It's a pity that Ying Changge is not so easy to kill, and his sword is carefully protected.

After blocking an attack, Ying Changge can continue to block the white-haired Tianfei's attack.

Chapter 451 Suppress the enemy army and win a big victory!

Before, the white-haired concubine and the high priest fought against the enemy together, trying to kill Ying Changge by attacking from back and forth.

It's a pity that Ying Changge was still able to completely protect himself under such an attack.

When the high priest was injured and only the white-haired concubine was left to fight the enemy, Ying Changge was even more at ease.

The sword in his hand hit the white-haired Tian Fei's sword with precision, and he was so relaxed.

Especially after meeting the white-haired concubine, Ying Changge has always been on the defensive.

The white-haired Tianfei's sword is very dexterous, especially with its sharp edge, it seems to be invincible.

Being able to stand on the grassland, the white-haired concubine is naturally invincible, like a high priest.

But at this moment, the high priest was already injured, and what Ying Changge faced was only the white-haired concubine.

The white-haired Tianfei continued to attack calmly, and the sword in her hand continued to be released continuously.

The faster the sword is, the more able it is to kill Ying Changge. The white-haired Tianfei believes in her own strength.

There were three martial arts masters on the grassland, but one of them was easily killed by Ying Changge.

The high priest who joined hands with the white-haired concubine was injured, and he was already hiding aside.

The high priest, who was standing by, didn't have any intention of taking action for the time being, he just watched everything helplessly.

When the white-haired Tian Fei continued to fight with Ying Changge, the other soldiers and the army also ran rampant.

They fought unscrupulously and continued to attack, in order to suppress the enemy army and win a big victory.

The white-haired Tianfei continued to attack aggressively, the sword in her hand was so light and sharp.

The sword edge roamed and hit the surroundings unscrupulously, forming rays of light.

Seeing the light of the sword's edge falling in front of him, Ying Changge calmly continued to hold the sword against the enemy.

Ping ping pong pong, you come and go, the attacks of several people are so fierce, it is hard to tell.

After seeing such a situation, the sword in the Ying Chang singer is also fighting against the enemy unscrupulously.

Even though the white-haired concubine was so agile, Ying Changge was not to be outdone, and he fought bravely against the enemy.

As long as the white-haired concubine kept approaching, then they had to fight to the fullest.

Scrolling in front of him, the sword edge almost stabbed on his head, Ying Changge was very dangerous.

Seeing the white-haired Tian Fei approaching, Ying Changge's sword edge counterattacked, trying to stab her in the chest.

The sword edge collided, flashing such a bright light, the white-haired Tianfei chatted endlessly and continued to attack.

As long as Ying Changge can be killed, no matter what, Meng Tian's army must be wiped out.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to kill Ying Changge, inflict heavy damage on Meng Tian, ​​and finally attack the entire border area.

Smiling triumphantly, the white-haired concubine continued to approach, and the sword edge was already overflowing.

One by one is the afterimage of the sword's edge, but it is full of this majestic momentum, which is difficult to resist.

Seeing the approaching of the white-haired concubine, Ying Changge calmly let himself continue to fight the enemy.

The sword is a defensive weapon for killing the enemy, any enemy will die under the sword of Ying Changge, and he will never be soft-handed.

Killing the white-haired concubine is not so easy, Ying Changge is facing a martial arts master after all!

As soon as the master makes a move, he will know if there is any. Ying Changge hurriedly confronted him, and with his sword-blade slashing, he was evenly matched.

Entangling Ying Changge, the figure of the white-haired concubine was in all directions, and there were flickering afterimages everywhere.


The whereabouts of the other party are very fast, and they are unpredictable for a while! Full of traces.

Meticulous, Ying Changge stared at the white-haired Tian Fei's movements without blinking a single glance, and his sword was the first to strike.

Anticipating the movements of the white-haired concubine, Jian Feng was so swift, he wanted to kill Ying Changge impatiently.

Ying Changge continued to fight unhurriedly, and his figure continued to entangle with the white-haired concubine.

No matter how fierce the white-haired concubine is, Ying Changge's eyes are so calm, he is very indifferent.


Especially the impact of the sword's edge, the ping ping pong pong, rubbed out a path of electric light flint.

The situation at this moment is very dangerous, and Ying Changge may be killed at any time.

It is worthy of being a master of martial arts. There is no disparity in this martial arts, and it can be called a master.

With every sword stabbed by the white-haired concubine, the blade of this sword came to Ying Changge in a radiant manner.

Ying Changge is still so indifferent, he is not afraid of any enemy, and he can always fight heroically.

The figures of the two were staggered, and they continued to attack, and Ying Changge, who was forced by the sword, could not even retreat.

He was suppressed by the white-haired concubine's sword, and the whole person was helpless to stay in place.

Because once there is any sign of walking, the white-haired Tian Fei's sword will block it all at once.

Ying Changge, who was unable to move an inch, continued to fight with the white-haired concubine, not letting go for a moment, full of power.

The figure of the white-haired concubine continued to attack aggressively, and Ying Changge's life was in danger at any time.

Fortunately, Ying Changge's skills are not ordinary, but full of skills that shock everyone.

Chapter 452 Snort coldly, raise your sword and beware!

"It's not hard for you to fight like this!" Ying Changge asked sarcastically, provoking the other party.

On the battlefield, the two armies fought, and many armies continued to fight, and the soldiers were very heroic.

