Although he is a martial arts master, the high priest does not have any of this master style, and he is very sinister.

In particular, the sword in his hand slashed on the opponent's body, showing something unusual.

The determination of the power, the menacing impact, full of very violent sparks, the weapons meet.

In the battle between you and me, Ying Changge's expression is also so indifferent, he is not panic at all.

Facing the mighty long stick of the high priest, Ying Changge had to let himself advance and retreat.

Otherwise, under such an attack, Ying Changge would easily be hit by the high priest's aggressive tactics.

The high priest who came waving his arms continued to wave the long stick in his hand bravely, which was called a lore.

A complex set of sticks smashed down, and the high priest tried to escape the falling flowers that Ying Changge had hit.

However, Ying Changge is so easy to surrender! He was still so calm.

The sword in his hand continued to persevere with the high priest, and even chattered in a counterattack.

The high priest's long stick was not able to take the lead for a while, and Ying Changge also turned the situation around.

Evenly matched, they continued to fight recklessly, Ying Changge and the high priest were all in the chaos.

The Xiongnu army and the elite soldiers led by Ying Changge all launched a very lively eradication and battles everywhere.

The continuous shouting and killing, even chattering and continuing to attack, made it difficult for everyone to prepare for the situation.

Staring intently around, Ying Changge resisted the high priest while paying attention to the things of his army.

Especially the high priest, who can't wait under this kind of slaughter, can be called the leader.

In order to take revenge, in order to let the first warrior of the grasslands die, the high priest would attack like this.

The long stick in his hand smashed down in various directions, restraining Ying Changge's figure.

Ying Changge couldn't easily back away for a while, and could only stare at the high priest.

Along with the blow of the high priest's long stick, this made the blade of the champion singer continue to swing.

The ping-pong sounded continuously, Ying Changge always continued to attack with the high priest, endlessly.

Although the high priest looks murderous, he may not be able to kill Ying Changge, this is his limit.

The weapons of the high priest continued to come aggressively, but they attacked with all their might in order to kill Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge's skills are very unfathomable, and he has an unusual attitude and attack.

Continuing to be domineering, the high priest's long stick fell on Ying Changge's head several times.

The Tianling Gai is the key point. Once it is hit, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

The skillful Ying Changge held up the sword in his hand and protected his head well.

Under such a slaughter, several people are in the chaotic army, and you and I continue to attack.

Otherwise, if Ying Changge can't be killed, the high priest will be wasting all his efforts, and the bamboo basket will be empty.

Full of murderous intent, he came aggressively, he raised the long stick in his hand and continued to beat.

This kind of beating will definitely be able to smash a wild cow to death.

Because the high priest killed a wild boar with the long stick in his hand.

With such great strength, he continued to attack continuously, trying to kill Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge is calm, he will not be hurt by such an attack to himself (Li Lihao) at all.

He continued to fight back, and the swords in the Ying Chang singer swung out afterimages one by one.

The long stick is a blunt weapon, but it is relatively slender and has some advantages over Ying Changge's weapon.

The high priest was very handy with such weapons, and he had already killed one by one.

But for Ying Changge, the sword in his own hand is the best weapon. He studied swordsmanship.

Ying Changge remembered many tactics and swordsmanship in his head.

He has been studying for a long time, and he is very consummate. He can continue to kill the Quartet and be invincible.

Any attack is useless, and in front of Ying Changge, it is just a mob.

Chapter 445 Keep retreating, keep avoiding!

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals will only waste his energy in front of Ying Changge, everyone else is cannon fodder.

Even though the Xiongnu army and Ying Changge's elite soldiers continued to fight, there was chaos on the spot.

Ying Changge must end such chaos as soon as possible, that is to kill the high priest.

This time, two enemies appeared on the grassland, that is, the high priest and the white-haired concubine bear the brunt.

Although Ying Changge's own army was attacked from north to south, he always felt that something was different.

Because the head of a martial arts master can't be so stupid, it won't divide the force all at once.

It is impossible to kill Meng Tian's army if the troops are divided into two groups, unless it is a united attack.

However, there are only the high priest and his army in front of Ying Changge. Could it be that there is still an ambush!

Even if there is any ambush, for Ying Changge, it's just an ordinary thing.

Because he was able to strike at once, smashing any army in ambush in one go, annihilating them all.

Continuing to fight helplessly, the army in his hand is like Ying Changge, fighting bravely and fearlessly.

Killing Ying Changge, beheading everyone, the high priest will wipe out all the Qin army and let them die.

The sword in his hand continued to run rampantly, and Ying Changge blocked the high priest's many attacks.

The high priest clung to his long stick tightly, and the long stick in his hand was very soulful, almost invincible.

The blade of the sword is messy, so fast, there are afterimages everywhere in the air, and the sword is as fast as lightning.

The high priest who was fighting Ying Changge was trapped by the afterimage of the sword, but he was still able to continue his attack.

