Therefore, he must kill and kill a group of people without mercy.

"Rush for me! Stop them and arrest Cao Kong. Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!"

In the face of Cao Kong's remnants, Ying Changge would not hesitate, and he rushed straight ahead.

The mighty figure, the crowd is surging, and they are directly fighting in groups.

Ying Changge's people, and Cao Kong's people, are entangled like this, in the shadow of swords and swords.

Fighting with blood and fighting to the fullest, Cao Kong's thugs came straight in in an endless stream.

The continuous charge and unbridled fighting, these two gangs fought together with all their might.

Under such a slaughter, Ying Changge took the lead in charging to the front, and immediately broke through the surrounding area.

No one can stop Ying Changge's swordsmanship, because he is so powerful that it is really hard to resist.

The charge came and could not wait to approach, Ying Changge knocked down several of Cao Kong's thugs to the ground.

These thugs have no chance of being prepared. They are bleeding and it is really difficult to guard against.

Under such a fight, several people were knocked down by Ying Changge and fell to the ground.

Seeing such a scene, Cao Kong's thugs had lingering fears and panic.

But under Ying Changge's powerful swordsmanship, they were helpless and could not be enemies.

boom! The sword's edge came and hit these thugs. The thugs that Cao Kong raised were just too many.

However, when it comes to the skills of each of them, it is really mediocre and has no special features.

Ying Changge alone can turn them around, and no one is Cao Kong's opponent.

He attacked unscrupulously, and the sword in his hand was also beating on the weapons of several thugs.

It can be regarded as a kind of benevolence, Ying Changge did not kill them directly, but shattered their weapons.

Any weapon is helpless, and cannot kill Ying Changge at all, this move will definitely win.

From far to near, Ying Changge's figure shuttled among these thugs, wielding his sword to his heart's content.

hum! The sword edge was overflowing, coming with a buzzing sound, and knocked a few Cao Kong to the ground in embarrassment.

They had no weapons, their hands were empty, they couldn't stop Ying Changge at all, and they were directly kicked out.

Several people were stumbling around, and they all collapsed in embarrassment amid Ying Changge's punches and kicks.

Under the serious injury, several of Cao Kong's thugs were unable to fight back, so Ying Changge continued to charge 0......

There is only one target for him, that is Cao Kong, and it is not surprising that the rest of the shrimp soldiers and crabs will be in front of Ying Changge.

Continuing the attack and the volatilization, Ying Changge knocked down a few people abruptly, and then went to capture Cao Kong.

Cao Kong ran very fast, but under such an attack, he no longer had any ability.

He can run alone, but under the pursuit of Ying Changge and his party, where can he escape!

Helplessly continued to avoid, his figure was already slightly tired, and he was sweating profusely while running.

Under such a deal, everything is very useless, and there is no good opportunity.

As long as he can escape, Cao Kong will not give up! After all, the unidentified incident happened, and he is now a dead end.

Guilty people will not end well in the hands of Ying Changge and Ying Zheng.

Especially under such a capture, Ying Changge could capture Cao Kong, but Cao Kong could not guarantee his own life.

Therefore, after delaying Ying Changge with many thugs, Cao Kong had the opportunity to escape like this.

4.9 Leave through the back door, then get on a horse, go fast, and go straight out of the city without stopping to be safe.

Otherwise, under such an invasion, Ying Changge's men would surround Cao Kong and imprison him.

Cao Kong was running, Ying Changge chased again, but the two of them were so fast that neither of them would stop.

Ying Changge hasn't seen Cao Kong yet, but he also knows that the other party is a very cunning person.

Passing through the siege of these thugs, before Ying Changge could leave, he saw a figure blocking his way.

This man is tall and burly, with a sturdy appearance, staring at Ying Changge without blinking, full of depressed murderous aura.

Chapter 483 Cao Kong's Corruption, Fraudulent Favorites!

"Stop for me!" The man scolded, "I swear to protect the adults! You can never leave!"

This person is the guardian of Cao Kong's mansion, Chen Niuhu, named after his strength as a ox like a tiger.

Coming in a hurry, Chen Niuhu slashed at him without any hesitation.

Quickly attacking and unleashing his strength, the big ring knife in Chen Niuhu's hand has already fallen.

Ying Changge watched the opponent's attack helplessly, and immediately avoided it and fell to the side.

With a ping-pong sound, the sword edge fell, almost flicking the knife away from Chen Niuhu's hand. He was taken aback.

The arrogant and arrogant Chen Niuhu thought he could kill Ying Changge with one knife, but then he realized that he was sloppy.

Without any hesitation, Chen Niuhu took a step back, carefully staring at each other without blinking.

"What kind of guy are you! Why does this martial arts look so superb, it's hard to guard against it."

"I'm Ying Changge, I'm doing justice for the sky, I'm asking for the crime and arresting Cao Kong, don't make trouble, step back!"

Holding the sword in his hand, Ying Changge was very indifferent, unrestrained and unrestrained, and the whole person was very heroic.

Hearing what Ying Changge said, Chen Niuhu was stunned, then shook his head, "So you are Ying Changge!"

"Unfortunately, I forgive my order, because Lord Cao Kong is kind to me, and I must protect him."

"You are standing in front of me now, this is a battle of fate, if you want to pass, just step over my body!"

Chen Niuhu shouted, "My lord gave me delicious and spicy food, and I even have money that can't be spent."

Hearing what Chen Niuhu said, Ying Changge disapproved, "But this is bribery and perverting the law!"

