No one could stop his attack, and many soldiers died in this attack.

Touman's army was so boiling, they showed a very flustered posture, very embarrassed.

Chapter 422 Less and less, less and more!

Continuing the fight, Touman's army went to attack in the tent, trying to block Ying Changge's offensive.

However, Ying Changge's army was aggressive, and what they showed was unstoppable power.

No one can attack peacefully. Since it is a battlefield, it is a matter of life and death.

Either you are dead or I am dead. Of course, such an attack is aggressive and full of powerful offensive.

Any enemy is humble in front of Ying Changge, and there is no chance to dodge.

Continuing the aggressive attack, Ying Changge's army was very brave, like a tiger descending the mountain.

One by one, "May 37" chased after him, trying to block Ying Changge's army, but there was no chance.

The Touman army condensed, and a group of people huddled around, trying to intercept Ying Changge's army.

However, Ying Changge's army is simply unstoppable, they are invincible and unstoppable.

When Ying Changge was fighting fiercely in front, the morale of Ying Changge's army was also high, so powerful.

Unite and continue to attack in groups, the Touman army is already exhausted.

The general who led 10,000 soldiers this time was Touman's confidant, called Yinghuo, and he was a general.

Mighty and majestic to deter Ying Changge's army, Yinghuo just kills chickens to warn monkeys, and does not intend to kill the enemy.

Because Yinghuo himself led the army to attack the city, Yinghuo was not completely sure.

Under such an attack, the only thing that can be done is very simple, and that is to escape!

But Yinghuo was ordered to come, and he has 10,000 cavalry in his hands, how can he retreat casually!

Once it retreats, Yinghuo is a deserter and may be beheaded.

At this moment, the road in front of Yinghuo is also very simple, that is, kill and kill.

No matter how many soldiers come, so many enemies, Yinghuo will kill them.

Therefore, after seeing the figure of Ying Changge, Yinghuo deduced that the other party must be the general of the Qin army.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, perhaps Yinghuo's army will be able to settle down so comfortably.

Otherwise, under such a fight, other people will wipe out the eagle-eyed soldiers!

He is now in the camp, but he was not successful, and then he was attacked by the Qin army.

So many Qin troops continued to attack, and they were aggressive, causing Yinghuo's soldiers to suffer serious injuries.

Many soldiers fell to the ground and died. Their total death was already piled up like a mountain.

Yinghuo knew the bravery of the Qin army, but he never expected that the Qin army would find the location of his military camp.

When such an offensive charge came up, Yinghuo could not resist it by himself.

Therefore, the first thing Yinghuo has to do now is to condense his forces and prevent them from being scattered.

Otherwise, the 10,000-strong army in Yinghuo's hands will be killed directly by Ying Changge.

Continuing the aggressive attack, the Qin army won a complete victory, and the momentum could not be stopped at all.

Under the battle between you and me, Yinghuo sees that his soldiers are getting fewer and fewer, and the accumulation is increasing.

Such resistance is very weak, and Yinghuo condenses his own forces to little effect.

In the **** battle, Yinghuo's eyes stared straight at Ying Changge's figure, he wanted to kill the enemy general.

Capture the thief first and capture the king, as long as Ying Changge is killed, then these Qin troops will definitely retreat.

This is Yinghao's own camp, and many soldiers are entrenched in the camp, very united.  …

Coming out in groups, Yinghuo led a group of elite soldiers, and then approached Ying Changge.

Yinghuo wanted to catch Yinghuo at once, but unfortunately, the other party's whereabouts were too weak.

In the crowd of people, you come and go to kill the enemy, which can be regarded as a surging crowd and cannot be easily guarded against.

Staring at Ying Changge intently, Ying Confusion moves from far to near, blocking Ying Changge's path all of a sudden.

Immediately, Yinghuo picked up the sword in his hand and hit Ying Changge.

When Ying Changge saw Yinghuo's majestic appearance, he knew that the other party must be extraordinary.

Among so many enemy troops, Yinghuo's figure called for many soldiers to come.

Seeing Yinghuo's intentions at a glance, Ying Changge understands that this general wants to kill himself first!

He snorted indifferently, and then Ying Changge immediately scolded and questioned, "Who is coming, sign up and come!"

"I am Yinghuo! You will be the soul of my Yinghuo's sword!" Yinghuo was aggressive and came on horseback.

4.9 Leading a lot of soldiers behind him, Yinghuo came aggressively and attacked.

The sword in his hand went away sharply, and Yinghuo tried to behead all the heads of Ying Changge's items.

Unhurriedly blocking Yinghuo's attack, Ying Changge blocked the sword in his hand.

With a ping pong, the sword edge smashed into Ying Changge's body, but it did not cause any injury to Ying Changge.

Sitting firmly on the spot, the sword in his hand hit the eagle's edge.

Yinghuo felt a strong impact on his body, and he could only retreat in embarrassment.

Chapter 423 Ping ping pong pong, sword strikes!

Staring helplessly at Yinghuo's aggressive attack, Ying Changge himself was very indifferent.

He had the chance to win, he was full of confidence, and he was not afraid of fighting against the eagle at all.

"Take your life!" Yinghuo shouted, and the sword in his hand continued to chop up.