Because the high priest is also a martial arts master! His cultivation is so unfathomable.

Even though Ying Changge was very difficult to deal with, the sword in his hand continued to attack (afej).

The long stick flashed with extraordinary power, and then it suppressed Ying Changge's Tianling cover.

The high priest was very persistent, he just wanted to smash Ying Changge to death and knocked it down from the Tianling Gai.

It's a pity that Ying Changge was always able to take good precautions, leaving him unscathed.

On the battlefield, the two armies killed the enemy and fought **** battles, surrounded by such brave offensives, chattering endlessly.

Invigorating his own morale, the high priest also took the lead and continued to attack.

His long stick was accurate, always hitting Ying Changge's body, just to kill the opponent.

It's a pity that the sword in Ying Chang Singer is so mediocre, there is no chance at all to fight back.

After so many rounds of attacking with Ying Changge, the high priest's long stick is still so fast.

He didn't seem to know that he was tired, so he grabbed the long stick in his hand and continued to smash it down with mighty domineering force.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, the high priest is satisfied, and he will lead the army to continue the attack.

At that time, any Qin army will only be a mob in front of the high priest.

After killing so many soldiers, the high priest could cut off Meng Tian's head and bring it back to Shanyu.

At that time, if Touman Shanyu is happy, maybe he will give him a very generous reward!

The chatter continued to attack, but the high priest's long stick was still beating on his head.

Under such a fierce attack, everything was very embarrassing, full of restrained embarrassment.

Gradually, Ying Changge seemed to be lost, and then he began to retreat under the long staff of the high priest.

Keep retreating, keep evading, and then Ying Changge immediately said, "The whole army retreat!"

Ying Changge was in front of the high priest, but the sword in his hand still relentlessly fought back.

With a ping-pong sound, the blade of the sword fell, and then it slammed firmly on the long stick of the high priest.

It seemed that Ying Changge was lost to the high priest, but at the same time he was able to block his fierce attack.

Staring intently at the high priest's every move, the sword in his hand is always very timely.

Staring at such an offensive, the high priest was very angry, and he shouted.

"Don't pretend! You are a rare genius, and you are very brave."

"The sword in your hand is so swift and the blade is so domineering, why do you pretend to be invincible!"

After hearing the high priest's scolding, Ying Changge always sneered, "You are really witty!"

He raised the sword in his hand, and then stabbed the opponent fiercely.

The high priest was careless for a while and was unable to stop Ying Changge's offensive, and he was immediately injured.

The wound was bleeding, and the blood flowed continuously, which made the high priest even more angry and full of anger.

His face was flushed with anger, he stared at each other intently, and then continued to swing his long stick.

"Looking for death! Watch me beat you to death!" The high priest charged quickly.

The long stick in his hand was even faster than Ying Changge's sword, so he continued to attack.

Staring at the long stick of the high priest, he came, and then the sword in the singer of the winner struck flexibly.

With a ping pong, sure enough, although Ying Changge said that he was unable to fight against the enemy, he was still able to handle it with ease.

Chapter 446 Pre-emptive strikes!

The sword in his own hand continued to approach, and then hit the high priest's long stick with a bang.

The long stick was immediately beaten and trembled, and the weapon in the high priest's hand was made of a special material.

It will not be cut off simply, but the high priest is still shaken by the shaking arm.

His own hands were swaying, his fingers were slightly painful, and he could hardly hold the long stick.

He raised his hands in a rush, and his arms immediately regained control of his weapons.

Holding the long stick in his hand, the high priest widened his eyes and stared at Ying Changge without blinking, "How!"

"Do you really think you can kill me! The weapon in my hand has been tempered a thousand times, and you can't stop it."

"You really misunderstood, am I going to cut off your long stick! This is completely useless!"

Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, he was very indifferent, without any signs of panic.

Because from beginning to end, Ying Changge's goal was not the weapon in the hands of the high priest, but the opponent itself.

Even if Ying Changge kept beating the long stick in his hand, it was just a tactic.

Continuing the attack, the fierce battle, Ying Changge and the high priest were both caught in a fierce struggle.

As long as they continue to fight and fight, then few of them are no match for the high priest.

After all, he is a martial arts master on the grassland, and the explosive power of the high priest is very powerful and ferocious.

Any kill is nothing but a basket of water for the High Priest, because the High Priest will fight back.

No opponent can survive in front of the high priest, and will only be torn apart.

Holding the long stick in his hand, staring intently at the other party, he swung his hands to continue to be domineering.

The long stick was dazzling, and afterimages flickered one by one and came to the front of the high priest like this.

Staring helplessly at Ying Changge's figure, the high priest approached aggressively, and he continued to be shocked.

Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, he is different from general soldiers and generals.

His eyes were like torches, staring at the high priest's movements without blinking, and then he calmly counterattacked.

The sword edge in his hand flashed a very fierce offensive, and a little cold light came first, and it fell on the high priest.

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