"So what!" Chen Niuhu snorted coldly, "As long as you eat and drink well, even if you grab it!"

Ying Changge sighed, "It turns out that you are a bandit, a robber, and it really is that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked."

Ignoring Ying Changge's ridicule, Chen Niuhu raised the knife in his hand majestic and continued to come!

"You don't understand, this is a world where the strong eat the weak, and no one can deprive me of a bowl to eat!"

The knife in Chen Niuhu's hand was so violent that it stabbed Li Luo's body at once.

Under such an attack, Li Luo was very calm, he raised his sword and continued to fight against the enemy.

Cao Kong is corrupt and cheats for personal gain. The people under him are all like this. The top beam is not right and the bottom beam is crooked.

Therefore, Ying Changge showed no mercy, he continued to attack and could not wait to kill Chen Niuhu.

Only by killing Chen Niuhu, can Ying Changge continue to hunt down Cao Kong and intercept him.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Ying Changge to chase and kill Cao Kong after Cao Kong escaped.

Continue to walk, continue to kill Chen Niuhu, the sword edge in Ying Chang Singer is as fast as a gust of wind and lightning.

Ping, ping, pong, after a few crisp sounds, it hit Chen Niuhu's blade.

If they competed in strength, Ying Changge's physique really couldn't stop Chen Niuhu.

Ying Changge only has very high attainments in swordsmanship, but he is not very old and his strength is not at its peak.

Chen Niuhu is different. He is an adult, even five and three rough, very brave.

Under such slaughter, Ying Changge continued his aggressive attack, hitting Chen Niuhu.

Chen Niuhu mustered his strength, his figure was like a mountain, and he couldn't fight back at all.

In order to capture Cao Kong, Ying Changge was aggressive and would not give in a single step, so he fought to the fullest.

On the contrary, Chen Niuhu, the nursing home, was really loyal to Cao Kong, and directly intercepted him.

If it was him against Chen Niuhu, Ying Changge would naturally have to deal with it and kill him.

Otherwise, if you continue to fight the enemy like this, I am afraid that a few people will not be able to match this kind of ability.

Continuing to shoot, the sword edge approached, and he tried to block Chen Niuhu's burly body.

However, Chen Niuhu kept approaching, his body was holding a knife, murderous, very fierce.

boom! It slammed up and hit Ying Changge at once, trying to seriously injure him to the ground.

Ying Changge's figure is so dexterous that he will not compromise in such a situation.

Continuing the attack, continuing to swing the big sword recklessly, Chen Niuhu's offensive did not stop.

With dense attacks and a set of sprinting swordsmanship, Chen Niuhu had already blocked Ying Changge's path.

If Ying Changge wanted to hunt down Cao Kong, he could only get rid of Chen Niuhu, the master of the hospital.

As Chen Niuhu said, if you really want to find Cao Kong, you can only step over his body.

A quick shot, a stormy attack, his attack was so quick, causing trouble.

boom! The sword edge had already smashed on Chen Niuhu's knife, and the two figures collided with each other.

Seeing such an offensive, Chen Niuhu pouted in disdain, "That's it!"

Relying on his high ability, he bravely stepped up, continued to entangle Ying Changge, and did not let him leave at all.

Chapter 484 Don't dare to move, keep your eyes fixed!

In such a confrontation, everything is very dangerous, but it is not easy to escape.

The unhurried Ying Changge continued to attack, the sword in his hand no longer collided head-on.

Once it collided with Chen Niuhu's sword, Ying Changge's own sword would be knocked out.

He held it tightly in his hand, and then stabbed the sword in his hand swiftly, stabbing it under his ribs.

Swinging the big knife, Chen Niuhu revealed his flaws for a while, and his arms were empty.

When the blade collided, the knife in his own hand had already revealed an opportunity.

Although it is not fatal, it is also a very conspicuous flaw! So he hurriedly dodged.

It's a pity that Ying Changge came very quickly, and it wasn't something he could easily avoid by himself.

boom! The sword edge slammed down and hit Chen Niuhu's swiftness at once, hitting his body.

Chen Niuhu, the burly figure, couldn't help shaking, he was injured and blood sprayed.

Holding the knife in one hand, the other hand immediately covered his wound and continued to retreat. He had already stopped.

Not daring to move, staring at Ying Changge intently, Chen Niuhu grinned and showed a smile.

"Good! Very good! I never expected that your swordsmanship is so superb, I am really surprised!"

"Kill you, I wonder if Lord Cao will give me a rich reward!" He was about to move.

However, after hearing Chen Niuhu's words, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, "Of course it's impossible~".

"Because you don't have this opportunity, as soon as I shoot, I can easily kill you, that's enough!"

"Beheaded you, the guardian, and then go to question Cao Kong, and everyone in your mansion will not be able to escape."

Ying Changge was serious, even very neat, completely righteous and awe-inspiring.

Chen Niuhu didn't believe it, because he would swear to protect Cao Kong to the death, thus delaying Cao Kong's departure as soon as possible.

Under such a fight, Chen Niuhu and Ying Changge spared no effort, even being mighty and domineering.

The murderous Chen Niuhu didn't care about the injury on his chest at all, such an injury was very small.

It can even be ignored directly, Chen Niuhu will continue to rush up and fight with Ying Changge.

With a quick shot, he fought as much as he wanted, and the big sword in his hand fell continuously, hitting Ying Changge right in the middle.

For a while, Ying Changge dodged quickly, he would not run away, but he had to confront Chen Niuhu head-on.

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