The spear slammed on the edge of the sword, and taking this opportunity, Batu retreated continuously and distanced himself from Ying Changge.

Standing far away, Batu had a smug smile on his face, "`〃Come on! Keep fighting!"

Batu likes to see Ying Changge struggling but to no avail, "Qin Jun is just like that!"

"Whether it's your Ying Changge or the Meng Tian army behind you, they will all die at the hands of my Batu!"

Batu, who was in a hurry, rushed up again, preemptively attacked, and he wanted to kill the enemy heroically.

Because Batu is not so easy to deal with, he is the number one warrior on the grassland!

Ying Changge and Meng Tian led the army to conquer the grasslands and uprooted many tribes.

(Li Lihao) fought bravely and fearlessly on the grassland, so that more than 10,000 Xiongnu have been killed.

This is a large amount of blood and deep hatred, and Batu naturally wants to take revenge and wipe out the Qin army in one fell swoop.

In particular, the leaders, Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​who were mediocre, would also die under his sword.

As long as a few people are killed, the Qin army will have no leader, and naturally they will not attack themselves, and there will be no crisis.

Continuing to shoot aggressively, the spear in his hand is also so fast that he can always break through the enemy.

When the meteor came in stride, Batu's spear stabbed hard at Ying Changge's chest.

He wants to poke a big hole in Ying Changge's body, so that Batu can win a big victory.

Chapter 440 With a wave of the arm, the sword edge rises!

It's a pity that Ying Changge's martial arts are not ordinary, he can guard carefully.

The sword in his hand resisted the spear with force, but Ying Changge couldn't hold it for long, the spear was heavy.

Such a long spear wielded in Batu's hands was fast and fierce, and Ying Changge resisted it with a sword, which was a huge loss.

Therefore, after blocking several attacks, Ying Changge immediately evaded and did not continue the attack.

The sword in his hand was still so swift, he hurriedly avoided Batu, and Ying Changge immediately fought close to him.

Although the spear is long, it also has its own drawbacks, that is, it cannot guard against the attack in front of it.

As long as Ying Changge is close to Batu, then he won't have any chance to attack.

Walking from far to near, Ying Changge's figure was very agile, like a gust of wind.

Although Batu with a spear is brave, he is not as fast as Ying Changge.

Watching 553 stab at the opponent's sword, Batu could only continue to retreat and take precautions.

After retreating three steps, Batu grabbed the long spear and intercepted it in front of him, and then rammed forward hard.

The back of Ying Changge's hand was slightly numb when it hit Ying Changge's sword edge, and he almost couldn't hold the hilt.

Fortunately, Ying Changge is also a sharp guy, he attacked quickly, grabbing his sword to avoid.

Not retreating, but continuing to approach, Ying Changge took a detour to Batu's side and tried to assassinate from the side.

The sword in his hand went away majestically, as long as he stabbed Batu, then everything would be easy.

Batu watched helplessly as Ying Changge approached, he was a little flustered, and continued to hold the spear in front of him.

boom! The spear defended Jian Feng, but Ying Changge continued to chase after him with great strides.

The sword's edge is mighty, and Ying Changge's attack is fierce.

Watching the sword edge fall, Batu had no choice but to continue retreating to avoid the sword edge's attack.

Ying Changge's sword attack was so fast that when the cold light arrived first, the sword was already on Batu's head.

Ying Changge, who tried to cut off Batu's head, was indescribably mighty and domineering, and his offensive was so fierce.

Forcing Batu to make Batu panic very much, he could only raise the spear in his hand so that he could be prepared.

He swung a sword very quickly, and Ying Chang sang eastward and westward, not hitting Batu's neck at all.

When Batu Hengjian stood in front of Ying Changge, the sword in his hand changed its attack again.

With a wave of the arm, the sword edge rose, and then the sword edge quickly stabbed Batu's abdomen.

The sword stabbed forward and cut through Batu's clothes, and the blood immediately flowed, staining Batu's clothes red.

Slightly in pain, frowning silently, Batu held a spear in one hand, and immediately covered his wound with the other.

Stopping the blood, Batu looked down and found that it was just an ordinary minor injury, nothing to be afraid of.

With a cold snort, he stared at Ying Changge intently, Batu looked annoyed, "You dare to hurt me!"

"You (afej) hairy boy, really think you can kill me, the first warrior!"

Batu slapped his body, his strong muscles rattled, and his burly body could not stand upright.

"Just because you want to kill me! Delusional, daydreaming!" Batu sneered.

He personally led the army to come here, just to deter the morale of the Qin army and kill the enemy generals.

Any enemy is not to be feared in front of Batu, and he will continue to attack.

Not only Ying Changge, but even Meng Tian, ​​Batu had to kill him personally and make the Qin army lose their lives.

On his own grassland, then Batu has to defend the dignity of his own territory, and he is invincible.

Continue to attack, continue to attack, the sword in his hand has such a mighty offensive.

The unbridled attack has fueled Batu's prestige, and now he is arrogant and full of self-confidence.

Holding the long spear in his hand, he stared at Ying Changge intently, wanting to stab Ying Changge to death.

It's not interesting! Especially such an attack would only allow Batu to easily obliterate the Qin army.

The name of Ying Changge is all glorified in the world, but in Batu's eyes, it is only a false name.

Batu is going to take down the Qin army in one go today and kill them all one by one. That's the best way.

