The sword's edge was so fast, and the fierce attack came, and it was impossible to dodge Chen Niuhu's suppression.

He froze in place, and Chen Niuhu, who intended to kill Ying Changge, fell into the most embarrassing situation.

How can you fight Ying Changge! If he continued to attack, Chen Niuhu would probably die without resting his eyes.

Out of breath, Chen Niuhu, who was covered in bruises and bruises, stood on the spot, and he held the knife in front of him.

Staring at Ying Changge intently, Chen Niuhu gritted his teeth angrily, "You are really courting death!"


"Do you think this kind of cultivation can stop me! It's impossible! I'm going to kill you!"

Panting, Chen Niuhu covered his wound with one hand, but neither hand was enough.

He was scarred, and the sword marks on his body were so numerous that it was impossible to stop him.

Shaking his head helplessly, turbidity appeared in his eyes, he was very hard.

In the fierce battle with Chen Niuhu, Ying Changge's sword edge already had the advantage.

During the training, Chen Niuhu was severely injured, and it was difficult for him to continue fighting.

If Chen Niuhu is killed by Ying Changge, he will die with Ying Changge.

After stabbing the blade on the ground, Chen Niuhu half-squatted on the ground, already bent down hard.

He was almost dying, sweating profusely, Chen Niuhu finally gave in, he was sincere.

"You are really a rare martial arts master! I really admire you very much."

With his hands clasped together, Chen Niuhu said seriously, "I can't fight against you, it's hard to attack!"

"My admiration for you is like a surging river." Chen Niuhu's face was sincere.

Chapter 487 Take the lead to attack and strike first!

"I'm done! Let me live!" Chen Niuhu stepped aside and made way.

Ying Changge nodded very satisfied, "Very good, so very good, the prodigal son will not exchange money for his return."

"Hold your horse on the cliff, turn back to the shore!" Ying Changge then strode past Chen Niuhu.

He wanted to leave quickly so that he could continue to chase and kill Cao Kong, and he couldn't let him escape under his own eyes.

Cao Kong is a very sinful person, and Ying Changge must catch him and imprison him.

Otherwise, Cao Kong cannot be killed, then the hatred of Epanggong will be ignited in vain.

Staring intently at "600" Ying Changge, Chen Niuhu stood beside him respectfully, as if he would never dare.

The intention is to capture Cao Kong quickly, so his figure is so fast, Ying Changge is non-stop.

He is skilled and strong in martial arts, and he is not afraid of any opponent, even Cao Kong.

In front of Ying Changge, a censor like Cao Kong was nothing but a mediocre person.

If you make a mistake, you will be punished! Up and down the court and the opposition, Ying Changge will not let anyone go.

Avoiding Chen Niuhu, Ying Changge quickly rushed into the backyard to find the back door.

Since it was Cao Kong who wanted to escape, he must have escaped directly from the back door. This was the easiest way.

Find the location of the back door and capture Cao Kong, so that Ying Changge's trip will be worthwhile.

Chen Niuhu soon saw that Ying Changge's figure was about to disappear, and he showed a gloomy smile.

Insidious and cunning, he immediately rushed up aggressively and charged behind Ying Changge at once.

Hearing the sound behind him, Ying Changge was very puzzled, not knowing what happened.

Attacking recklessly on the battlefield, he immediately felt his own danger when he fought on the battlefield.

He understands that there are many despicable villains who like to hurt people with secret arrows! Especially Chen Niuhu.

He turned around immediately and saw Chen Niuhu's figure approaching at once, and Ying Changge immediately understood.

It turned out that the other party was pretending to surrender, but in fact he was going to sneak attack on Ying Changge. It was really hateful.

Ying Changge is so skilled in swordsmanship that he will not be afraid of Chen Niuhu's sneak attack at all.

Staring at Ying Changge's whereabouts without blinking, Chen Niuhu shouted, and the sword in his hand fell.

With a heavy blow, Chen Niuhu's big knife slashed **** Ying Changge's back.

As expected by Ying Changge, Chen Niuhu really wanted to attack Ying Changge.

That's why he pretended to surrender just now, in order to kill Ying Changge from behind.

However, Ying Changge's blade had already been raised, and then quickly stabbed Chen Niuhu's blade.

With a ping-pong sound, the figures of Chen Niuhu and Ying Changge were once again entangled in the shadows of swords and swords.

Under such a fight, Chen Niuhu spared no effort, and even shouted loudly.

Fighting for the last strength, he fought unscrupulously, and the blade was so heroic, unscrupulous.

In order to kill this guy, he brazenly used a cunning scheme to kill him.

But although Ying Changge was unprepared, his reaction was so quick that he would not be attacked by Chen Niuhu.

This move has absolutely no effect on Ying Changge, and his swordsmanship is thoroughly familiar.

Between his gestures, he can use his sword to guard against the opponent.  …

Ying Changge and Chen Niuhu have been fighting each other for many rounds, and they don't need to be trained at all.

Because Ying Changge has already figured out Chen Niuhu's martial arts, clearly and clearly.

When Chen Niuhu came with a knife again, Ying Changge had already anticipated the direction of his blade.

Therefore, he took the lead in attacking and attacked, and the sword in his hand had already blocked Chen Niuhu in advance.

He intercepted Chen Niuhu's blade in mid-air, and then he threw a sword steadily and sealed his throat with a sword.

hum! Jian Feng slashed Chen Niuhu's throat all at once, causing him to spray his blood on the ground.