In the **** battle, among the swords, lights, swords, and shadows, the grasslands are full of mighty wars, and the scene is very lively.

In this chaotic battlefield, the white-haired Tianfei also threw out her sword in an endless stream.

However, Ying Changge was very well prepared, and this was considered a narrow victory.

Intercepted the many attacks of the white-haired concubine, and the swordsmen in the Ying Chang singer never let go.

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Bai "Five Seven Zero" Fa Tian Fei's eyes were so gloomy.

Vicious and vicious, she quickly raised her sword, and the white-haired Tian Fei approached Ying Changge more aggressively.

Like a ferocious tiger descending the mountain, the white-haired concubine attacked with her teeth and claws, and the sword's edge pressed against Ying Changge's chest.

It seemed that the white-haired concubine had already been provoked by Ying Changge, her figure was so fierce.

Ying Changge hurriedly continued to counterattack, and the sword in his hand quickly blocked the opponent's attack.

Even with such a ferocious attack, in Ying Changge's eyes, the white-haired Tian Fei's attack was useless.

The sword in his hand is like a hard shield, very carefully blocking many of the white-haired Tian Fei's ultimate moves.

The martial arts master's shot was to force Ying Changge, and Situ's stab at his vital spot.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, the white-haired concubine will be able to lead the army to continue the attack and sweep away Meng Tian's army.

Meng Tian's army was forced, so it would be a matter of time before they could capture Qin, which was everyone's wish.

People on the grasslands have such ambitions, they are ambitious, in order to expand the territory of the grasslands.

The white-haired concubine was so fierce, and everyone on the grassland was loyal to kill the Qin army.

On the battlefield, the soldiers kept confronting the enemy, you come and go, and everyone attacked very fiercely, so fiercely.

In the chaotic army, no one will stay, because only the winner can be safe.

Ying Changge let his army continue to attack, and he showed a very brave attack.

Stimulating his own morale and inspiring his soldiers, Ying Changge continued to fight back against the white-haired concubine.

After being provoked by Ying Changge, the white-haired concubine's attacks became more frequent and fiercer.

On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, who was still in such an unhurried manner, he blocked many attacks.

The sword in his hand is so cold and severe, the shot is an afterimage, and under the light, it is pressing Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge would not be afraid of such a fight, he was a master swordsman who kept improving.

Ying Changge will continue to practice tomorrow, and his narration will be improved to a higher level, always so invincible.

Even a person like the white-haired concubine could only be evenly matched against Ying Changge.

The inability to kill Ying Changge easily made the white-haired Tian Fei more and more impatient and uneasy.

Unscrupulously waving the sword in his hand, Ying Changge blocked the fierce attacks again and again.

The two swords clashed, and the white-haired Tianfei never stopped attacking, while Ying Changge continued to counterattack.

Unable to kill Ying Changge, the angry white-haired Tian Fei had a face full of anger.

The chatter continued to attack, and the white-haired Tianfei's sword became more and more fierce and forceful.

Continue to beat down, attacking Ying Changge non-stop, trying to stab his vital spot...

The fierce battle was very hard, which made the figure of the white-haired Tianfei have to slow down, and she was a little tired.

Adjust your breath to make your swordsmanship more rounded and dexterous.

Standing calmly in place, the white-haired concubine stared at Ying Changge intently.

"I can't see it, it's really unexpected that you have such skills at such a young age!"

Holding the sword in her hand, the white-haired Tianfei gritted her teeth, "However, I will still kill you!"

If you can't kill Ying Changge yourself, then Meng Tian's army will continue to conquer the grasslands.

At that time, the Xiongnu on the grasslands will fall and die under the sword of Meng Tian's army.

As a martial arts master on the grasslands, the white-haired concubine wants to lead the army to attack without hindrance.

There was no room left to fight as much as possible, and few people could break through the defenses of the white-haired concubine.

He waved his arms to his heart's content, and the sword continued to approach, trying to kill Ying Changge.

Many killing moves fell on Ying Changge's body, and the white-haired Tian Fei's sword moves were very fierce.

Indifferent and calm, Ying Chang 4.9 Song is meticulous and then the sword in his hand has been stabbed on the sword of the white-haired concubine.

Blocking the opponent's weapon, Ying Changge's figure stood firmly on the spot, he was very safe.

On the contrary, the white-haired concubine, under such an attack, was already sweating and working very hard.

With a cold snort, she raised her sword to be on guard, and the white-haired concubine stared at Ying Changge, "Come again!"

Not to be outdone, the white-haired Tian Fei wanted to continue to attack, but she would not act recklessly.

Ying Changge's ability is very high and strong, this is not a casual hostile, he keeps a low profile.

Chapter 453 Not to be outdone, help from it!

Knowing that the real person Ying Changge does not show her face, the white-haired Tianfei became extra vigilant and did not dare to be careless.

Once the enemy is underestimated, the white-haired Tianfei understands that she will lose very ugly, and it is easy to die in battle.

There was a constant attack on the battlefield, and the surrounding soldiers continued to fight, and the murderous aura pervaded the surroundings.

The hooves of horses were frantic on the battlefield, and the soldiers were entangled together, and they attacked recklessly.

Ying Changge's army and the white-haired concubine's army have come and gone to attack, full of momentum.

The white-haired concubine wanted to kill Ying Changge, but after showing many killing moves, Ying Changge was safe and sound.

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