After killing Ying Changge, Meng Tian will naturally come out to fight and avenge Ying Changge's hatred, and he will not remain indifferent.

At that time, Batu fought one after another, killing Ying Changge and then killing Meng Tian.

It is useless for anyone to go to Batu. Batu feels that he can conquer the border area alone.

Seeing the approaching figure of Ying Changge, Batu calmly continued to raise his spear.

The spear stabbed forward, and Batu said generously, "Ying Changge, die for me!"

Continuing to attack without any effort, Ying Changge's figure is still so fast, it's hard to fathom.

The sword in his hand also stabbed straight out, fast and steady, like a flying arrow.

Whoosh! The sword stabbed Batu in the chest, Ying Changge tried to kill him with a sword, leaving him dead without a place to be buried.

Chapter 441 Thorn on the left and right, ping pong twice!

It's a pity that Batu is too fast, and his ability to escape is first-class.

Even if Ying Changge was aggressively assassinated, Batu's legs quickly retreated.

Suddenly avoiding Ying Changge's sword, Batu continued to retreat, keeping a distance from him.

Immediately, the long spear in his hand stabbed out in a hurry, and stabbed Ying Chang~ge all at once.

Ying Changge wants to kill Batu, why doesn't Batu want to kill Ying Changge and kill the chicken to set an example!

As long as Batu killed Ying Changge himself, the morale of the Qin army would inevitably suffer a serious impact.

When Qin Jun's morale was low, Batu was able to easily kill him.

The sword in his hand is fast, but Batu's spear is longer, so it is better and very safe.

After resisting Ying Changge's attack, Batu stood in the distance and continued to swing the spear in his hand.

Whoosh! The spear came at once, and immediately stabbed Ying Changge's chest, Ying Changge was also on guard.

Ying Changge couldn't attack Batu, but the spear in Batu's hand could stab Ying Changge anytime, anywhere.

The situation between the two is very different, and the helpless Batu can only stare at such a fight.

Batu originally thought he had the chance to win, but the sword in his hand still failed to kill the enemy successfully.

The sword edged down, stabbed to the left and right, and with two ping-pong sounds, Ying Changge blocked Batu's spear and prevented it from approaching.

The spear intercepted in the air, still some distance away from Ying Changge's chest, thus defusing the offensive.

Staring at the edge of the spear, Ying Changge stepped on the weapon and flew over the eaves.

The body was light and swift, Ying Changge strode into the sky and leaped into the air.

Holding the sword in his hand, the swords came in a steady stream, trying to kill Batu.

Batu was not in a hurry, his eyes were always staring at Ying Changge's every move.

Especially after seeing Ying Changge approaching, Batu immediately sent out his spear.

The long spear was majestic and fell on the opponent at once, trying to kill him directly.

Ying Changge, who is skilled and unfathomable in martial arts, can't be killed so easily!

The sword in his hand continued to pierce, showing an unusual posture, blocking the spear.

Not to be outdone, Batu continued to hand out the spear in his hand, and his arms were waving continuously.

The sword is a swift sword, but it is impossible for ordinary people to stop Ying Changge's offensive.

If the weapon in Batu's hand was not a spear but something else, he would have been beaten by Ying Changge long ago.

Against the long spear, the sword in the Ying Chang singer does not account for any remoteness, and even suffers very much.

He had no choice but to keep approaching with his sword in hand, trying to assassinate Batu from the side.

The cautious Batu did not dare to be careless to the enemy Ying Changge, he always guarded the spear by his side.

Even if Ying Changge's sword kept going, Batu kept fighting back with his spear.

Ping ping pong pong, weapons collided, Ying Changge and Batu directly showed a fierce battle.

In a desperate fight, the two armies continued to attack, and Ying Changge wanted to kill Batu with one sword.

However, the first warrior on the grassland was not so easy to kill, and he continued to attack with majesty.

The long spear in his hand fell sharply, Batu was aggressive, and his whole person's aura was like a tiger descending the mountain.


However, Ying Changge was not afraid of these at all, he continued to take precautions, dodging desperately.

Quickly avoiding the piercing of the spear, Ying Changge continued to approach Batu, and he quickly swung his sword.

The sword edge is approaching Batu's chest, intending to kill the opponent, this sword is so fast.

Fast like a gust of wind and like lightning, in the blink of an eye, Ying Changge's sword edge had already arrived in front of Batu.

Batu has long been accustomed to the opponent's attack, and he knows that Ying Changge's martial arts are still very strong.

However, in Batu's view, no matter how strong a person is, he can't match Batu himself, because he is number one in the world.


With a cold snort, the long spear in his hand was quickly guarded in front of him, blocking such an attack.

Ying Changge's sword stopped, the offensive came to an abrupt end, and his own weapon failed to stab Batu.

Batu smiled smugly, staring at Ying Changge even more provocatively, "Struggle to the death!"

"After a person like you attacked me, it was useless and could die at any time."

Holding the spear in his hand confidently and indifferently, Batu aimed at Ying Changge's head, "I will kill you!"

Looking at Batu's sworn appearance, Ying Changge's expression was so calm, he wasn't angry at all.

"A Huns like you still want to kill me? Don't you know the bravery of our Qin army!"

Unhurriedly raised the sword in his hand, Ying Changge protected it in front of him, "Yelang is arrogant!"

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