Chen Niuhu, who was in unbearable pain, immediately covered his waves, widened his eyes, and stared at him without blinking.

Immediately, he fell to the ground and died without resting his eyes! The last nursing home was also purged.

Ying Changge continued to move forward steadily, impatiently chasing and killing Cao Kong who escaped.

Cao Kong tried to leave through the back door, but he couldn't escape Ying Changge's pursuit! Mansion 4.9 is in chaos.

The footsteps didn't stop, Ying Changge's figure didn't stop, and all of a sudden approached behind Cao Kong.

Like an immortal guiding the way, Ying Changge was in a hurry along the way, and he soon found this guy.

The panting Cao Kong was still running away, and when he saw Ying Changge approaching, he was already panicking.

Frightened and gritted his teeth, Cao Kong showed an angry look, "Damn it!"

"I want to kill you, but I don't spare any effort." Ying Changge smiled indifferently, "Cao Kong, let's capture it!"

Cao Kong shook his head and stared at Ying Changge intently, "As soon as I surrender, I will be beheaded!".

Chapter 488 Scarred and bruised all over!

"You have already investigated my head. You must be very clear about what I have done."

"Isn't it!" Cao Kong scolded, "Then let's have an upright fight!"

"Escape from your sword, Ying Changge, so that I, Cao Kong, will have a chance to live, otherwise I will die."

"What do you think!" As Cao Kong spoke, he had already raised his saber, majestic.

The saber has not been used for a long time, but now, Cao Kong is going to fight anyway.

Otherwise, under such an invasion, Cao Kong would suffer very heavy casualties and be directly beheaded by Ying Changge.

In order to survive, Cao Kong will do anything, he is really a crazy guy.

Seeing him like this, Ying Changge sighed helplessly, "The prodigal son will return for gold."

"You've made a big mistake, why don't you look back now!" Ying Changge raised his sword.

Staring at Cao Kong intently, Ying Changge rushed forward with big strides and started killing.

Since it was Cao Kong who was obsessed, of course Ying Changge didn't have the patience to continue to persuade this kid.

He wanted to kill everyone one by one, so that Cao Kong's mansion was completely emptied up and down.

Killing one to set an example, questioning the traitor, Ying Changge's sword sharply stabbed Cao Kong in the head.

Cao Kong also has some skills, but he is not good at learning and has been abandoned for many years, and it is difficult to be hostile.

Since becoming an official, Cao Kong has only known day and night that he was corrupt and perverted the law, and was addicted to alcoholism.

Therefore, under such a fight, of course, Cao Kong would do his best to resist Ying Changge.

He wanted to escape, he wanted to live, so in such a confrontation, Cao Kong did his best.

The sword edge came rampant at once, and Cao Kong met him out of his own power.

Taking the lead to attack, Cao Kong tried to kill the opponent.

Ying Changge held his sword and blocked Cao Kong's sword without haste. He was so quick.

With a cold snort, he shot quickly, his sword was already hitting Cao Kong's sword edge.

With just such a blow, Ying Changge easily suppressed Cao Kong, making it impossible for him to leave.

Not to be outdone, he continued to shoot, and Cao Kong's sword attacked violently, piercing him directly.

Cao Kongkong has a temperament, but his sword edge does not have much power.

Therefore, Ying Changge raised his sword in front of him, blocking Cao Kong's weapon.

Staring at Cao Kong's movements without blinking, the sword in his hand was still piercing sharply, with thousands of changes.

The swordsmanship that Ying Changge has cultivated is very fast, and even full of unfathomable meaning.

When Cao Kong was hostile to Ying Changge, he could only be beaten by Ying Changge's sword and retreated again and again, unable to start.

Continuing to retreat slightly embarrassed, he stared at the other party intently, already very resentful.

After a few rounds, the sword in Cao Kong's hand was already unsteady.

He was soaked in alcohol all the year round, and his body was hollowed out, making Cao Kong unable to hold even a sword.

After confronting Ying Changge a few times, Cao Kong just retreated blindly, very embarrassed.

Not to be outdone, he snorted coldly, grasped the edge of his sword, and stared at the other side intently.

He has long admired the name of Ying Changge. Under such an invasion, Cao Kong was full of flaws.

Ping Pong Pong. Cao Kong reluctantly fought Ying Changge for a few more rounds, and he became more and more tired.

Weak and almost falling to the ground, Cao Kong was dizzy, and it was already impossible to continue the battle.

It didn't take much effort to deal with Cao Kong, but the sword in the Ying Chang singer continued to fall quickly.

The repeated assassinations and the whereabouts of the sword's edge left Cao Kong with scars and bruises all over his body.

With no choice but to take three steps back, Cao Kong could only pull a certain distance from Ying Changge first.

Otherwise, if they continue to compete with Ying Changge, I am afraid that Cao Kong himself will die in this kind of competition.

Ying Changge's ability is high and strong, and Cao Kong is mediocre, so the situation has been easily divided into high and low.

It has been investigated that Cao Kong has committed various crimes, Ying Changge will not let him go, and he must be beheaded.

Seeing Ying Changge's toughness and knowing that he is very fierce, Cao Kong was somewhat fearful and flustered.

No, you have to run away! Cao Kong no longer hesitated, the whole person quickly escaped, and left immediately.

Otherwise, under such a deal, I am afraid that Cao Kong would not know how he died, and he would have to live.

Holding the sword in his hand tightly, Cao Kong snorted coldly, then turned his head and ran away without hesitation.

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