In order to kill Ying Changge, Yinghuo used all his strength, and he was bound to win.

Ying Changge's ability is very strong, and it is simply not a few people who can get close.

Even if he encountered resistance, Ying Changge continued to rampage, and the sword in his hand never stopped.

Continuing to wave vigorously, Ying Changge, who faced the enemy mercilessly, had already killed several people.

Any enemy rushing in front of Ying Changge will be blocked by a sword and the body will fall to the ground.

Yinghuo and his own 05 soldiers were in a dilemma for a while, unable to resist.

With 10,000 soldiers and horses here, it is reasonable for Yinghuo to want to fight back.

Although he was attacked by Ying Changge's army, Yinghuo had to hold down his army and improve morale.

In one go, let the soldiers continue to charge, so that they can kill them one by one and defend their dignity.

The leading Yinghuo continued to charge, he was hostile to Ying Changge, and the sword in his hand continued to go away.

The mighty shaking, the sword edge overflowed, and stabbed Ying Changge on the body again and again.

Ying Chang Singer's sword is both offensive and defensive, and it is impossible for any attack to break through his sword's defense.

So he continued to stab out steadily, and Ying Changge's sword hit Yinghuo's body.

Yinghuo felt Ying Changge's strength, and even the sword in his hand could not stop him from facing the enemy in front of him.

Shaking back two steps, Yinghuo barely managed to stand still.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, who was sure of the victory, unhurried, and continued to come with a sword in his hand.

His sword did not have any offensive situation, and he attacked again and again, slashing at Yinghuo.

Ying Changge could see that Yinghuo was the leader of this army and was the key.

Killing Yinghuo would disintegrate the 10,000 cavalry and be easily defeated by Ying Changge.

Ying Huo, who was over-comprehensive, took the initiative to run up, so Ying Changge would cut off his head.

Killing Ying Changge is Yinghuo's dream, because Yinghuo wants to stabilize the situation of his army.

10,000 people came to the border, if the whole army was wiped out, there would be no face to see Shanyu.

Even if it is against Ying Changge's invasion, Yinghuo will continue to defend himself perseveringly.

He stabbed the sword in his hand chatteringly, and the blade kept slashing on Ying Changge's head.

Yinghuo tried to cut off the head of Ying Changge's neck, but Ying Changge could not be killed so easily.

He continued to shoot steadily, and the sword edge protected his body tightly.

Even though the sword edge was approaching, Yinghuo's sword did not successfully stab Ying Changge's skin.

Although Yinghuo's attack is very brave, the attack again and again is useless.

Steadily defended the attack, Ying Changge immediately continued to fight back, and he began to kill the opponent.

The sword in his hand had unexpected power, and Ying Changge stabbed Yinghuo's arm with one sword.

The arm of Yinghuo holding the sword was injured, blood was flowing, and the wound was very painful.

Forcibly endured, Yinghuo stared at Ying Changge with a grin, "Do you really think you can kill me!"

"I have 10,000 troops, and it is very easy to stop you Qin soldiers!"

With a loud shout, Yinghuo rushed up again, like a tiger descending the mountain, waving non-stop.

The sword edge flashed coldly, and then slashed on Ying Changge's body again and again, and the sword edge didn't stop.

The swords were pierced one after another, and Yinghuo's series of swords were swift, without any pause at all.

Ping ping pong pong, sword strikes, repeated attacks, Ying Huo and Ying Changge are all anxiously fighting together.

The inexorable battle is very fierce, and the eagle is full of murderous aura, and it does not give Ying Changge any way to survive.

Although the two continued to attack like this, there was almost nothing to stop 537, and he was so swift.

Yinghuo continued to aggressively attack, in order to kill Ying Changge, so that he would be satisfied.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's attack is really powerful. His seemingly slow attack is actually very fast.

The sword's edge is precise, Ying Changge's skills are superb, and his swordsmanship is superb, reaching the pinnacle!

Ying Changge threw his sword in front of him when the sword edge that was facing Yinghuo came straight at him.

Ping-pong, a crisp sound, Yinghuo shouted, and continued to stab down with his sword.

It's a pity that Ying Changge stood firmly on the spot, he had already blocked Yinghuo's frontal blow.

After intercepting Yinghuo's sword edge, Ying Changge continued to shoot, and the sword in his hand counterattacked Yinghuo's body.

boom! Ying Changge's sword edge smashed into Yinghuo's head and almost cut off the opponent's head.

Yinghuo was still in shock, and he quickly raised the sword in his hand to block his head.

Chapter 424 The sword strikes, the figures are staggered!

The swords between the two continued their mighty attack, opening and closing, and their moves were thousands of changes.

Under such an invasion, no one can persevere and continue to attack.

Especially Yinghuo, although he is a burly person, his strength is not inexhaustible.

If they continue to fight like this with Ying Changge, Yinghuo will become weaker and more exhausted.

With a cold snort, Yinghuo looked cold and stern, stared at the opponent without blinking, and continued to attack.

The sword in his hand has an unexpected effect, in order to seriously wound and kill Ying Changge.

The sword edge is full of cold light, looks menacing, full of formidable power, invincible.

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