qi attack.

Just as Gai Nie just turned sideways to dodge.

The sword qi fell from his side and hit where he was standing.


With a loud bang.

The place where Gai Nie was standing was pierced by this fierce sword energy, and an extremely ferocious and terrifying crack appeared.



A burst of crisp and pleasant sounds rang out.

One after another cracks cracked, spreading all over like a spider web.


The entire ground shook violently.

When the force of the sword energy exploded and shattered the earth, Genie, who was located in the marginal area, was inevitably enveloped by a wave of terrifying air.

The smoke and dust rose up, and the air wave rolled up with a wave of dust, dancing in the air.

Just as the aftermath of the air wave hit the body, he forcibly forced Genie back several steps before stabilizing his body a little.

"Really powerful destructive power!"

Gai Nie looked at the original position with lingering fears.

clear and distinct.

The ground was forcibly split with a crack.

He couldn't imagine.

If this sword energy hits the body, what will happen to him?

Afraid of dying without a corpse!

No bones left!


Thinking of this, Gai Nie couldn't help but cheer up, staring at Ying Changge's figure with all his attention, holding a wooden sword ready to fight at any time.

Chapter 391 From now on, there will be no Juggernaut in Jianghu! 【Please customize】

"Did you escape?"

"This is just an appetizer for the warm-up."

"Next, is the main event!"

Ying Changge laughed.


He once again broke out a fierce and strong offensive.

Every sword was just right, defeating Genie's persecution - retreating!

In less than a moment, Gai Nie was already suppressed by Ying Changge's unilateral force!

The figure of the two fighting was very fast.

Almost to the extreme!

The figures of the two people in the battle seem to be constantly turning into afterimages, and it is impossible for the naked eye to capture their figures and movements.

They are so fast!

The naked eye can't keep up with the reaction speed of the two of them.


Ying Changge had the upper hand in this battle.

Even if it's just pure sword fighting, he can completely suppress Genie with ease.

With the perfect domineering look, he can see any reaction measures of Genie all the time, and make arrangements for response and attack in advance.

It is for this reason.

Gai Nie was unilaterally suppressed very tragically.


There were many scratches and injuries on Gai Nie's body. Although it was only a skin injury, the slowly flowing blood still infected his clothes.

The faint smell of blood emanated from his body, floating into the air and dancing gracefully.

As the battle became more and more intense, Genie had already shown a tendency to be defeated.

His face became paler and paler, and the wooden sword in his hand gradually couldn't keep up with Ying Changge's attacking rhythm.

In contrast, Ying Changge.

The rhythm of his attack was getting faster and faster, and the suppressed Genie was retreating, leaving the latter almost powerless to fight back.

The dignified swordsman Genie, but today, in the duel of pure swordsmanship, was completely suppressed by a young man without the ability to fight back!

What is this concept?

If this news spreads out, it is bound to detonate the entire river and lake!

Huge pressure enveloped Genie's heart, causing unstoppable cold sweat to flow down his forehead, and his back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

"The gap is too big!"

"Seventh Young Master's swordsmanship level is obviously far superior to mine!"

"How is this possible!"

Gai Nie felt the pressure and insisted with gritted teeth.

He still couldn't believe it.

How did the seventh young master practice swordsmanship at such a young age?

Why was he able to cultivate swordsmanship to the point where he surpassed him in his weak years?


This is totally unreasonable!

But the fact happened right in front of him, and Gai Nie couldn't be allowed to doubt it.

"Seventh Young Master is indeed an out-and-out monster!"

"It's completely beyond the scope of common sense."

Gai Nie kept retreating, and the suppressed ones could only defend constantly.


In some places where the defense was not in place, he was injured by the Long Yuanjian in the Yingchang singer.

The two fought for less than a quarter of an hour.

Gai Nie's body was covered in bruises.

Although most of them were only skin injuries, the accumulation of so many skin injuries still gave Ga Nie a very painful injury and caused his condition to plummet.

After defeating Wei Zhuang originally, Gai Nie's state was no longer at its peak.


Facing a more terrifying opponent than Wei Zhuang, it seriously consumed his physical strength, energy, and internal strength, making his state decline faster and faster.

Playing against Ying Changge, the illusion given to Genie is equivalent to...

Fight against three Wei Zhuang at the same time!


The pressure that Ying Changge put on Gai Nie by himself was equivalent to the pressure that three Wei Zhuang teamed up on him.

This was when Ying Changge only attacked with swordsmanship.

If Ying Changge burst out with all his strength.


Gai Nie, may be killed by a sword!

after all.

That shocking sword was enough to destroy more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements, and Gai Nie also couldn't imagine how he could fight against this shocking sword that was beyond the realm of human beings!

That sword can be called the method of an immortal!

With manpower, how can we block the law of the immortals? !

"Can't stop it!"

"Young Master's offensive is too fierce."

"Swordsmanship is also strange and unpredictable..."

"It's almost impossible to guard against!"

"How can this level of swordsmanship appear in a young man in his weak crown?"

"It's totally unreasonable!"

Genie thought with a pale face.

The scariest thing is...

The moment he faced Ying Changge.

always feel.

Facing an old swordsman who has experienced thousands of battlefields!

That responsiveness!

That kind of terrifying fighting consciousness and instinct!

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